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After happily married couple Sean and Beverly Lincoln win yet another BAFTA Award for their successful British sitcom, Lyman's Boys, they are persuaded to move to Hollywood and remake their series for an American audience. Unfortunately the network starts to make changes, and pressure the couple into casting Matt LeBlanc in the lead role for the sitcom.

A complicated triangle ensues, in which Sean likes Matt, while Beverly is less impressed. With continuing changes to the sitcom it threatens to damage the show, and other pressures result in a rough patch in their marriage.


Kortom: Matt LeBlanc speelt Matt LeBlanc. :D


Het begin van de trailer is wat saai, dus hou even vol. In de serie zit veel humor.




Dit is ook een prachtige clip uit de serie:


Er zijn al twee (vrij korte) seizoenen van en er is een derde op komst. Kijkt vlot weg.

Edited by palacio
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After happily married couple Sean and Beverly Lincoln win yet another BAFTA Award for their successful British sitcom, Lyman's Boys, they are persuaded to move to Hollywood and remake their series for an American audience. Unfortunately the network starts to make changes, and pressure the couple into casting Matt LeBlanc in the lead role for the sitcom.

A complicated triangle ensues, in which Sean likes Matt, while Beverly is less impressed. With continuing changes to the sitcom it threatens to damage the show, and other pressures result in a rough patch in their marriage.


Kortom: Matt LeBlanc speelt Matt LeBlanc. :D


Het begin van de trailer is wat saai, dus hou even vol. In de serie zit veel humor.




Dit is ook een prachtige clip uit de serie:


Er zijn al twee (vrij korte) seizoenen van en er is een derde op komst. Kijkt vlot weg.

Edited by palacio
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