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Twin Peaks


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Twin Peaks is an American television serial drama created by David Lynch and Mark Frost. The series follows the investigation headed by FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper (Kyle MacLachlan), of the brutal murder of a popular teenager and homecoming queen, Laura Palmer (Sheryl Lee). Twin Peaks' pilot episode was first broadcast on April 8, 1990 on ABC, which led to another seven episodes being produced and a second season, which aired until June 10, 1991. The show's name came from its setting, a small fictional Washington town. Exteriors were primarily filmed in Snoqualmie and North Bend, with additional exteriors shot in southern California. Most of the interior scenes were shot on standing sets in a San Fernando Valley warehouse.


Twin Peaks became one of 1990's top-rated shows, a critical success both nationally and internationally. Reflecting its devoted cult fan base, the series became a part of popular culture, referenced in other television shows, commercials, comic books, video games, films and song lyrics. Declining viewer ratings led to ABC's insistence that the identity of Laura's murderer be revealed midway through the second season. In 1992, the series spawned a prequel, the film Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me, a commercial failure in America, but a success in Japan. In 2007, Twin Peaks was listed as one of Time magazine's "Best TV Shows of All-TIME."


Vanavond aan begonnen, net de pilot gezien. Lynch pakt rustig de tijd om de verschillende lijntjes te trekken en vanaf de intrede van Special Agent Cooper barst het helemaal los. Morgen aflevering twee. En waarschijnlijk drie. Misschien wel vier.

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Twin Peaks is an American television serial drama created by David Lynch and Mark Frost. The series follows the investigation headed by FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper (Kyle MacLachlan), of the brutal murder of a popular teenager and homecoming queen, Laura Palmer (Sheryl Lee). Twin Peaks' pilot episode was first broadcast on April 8, 1990 on ABC, which led to another seven episodes being produced and a second season, which aired until June 10, 1991. The show's name came from its setting, a small fictional Washington town. Exteriors were primarily filmed in Snoqualmie and North Bend, with additional exteriors shot in southern California. Most of the interior scenes were shot on standing sets in a San Fernando Valley warehouse.


Twin Peaks became one of 1990's top-rated shows, a critical success both nationally and internationally. Reflecting its devoted cult fan base, the series became a part of popular culture, referenced in other television shows, commercials, comic books, video games, films and song lyrics. Declining viewer ratings led to ABC's insistence that the identity of Laura's murderer be revealed midway through the second season. In 1992, the series spawned a prequel, the film Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me, a commercial failure in America, but a success in Japan. In 2007, Twin Peaks was listed as one of Time magazine's "Best TV Shows of All-TIME."


Vanavond aan begonnen, net de pilot gezien. Lynch pakt rustig de tijd om de verschillende lijntjes te trekken en vanaf de intrede van Special Agent Cooper barst het helemaal los. Morgen aflevering twee. En waarschijnlijk drie. Misschien wel vier.

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Wait what? Ik googlede Twin Peaks ff, zag het plaatje en herinnerde me ineens dat ik seizoen 1 dus hier ergens heb liggen tussen een stapel crappy dvd's die ik ooit heb gekregen van iemand. Dus. Misschien dat S01 spoediger zal volgen, nadat ik Rome S01 en S02, The Office US S03 en de Tarkovskyi box heb gezien. :P

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Serieus, ik was echt bang van die moordenaar, en dan die geweldige dromen van die FBI-agent. Lynch doet eigenlijk vrij weinig om die scènes aan te kleden, maar ze zijn zo krachtig. Ik waande me helemaal in zijn wereld.

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Linkje voor een goede, snelle download of is die er niet?



Serieus, ik was echt bang van die moordenaar, en dan die geweldige dromen van die FBI-agent. Lynch doet eigenlijk vrij weinig om die scènes aan te kleden, maar ze zijn zo krachtig. Ik waande me helemaal in zijn wereld.

Klopt, Lynch zuigt je echt helemaal mee. Gelukkig is er nog Agent Cooper met z'n geweldige humor af en toe.

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Ohmygodohmygodohmygod seizoen 1 eindigt met een gi-gan-tische cliffhanger, damn.


Even Twin Peaks marathon gedaan jom? :cab: damn.


Kheb m vroeger nog op TV gezien, toen ik eigenlijk nog niet echt into dat soort vage shit was. Heb Lynch pas later weten te waarderen, eigenlijk vooral na Mulholland Dr. maargoed. Hele aparte serie iig.

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