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Anger Management

Big Mike

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Anger Management is an upcoming American comedy series that is set to premiere on FX on June 28, 2012. The series is based on the 2003 movie of the same name and stars Charlie Sheen as the role originated by Jack Nicholson in the movie. The series follows Charlie (Charlie Sheen), a former minor-league baseball player who has overcome his past anger issues to become a "non-traditional" therapist. However, his life is continuously complicated by his family and friends.




Charlie Sheen as Charlie Goodson

Selma Blair

Shawnee Smith as Jennifer Goodson

Michael Arden as Patrick

Daniela Bobadilla as Emma Goodson

Noureen DeWulf

Derek Richardson as Nolan




Brett Butler as the bartender at a bar Charlie frequents.

Katlin Mastandrea as Olivia, Emma's best friend.

Aldo Gonzalez as Ernesto, a therapy patient in Charlie's prison group.

Martin Sheen as Charlie's father


On July 18, 2011, it was announced that a TV series based on the 2003 film Anger Management was in development with Charlie Sheen starring in the role played by Jack Nicholson in the film. The series will be Sheen's first acting role since his firing from the hit CBS sitcom Two and a Half Men on March 7, 2011 after eight seasons. On October 27, 2011, it was announced that FX had picked up the series with an initial ten episode order. If the series is successful, FX would then order an additional 90 episodes under a unique syndication model crafted by Debmar-Mercury, which would be shot over an accelerated schedule of two years. The series is set to premiere on June 28, 2012 at 9pm on FX.




Casting announcements began in January 2012, with Shawnee Smith and Selma Blair first cast as the two female leads. Smith was cast as Charlie's ex-wife and Blair was cast as Charlie's therapist and possible love interest. Several actresses tested for the two female lead roles, including Julie Benz, Jenica Bergere, Elaine Hendrix, Kate Reinders and Nicole Hiltz.

Next to be cast was Noureen DeWulf, in the role of a spoiled rich girl who is sentenced to join the therapy group after shooting her boyfriend when he cheated on her. Michael Arden and Daniela Bobadilla were cast as, respectively, Patrick, one of the members of the therapy group, and Bobadilla as Emma, Charlie's 13-year-old daughter. Derek Richardson was the last actor cast in the series, in the role of a member of the therapy group whose anger issue is that he has no anger.


Ik ben benieuwd, ga het zeker een kans geven wat Sheen is natuurlijk baas³

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Anger Management is an upcoming American comedy series that is set to premiere on FX on June 28, 2012. The series is based on the 2003 movie of the same name and stars Charlie Sheen as the role originated by Jack Nicholson in the movie. The series follows Charlie (Charlie Sheen), a former minor-league baseball player who has overcome his past anger issues to become a "non-traditional" therapist. However, his life is continuously complicated by his family and friends.




Charlie Sheen as Charlie Goodson

Selma Blair

Shawnee Smith as Jennifer Goodson

Michael Arden as Patrick

Daniela Bobadilla as Emma Goodson

Noureen DeWulf

Derek Richardson as Nolan




Brett Butler as the bartender at a bar Charlie frequents.

Katlin Mastandrea as Olivia, Emma's best friend.

Aldo Gonzalez as Ernesto, a therapy patient in Charlie's prison group.

Martin Sheen as Charlie's father


On July 18, 2011, it was announced that a TV series based on the 2003 film Anger Management was in development with Charlie Sheen starring in the role played by Jack Nicholson in the film. The series will be Sheen's first acting role since his firing from the hit CBS sitcom Two and a Half Men on March 7, 2011 after eight seasons. On October 27, 2011, it was announced that FX had picked up the series with an initial ten episode order. If the series is successful, FX would then order an additional 90 episodes under a unique syndication model crafted by Debmar-Mercury, which would be shot over an accelerated schedule of two years. The series is set to premiere on June 28, 2012 at 9pm on FX.




