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[Tournament] MU's TV Personage Toernooi [KOMEDIE]

Big Mike

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De laatste ronde, nu nog maar een paar en dan.... we kennen de rest vast en zeker allemaal. Wat ik ermee bedoel, is dat we met de laatste ''voor''ronde bezig gaan. Actie, Animatie en Drama hebben we gehad en die brachten ons de volgende finalisten!


[spoiler=De 'finalisten']














Wat dus betekend, dat we het laatste genre over houden, namelijk Komedie. Het concept begint weer uiterst simpel, want nomineren kan iedereen. Weet je niet zeker of de serie een Komedie is, we houden het genre wat imdb aangeeft aan. Om iedereen zijn kans te geven mensen te nomineren, houden we het voorlopig op 5 nominaties per persoon. Nomineren doen we weer op de volgende manier. Vinny en ik hebben besloten de naam van de acteur zelf weg te laten, was eigenlijk overbodig. (en weer extra werk voor ons) :naughty:


1. Charlie Harper, Two and a Half Men


Duidelijk? Lijkt me wel toch! Dus, nomineren maar dames!



1. Dr. Sheldon Cooper, The Big Bang Theory

2. Mr. Bean, Mr Bean

3. Nick Kingston-Persons, Are We There Yet

4. Andy Botwin, Weeds

5. Julius Rock, Everbody Hates Chris

6. Al Bundy, Married... With Childeren

7. John Dorian, Scrubs

8. Dr Cox, Scrubs

9: Ari Gold, Entourage

10: Barney Stinson, HIMYM

11: Hank Moody, Californication

12: Charlie Runkle, Californication

13: Sue Sylvester, Glee

14. Johnny Drama, Entourage

15. Joey Tribbiani, Friends

16. Chandler Bing, Friends

17. Doug Heffernan, The King of Queens

18. Michael Kyle, My Wife and Kids

19. Junior Kyle, My Wife and Kids

20. Allan Harper, Two and a Half Men

21. Jake Harper, Two and a Half Men

22. Charlie Harper, Two and a Half Men

23. Jeff Bingham, Rules of Engagement

24. Adam Rhodes, Rules of Engagement

25. Phil Dunphy, Modern Family

26. Will Smith, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

27. Jack Donaghy, 30 Rock

28. Abed Nadir, Community

29. Rajesh Koothrappali, The Big Bang Theory

30. Dwight K. Schrute - The Office US

31. Michael Scott - The Office US

32. Señor Chang - Community

33. Mark Vertongen - FC De Kampioenen

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De laatste ronde, nu nog maar een paar en dan.... we kennen de rest vast en zeker allemaal. Wat ik ermee bedoel, is dat we met de laatste ''voor''ronde bezig gaan. Actie, Animatie en Drama hebben we gehad en die brachten ons de volgende finalisten!


[spoiler=De 'finalisten']














Wat dus betekend, dat we het laatste genre over houden, namelijk Komedie. Het concept begint weer uiterst simpel, want nomineren kan iedereen. Weet je niet zeker of de serie een Komedie is, we houden het genre wat imdb aangeeft aan. Om iedereen zijn kans te geven mensen te nomineren, houden we het voorlopig op 5 nominaties per persoon. Nomineren doen we weer op de volgende manier. Vinny en ik hebben besloten de naam van de acteur zelf weg te laten, was eigenlijk overbodig. (en weer extra werk voor ons) :naughty:


1. Charlie Harper, Two and a Half Men


Duidelijk? Lijkt me wel toch! Dus, nomineren maar dames!



1. Dr. Sheldon Cooper, The Big Bang Theory

2. Mr. Bean, Mr Bean

3. Nick Kingston-Persons, Are We There Yet

4. Andy Botwin, Weeds

5. Julius Rock, Everbody Hates Chris

6. Al Bundy, Married... With Childeren

7. John Dorian, Scrubs

8. Dr Cox, Scrubs

9: Ari Gold, Entourage

10: Barney Stinson, HIMYM

11: Hank Moody, Californication

12: Charlie Runkle, Californication

13: Sue Sylvester, Glee

14. Johnny Drama, Entourage

15. Joey Tribbiani, Friends

16. Chandler Bing, Friends

17. Doug Heffernan, The King of Queens

18. Michael Kyle, My Wife and Kids

19. Junior Kyle, My Wife and Kids

20. Allan Harper, Two and a Half Men

21. Jake Harper, Two and a Half Men

22. Charlie Harper, Two and a Half Men

23. Jeff Bingham, Rules of Engagement

24. Adam Rhodes, Rules of Engagement

25. Phil Dunphy, Modern Family

26. Will Smith, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

27. Jack Donaghy, 30 Rock

28. Abed Nadir, Community

29. Rajesh Koothrappali, The Big Bang Theory

30. Dwight K. Schrute - The Office US

31. Michael Scott - The Office US

32. Señor Chang - Community

33. Mark Vertongen - FC De Kampioenen

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1. Dr. Sheldon Cooper, The Big Bang Theory

