Vertaling eigenschappen Engels-Nederlands

long shots = afstandschoten
long throws = verre inworpen
marking = mandekking
passing = passing
penalty taking = penalties nemen
tackling = tackelen
technique = techniek

aggression = aggressie
anticipation = anticipatie
bravery = lef
composure = zelfbeheersing
concentration = concentratie
creativity = creativiteit
decisions = beslissingen
determination = doorzettingsvermogen
flair = flair
influence = invloed
off the ball = zonder bal
positioning = positiespel
team work = team work
work rate = inzet

acceleration = 1ste meters
agility = bewegelijkheid
balance = evenwicht
jumping = springen
natural fitness = natuurlijke conditie
pace = snelheid
stamina = uithoudingsvermogen
strenght = kracht

aerial ability = hoge ballen
command of area = uitkomen op voorzetten
communication = communicatie
eccentricity = eccentriciteit
handling = balbehandeling
kicking = uittrappen
one on ones = een-tegen-een
reflexes = reflezen
rushing out = uitkomen
tendency to punch = neiging om bal te boksen
throwing = Uitwerpen

ability to handle pressure = vermogen om met druk om te gaan
ambition = ambitie
loyalty = trouwheid
media handling = omgang met pers
professionalism = professionaliteit
temperament = temperament