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During his childhood, Shawn Spencer developed a remarkable talent for noticing the tiniest of details under the guidance of his policeman father. However, upon growing up he found it difficult to get a job, and spends most of his time using his skill to give the police anonymous tips. However, the tips are so good that some cops become suspicious that he is involved with the crimes himself. To clear his name Shawn finally settles on a career: he pretends to be a psychic. No one really believes him, but he continues to be so helpful to the police that they keep calling him in on cases they can't solve. Shawn soon brings his childhood friend Gus into his scheme, and between their bantering they manage to solve every case they're presented with


De chemie tussen Shawn en Gus is zo freaking awesome hé. Die twee voelen elkaar gewoon perfect aan. Ook Lassiter is met z'n onkunde een grappige personage. Eén van m'n favoriete series op CC op dit moment.

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During his childhood, Shawn Spencer developed a remarkable talent for noticing the tiniest of details under the guidance of his policeman father. However, upon growing up he found it difficult to get a job, and spends most of his time using his skill to give the police anonymous tips. However, the tips are so good that some cops become suspicious that he is involved with the crimes himself. To clear his name Shawn finally settles on a career: he pretends to be a psychic. No one really believes him, but he continues to be so helpful to the police that they keep calling him in on cases they can't solve. Shawn soon brings his childhood friend Gus into his scheme, and between their bantering they manage to solve every case they're presented with


De chemie tussen Shawn en Gus is zo freaking awesome hé. Die twee voelen elkaar gewoon perfect aan. Ook Lassiter is met z'n onkunde een grappige personage. Eén van m'n favoriete series op CC op dit moment.

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Hehe nieuwe ep. Beginstukje gezien, nu ff Frosties pakken, maar denk dat ie echt briljant is. Beetje Hangover-thema.








Gus _O_ Woody _O_ Deze ep, beste in tijden.



Zo waar, schitterend :-D

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Vond hem deze week wat minder, maar komt ook omdat vorige week natuurlijk ontzettend baas was met alle helden in de serie vol in beeld. Die lijkschouwer moet meer aan bod komen, heerlijk personage, wat vorige week ook heel duidelijk te merken was. Gus blijft wel baas hoor, die samenwerking met Shawn :

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