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Op 22-1-2023 om 11:51 zei chrisje1993:

De Cadel Evans GORR staat al online!


@Viktor @FlyD @Gert @Hans. @007mark @Hwb @delichris @capelle1212 @Djurovski @JorisvdMeer @neva @Lenstra @MetalMichael @aron24 @Erwin. @Miz @Elano @Satyr @Justin


Sorry een nieuwe vraag van de debutant, wat bedoel je met GORR? ;c 

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Cadel Evans Great Ocean Road Race




Michael Matthews (C)

Simon Yates

Ethan Hayter -25

Caleb Ewan

Lucas Plapp -25

Hugo Hofstetter

Jay Vine

Alberto Bettiol

Ben O'Connor

Gerben Thijssen -25



Michael Matthews (C)

Caleb Ewan

Hugo Hofstetter

Bryan Coquard

Gerben Thijssen -25

Phil Bauahaus

Ethan Hayter -25

Corbin Strong -25

Jordi Meeus -25

Boy van Poppel



Michael Matthews (C)

Luke Plapp -25

Jay Vine

Pello Bilbao

Simon Yates

Caleb Ewan

Ethan Hayter -25

Hugo Hofstetter

Jordi Meeus -25

Alberto Bettiol



Alberto Bettiol (C)

Ben O'Connor

Jai Hindley

Michael Matthews

Jay Vine

Sven Erik Bystrom

Matteo Cattaneo

Corbin Strong -25

Ethan Hayter -25

Mauro Schmid -25



Caleb Ewan (C)

Jai Hindley

Alberto Bettiol

Ethan Hayter -25

Michael Matthews

Sebastian Berwick -25

Natnael Tesfatsion -25

Simon Yates

Jay Vine

Dries Devenyns



Alberto Bettiol (C)

Michael Matthews

Caleb Ewan

Jay Vine

Simon Yates

Jai Hindley

Magnus Sheffiel -25

Mauro Schmid -25

Hugo Hofstetter

Ethan Hayter -25



Michael Matthews (C)

Alberto Bettiol

Caleb Ewan

Jay Vine

Simon Yates

Jai Hindley

Hugo Hofstetter

Ethan Hayter -25

Hugo Page -25

Mauro Schmid -25



Jay Vine (C)

Alberto Bettiol

Corbin Strong -25

Alessandro Covi

Jai Hindley

Simon Yates

Michael Matthews

Magnus Sheffield -25

Ethan Hayter -25

Mauro Schmid -25



Jay Vine (C)

Ethan Hayter -25

Marc Hirschi -25

Magnus Sheffield -25

Mauro Schmid -25

Alberto Bettiol

Jai Hindley

Simon Yates

Ben O'Connor

Michael Matthews



Ethan Heyter -25 (C)

Alberto Bettiol

Caleb Ewan

Daryl Impey

Michael Matthews

Hugo Hofstetter

Magnus Sheffield -25

Jordi Meeus -25

Jay Vine

Patrick Bevin



Michael Matthews (C)

Simon Yates

Caleb Ewan

Alberto Bettiol

Jay Vine

Ethan Hayter -25

Magnus Sheffield -25

Mauro Schmid -25

Corbin Strong -25

Marc Hirschi -25



Michael Matthews (C)

Alberto Bettiol

Caleb Ewan

Hugo Page -25

Alessandro Covi -25

Natnael Tesfatsion -25

Mauro Schmid -25

Hugo Hofstetter

Corbin Strong -25

Magnus Sheffield -25



Caleb Ewan (C)

Michael Matthews

Marco Haller

Hugo Hofstetter

Mikkel Honore

Ethan Hayter -25

Daryl Impey

Marc Hirschi -25

Jordi Meeus -25

Gerben Thijssen -25

Edited by chrisje1993
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Uitslag Cadel Evans Great Ocean Road Race:


1. @Viktor  630 PNT.

2. @FlyD  515 PNT.

3. @Elano  505 PNT.

4. @delichris  430 PNT.

5. @Satyr  350 PNT

6. @chrisje1993  335 PNT.

7. @Justin  335 PNT.

8. @Djurovski  300 PNT.

9. @Hans.  235 PNT.

10. @Gert  235 PNT.

11. @Lenstra  215 PNT.

12. @aron24  205 PNT.

13. @007mark  200 PNT.


Viktor had als enige Matthews, Page EN Strong. Mede hiermee pakt hij de overwinning!

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Lijstjes UAE Tour




EVENEPOEL Remco (C) -25
EWAN Caleb
GLOAG Thomas -25
PLAPP Luke -25



01. Taj Jones -25

02. Jay Vine

03. Remco Evenepoel -25 (C)

04. Sepp Kuss

05. Elia Viviani

06. Sam Bennett

07. Arnaud Demare

08. Phil Bauhaus

09. Marco Brenner -25

10. Caleb Ewan



Remco Evenepoel -25 (C)

Mauro Schmid -25

Thomas Gloag -25

Jay Vine

Adam Yates

Pello Bilbao

Sam Bennett

Dylan Groenewegen

Caleb Ewan

Arnaud DĂ©mare



Remco Evenepoel (C) - 25
Adam Yates

Jay Vine

Fernando Gaviria
Tim Merlier
Olav Kooij -25
Dylan Groenewegen
Sam Bennett
Michael Storer -25
Sam Welsford



