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Nieuwe serie, is al 5 afleveringen op weg. Ik vind het echt heerlijk weg kijken, actie met een dosis humor.




Finally! The Elvis Presley biopic we've all been waiting for. Just kidding. The series, inspired by a true story, is actually more like a scripted version of The Real World, except instead of a house full or regular people, the tenants are from various U.S. law enforcement agencies and are living in a So. Cal beach house as part of an undercover mission. In other words, pretty people + bikinis + ass-kicking = Graceland. Could you really ask for more from a summer show? - Complex


Somewhere in Southern California, in a drug raid run by the US government, a beachfront property was seized and turned into a residence for undercover cops. They are all top agents of the DEA, FBI, and Customs and they are living in this house unofficially known as "Graceland". "Graceland" is a place full of secrets, and bad, good, and blurred moments too. The only idyllic thing is its outside look, but the lives of its residents are nothing like it. The lies which are in the base of their undercover work, are formed a web of lies that pervades everything. Coming of a new graduating at the top of his class, FBI rookie, Mike Warren (Aaron Tveit), could make the life of a legendary FBI agent Paul Briggs (Daniel Sunjata) and the others, more complicated or it could reveal the truth. It is based upon actual events - IMDB


Heerlijke dames, sexy.



Fucking lekker, maar daarvoor moet je der op bewegend beeld zien.



MV5BMTM1NTkyNzAzMl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjk5NzUxNw@@._  V1._SX640_SY960_.jpg



Edited by Ilias.
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Nieuwe serie, is al 5 afleveringen op weg. Ik vind het echt heerlijk weg kijken, actie met een dosis humor.




Finally! The Elvis Presley biopic we've all been waiting for. Just kidding. The series, inspired by a true story, is actually more like a scripted version of The Real World, except instead of a house full or regular people, the tenants are from various U.S. law enforcement agencies and are living in a So. Cal beach house as part of an undercover mission. In other words, pretty people + bikinis + ass-kicking = Graceland. Could you really ask for more from a summer show? - Complex


Somewhere in Southern California, in a drug raid run by the US government, a beachfront property was seized and turned into a residence for undercover cops. They are all top agents of the DEA, FBI, and Customs and they are living in this house unofficially known as "Graceland". "Graceland" is a place full of secrets, and bad, good, and blurred moments too. The only idyllic thing is its outside look, but the lives of its residents are nothing like it. The lies which are in the base of their undercover work, are formed a web of lies that pervades everything. Coming of a new graduating at the top of his class, FBI rookie, Mike Warren (Aaron Tveit), could make the life of a legendary FBI agent Paul Briggs (Daniel Sunjata) and the others, more complicated or it could reveal the truth. It is based upon actual events - IMDB


Heerlijke dames, sexy.



Fucking lekker, maar daarvoor moet je der op bewegend beeld zien.



MV5BMTM1NTkyNzAzMl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjk5NzUxNw@@._  V1._SX640_SY960_.jpg



Edited by Ilias.
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