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HBO: Girls


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In de stijl van How To Make It In America, maar dan anders.


Created by and starring Lena Dunham ("Tiny Furniture") the show is a look at the assorted humiliations and rare triumphs of a group of girls in their 20s. Dunham wrote and directed the pilot which she executive produces along with Judd Apatow and Jenni Konner. The cast also includes Adam Driver Jemima Kirke, Zosia Mamet and Allison Williams. The 10 episodes were all shot in New York.




88 on Metacritic.


Tim Goodman: 'Girls' Is Brilliant Gem For HBO


Entertainment Weekly/Ken Tucker: A


Sepinwall: HBO's 'Girls' brilliantly channels Lena Dunham's comic voice

Maureen Ryan: Lena Dunham's Frank And Fearless Debut


Televisionary @ The Daily Beast: HBO’s ‘Girls’ Is the Best New TV Show of 2012


Newsday: A-


- USA Today: The scruffy side of the city


- Time: Brave New Girls


Ik vind het zeer vermakelijk in ieder geval. Leuk voor tussendoor, gewoon duidelijk HBO-kwaliteit. Aanrader dus.

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In de stijl van How To Make It In America, maar dan anders.


Created by and starring Lena Dunham ("Tiny Furniture") the show is a look at the assorted humiliations and rare triumphs of a group of girls in their 20s. Dunham wrote and directed the pilot which she executive produces along with Judd Apatow and Jenni Konner. The cast also includes Adam Driver Jemima Kirke, Zosia Mamet and Allison Williams. The 10 episodes were all shot in New York.




88 on Metacritic.


Tim Goodman: 'Girls' Is Brilliant Gem For HBO


Entertainment Weekly/Ken Tucker: A


Sepinwall: HBO's 'Girls' brilliantly channels Lena Dunham's comic voice

Maureen Ryan: Lena Dunham's Frank And Fearless Debut


Televisionary @ The Daily Beast: HBO’s ‘Girls’ Is the Best New TV Show of 2012


Newsday: A-


- USA Today: The scruffy side of the city


- Time: Brave New Girls


Ik vind het zeer vermakelijk in ieder geval. Leuk voor tussendoor, gewoon duidelijk HBO-kwaliteit. Aanrader dus.

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Is weer begonnen, voel me best gay dat ik het leuk vind maar ja schijttt
Ik ben net begonnen en heb gelijk 5 afleveringen achter mekaar gekeken. Ik weet zeker dat ik 't hele 1e seizoen ga afzien voor 't einde van 't weekend. Ik vind 't zo grappig, zoveel gekke dingen gebeuren er.
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