1 Caleb Ewan Lotto

2 Taj Jones Israel U25

3 Valentin Paret-peintre AG2R U25

4 Pelle Bilbao Bahrein

5 Cees Bol Astana

6 Elia Viviani Ineos

7 Fernando Gaviria Moviestar

8 Remco Evenepoel Quick Step U25 C

9 Marc Soler UAE

10 Sepp Kuss Jumbo Visna



Remco Evenepoel -25 (C)

Jay Vine

Pello Bilbao

Dylan Groenewegen

Arnaud Demare

Tim Merlier

Adam Yates

Olav Kooij -25

Einer Rubio -25

Sam Bennett



Remco Evenepoel (-25)
Adam Yates

Jay Vine
Pello Bilbao

Tom Gloag (-25)

Luke Plapp (-25)
Tim Merlier

Sam Bennett

Sam Welshford

Michael Storer



1. Evenepoel - Quick Step -25 (C)

2. Yates - UAE

3. Merlier - Quick Step

4. Bauhaus - Bora

5. Bilbao - Bahrain

6. Vine - UAE

7. Bennett - Bora

8. Groenewegen - Jayco 

9. Plapp - Ineos -25

10. Kooij - Jumbo -25




Evenenpoel (C)











Remco Evenepoel (kopman)  -25
Adam Yates
Jay Vine
Sam Bennett
Pello Bilbao
Olav Kooij  -25
Luke Plapp -25
Emaniel Buchman
Caleb Ewan
Tim Merlier



1 Yates Adam - INEOS - KOPMAN

2 Bilbao - BAHRAIN

3 Vine - UAE

4 Gloag - JUMBO

5 Bouchard - AG2R

6 Storer - FDJ

7 Merlier - ALPACIN

8 Evenepoel - QST - TM 25

9 Kooij - JUMBO - TM 25

10 Leknessund - DSM - TM 25



Remco Evenepoel (Soudal Quickstep) U25 ©
Adam Yates (INEOS)
Jay Vine (UAE)
Tim Merlier (Soudal Quickstep)
Olav Kooij (Jumbo-Visma) U25
Pello Bilbao (Bahrain)
Sepp Kuss (Jumbo-Visma)
Sam Bennett (BORA)
Sam Welshford (DSM) U25
Dylan Groenewegen (Jayco)



1 Remco Evenepoel -25 ©
2 Adam Yates
3 Pello Bilbao
4 Jay Vine
5 Lucas Plapp -25
6 Sepp Kuss
7 Fernando Gaviria
8 Caleb Ewan
9 Dylan Groenewegen
10 Thomas Gloag -25



1. Evenepoel *K*

2. Yates

3. Vine

4. Bilbao

5. Plapp -25

6. Tulett -25

7. Gloag -25

8. Merlier 

9. Groenewegen

10. Welsford 



Evenepoel -25 (c)



Plapp -25

Gloag -25

McNulty -25


Kooij -25




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UAE Tour; etappe 1


@Justin 380
@Hans. 340
@capelle1212 340
RicharĂ°. 310
@chrisje1993 250
@Lenstra 250
@Kelvin 230
@FlyD 220
@Gert 220
@Elano 220
@Viktor 210
@delichris 200
@Erwin. 190
@Djurovski 180
@007mark 170


Etappe 2


RicharĂ°. 90
delichris 90
Djurovski 90
FlyD 90
Hans. 90
capelle1212 90
Justin 90
Viktor 90
Elano 90
Erwin. 90
007mark 80
Kelvin 80
chrisje1993 80
Lenstra 80
Gert 40


UAE Tour; algemeen klassement na etappe 2


Justin 470
Hans. 430
capelle1212 430
RicharĂ°. 400
chrisje1993 330
Lenstra 330
Kelvin 310
FlyD 310
Elano 310
Viktor 300
delichris 290
Erwin. 280
Djurovski 270
Gert 260
007mark 250

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UAE Tour; etappe 3


@Viktor 380
RicharĂ°. 360
@chrisje1993 360
@FlyD 360
@capelle1212 360
@Elano 360
@Erwin. 360
@Hans. 320
@Justin 320
@Gert 320
@007mark 300
@Lenstra 280
@Kelvin 260
@delichris 200
@Djurovski 200


UAE Tour; algemeen klassement na etappe 3


capelle1212 790
Justin 790
RicharĂ°. 760
Hans. 750
chrisje1993 690
Viktor 680
FlyD 670
Elano 670
Erwin. 640
Lenstra 610
Gert 580
Kelvin 570
007mark 550
delichris 490
Djurovski 470


Meteen even de mention dat Omloop het Nieuwsblad en Kuurne-Brussel-Kuurne online staan!

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UAE Tour; etappe 4


@Kelvin 280
@Lenstra 280
@chrisje1993 200
@Hans. 200
@capelle1212 200
@Erwin. 180
@Elano 160
@Justin 140
@FlyD 130
RicharĂ°. 110
@Gert 110
@007mark 90
@Viktor 60
@delichris 30
@Djurovski 0


UAE Tour; algemeen klassement na etappe 4


capelle1212 990
Hans. 950
Justin 930
chrisje1993 890
Lenstra 890
RicharĂ°. 870
Kelvin 850
Elano 830
Erwin. 820
FlyD 800
Viktor 740
Gert 690
007mark 640
delichris 520
Djurovski 470

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