Casting announcements began in January 2012, with Shawnee Smith and Selma Blair first cast as the two female leads. Smith was cast as Charlie's ex-wife and Blair was cast as Charlie's therapist and possible love interest. Several actresses tested for the two female lead roles, including Julie Benz, Jenica Bergere, Elaine Hendrix, Kate Reinders and Nicole Hiltz.

Next to be cast was Noureen DeWulf, in the role of a spoiled rich girl who is sentenced to join the therapy group after shooting her boyfriend when he cheated on her. Michael Arden and Daniela Bobadilla were cast as, respectively, Patrick, one of the members of the therapy group, and Bobadilla as Emma, Charlie's 13-year-old daughter. Derek Richardson was the last actor cast in the series, in the role of a member of the therapy group whose anger issue is that he has no anger.


Ik ben benieuwd, ga het zeker een kans geven wat Sheen is natuurlijk baas³

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Inmiddels gezien (vanmorgen al hoor) en vond het goed, maar niet verfrissend of vernieuwd. Het is het simpele comedy thema, meerdere camera's, lachband, verschillende typetjes die al vaker in de TV wereld voorgekomen zijn. Het voelt allemaal heel vertrouwd en heel normaal, wat aan de ene kant goed is (want beter goed gejat dan slecht bedacht) maar ook weer jammer omdat je niet meteen hebt van ''wow wat word dit een vette serie''. Het zal zo als het er nu uitziet wss wel een lang lopende serie worden, met Charlie die weer als vanouds aan het acteren is. Of ik het echt vol ga volgen laat ik een beetje afhangen van de rest van dit seizoen.

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Ze zijn een beetje zoekende lijkt het wel, en ik ben nog niet helemaal overtuigd. Wel jammer dat ze weer alle vriendjes van Charlie uit de kast hebben gehaald, de neger uit Spin City en in aflevering 4 komt ''ik haat hem stiekem, maar wil wel zo goed mogelijk meeprofiteren van zijn succes'' Denise Richards ook even langs wippen. Nog even en we hebben een gast rol van John Cryer en Jake die het nieuwe vriendje van de dochter van Charlie speelt.

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Dat is hier ook wel een beetje het geval, en sowieso zijn komedies net even wat leuker onder invloed, niet gek dat ik dus heel wat komedies heb laten vallen ;c Seizoen is volgens mij bijna afgelopen dus dan is het een mooi moment om even een avondje door te trekken :D

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Anger Management, de sitcom met Charlie Sheen in de hoofdrol, is verlengd met 90 afleveringen. De serie is vanaf 7 oktober wekelijks te zien op Comedy Central.


De show moest zichzelf eerst bewijzen voordat er 90 nieuwe afleveringen werden toegezegd. Dit deed Sheen al meteen na de eerste uitzending in Amerika. De aflevering (28/6/12) was de best bekeken primetime première van een komedieserie op de kabel in de V.S. ooit!


In Anger Management is Charlie Sheen te zien als ex-honkbalspeler 'Charlie' die zijn problemen met woedebeheersing heeft overwonnen. Nu treedt hij zelf op als onconventionele therapeut die anderen helpt hetzelfde te doen.

Naast Sheen zijn actrices Shawnee Smit en Selma Blair te zien als de vrouwen in zijn leven. Smit speelt Jennifer, Charlie's ex. Ze is sexy, maar zo gek als een deur. Blair speelt Kate, zijn voormalige psycholoog die hem zowel binnen als buiten de slaapkamer ‘coacht’ om zijn woede onder controle te houden. Charlie’s vader wordt in de serie gespeeld door Martin Sheen, in het echte leven ook zijn pa.

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Vandaag de eerste 4 afleveringen gezien van seizoen 1, moet zeggen dat het op momenten best grappig is. Vind de relatie tussen Charlie en z'n ex echt een standaard Amerikaanse tv-serie scheiding. Vind Charlie nog steeds gewoon een eindbaas _O_

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