2. Mr. Bean, Mr Bean

3. Nick Kingston-Persons, Are We There Yet

4. Andy Botwin, Weeds

5. Julius Rock, Everbody Hates Chris

6. Al Bundy, Married... With Childeren


Laat het hier even bij, wil de laatste nominatie bewaren voor de held die door jullie niet genomineerd word ;c

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1. Dr. Sheldon Cooper, The Big Bang Theory

2. Mr. Bean, Mr Bean

3. Nick Kingston-Persons, Are We There Yet

4. Andy Botwin, Weeds

5. Julius Rock, Everbody Hates Chris

6. Al Bundy, Married... With Childeren

7. John Dorian, Scrubs

8. Dr Cox, Scrubs

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1. Dr. Sheldon Cooper, The Big Bang Theory

2. Mr. Bean, Mr Bean

3. Nick Kingston-Persons, Are We There Yet

4. Andy Botwin, Weeds

5. Julius Rock, Everbody Hates Chris

6. Al Bundy, Married... With Childeren

7. John Dorian, Scrubs

8. Dr Cox, Scrubs

9: Ari Gold, Entourage

10: Barney Stinson, HIMYM

11: Hank Moody, Californication

12: Charlie Runkle, Californication

13: Sue Sylvester, Glee

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1. Dr. Sheldon Cooper, The Big Bang Theory

2. Mr. Bean, Mr Bean

3. Nick Kingston-Persons, Are We There Yet

4. Andy Botwin, Weeds

5. Julius Rock, Everbody Hates Chris

6. Al Bundy, Married... With Childeren

7. John Dorian, Scrubs

8. Dr Cox, Scrubs

9: Ari Gold, Entourage

10: Barney Stinson, HIMYM

11: Hank Moody, Californication

12: Charlie Runkle, Californication

13: Sue Sylvester, Glee

14. Johnny Drama, Entourage

15. Joey Tribbiani, Friends

16. Chandler Bing, Friends

17. Doug Heffernan, The King of Queens

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1. Dr. Sheldon Cooper, The Big Bang Theory

2. Mr. Bean, Mr Bean

3. Nick Kingston-Persons, Are We There Yet

4. Andy Botwin, Weeds

5. Julius Rock, Everbody Hates Chris

6. Al Bundy, Married... With Childeren

7. John Dorian, Scrubs

8. Dr Cox, Scrubs

9: Ari Gold, Entourage

10: Barney Stinson, HIMYM

11: Hank Moody, Californication

12: Charlie Runkle, Californication

13: Sue Sylvester, Glee

14. Johnny Drama, Entourage

15. Joey Tribbiani, Friends

16. Chandler Bing, Friends

17. Doug Heffernan, The King of Queens

18. Michael Kyle, My Wife and Kids

19. Junior Kyle, My Wife and Kids

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1. Dr. Sheldon Cooper, The Big Bang Theory

2. Mr. Bean, Mr Bean

3. Nick Kingston-Persons, Are We There Yet

4. Andy Botwin, Weeds

5. Julius Rock, Everbody Hates Chris

6. Al Bundy, Married... With Childeren

7. John Dorian, Scrubs

8. Dr Cox, Scrubs

9: Ari Gold, Entourage

10: Barney Stinson, HIMYM

11: Hank Moody, Californication

12: Charlie Runkle, Californication

13: Sue Sylvester, Glee

14. Johnny Drama, Entourage

15. Joey Tribbiani, Friends

16. Chandler Bing, Friends

17. Doug Heffernan, The King of Queens

18. Michael Kyle, My Wife and Kids

19. Junior Kyle, My Wife and Kids

20. Allan Harper, Two and a Half Men

21. Jake Harper, Two and a Half Men

22. Charlie Harper, Two and a Half Men

23. Jeff Bingham, Rules of Engagement

24. Adam Rhodes, Rules of Engagement

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1. Dr. Sheldon Cooper, The Big Bang Theory

2. Mr. Bean, Mr Bean

3. Nick Kingston-Persons, Are We There Yet

4. Andy Botwin, Weeds

5. Julius Rock, Everbody Hates Chris

6. Al Bundy, Married... With Childeren

7. John Dorian, Scrubs

8. Dr Cox, Scrubs

9: Ari Gold, Entourage

10: Barney Stinson, HIMYM

11: Hank Moody, Californication

12: Charlie Runkle, Californication

13: Sue Sylvester, Glee

14. Johnny Drama, Entourage

15. Joey Tribbiani, Friends

16. Chandler Bing, Friends

17. Doug Heffernan, The King of Queens

18. Michael Kyle, My Wife and Kids

19. Junior Kyle, My Wife and Kids

20. Allan Harper, Two and a Half Men

21. Jake Harper, Two and a Half Men

22. Charlie Harper, Two and a Half Men

23. Jeff Bingham, Rules of Engagement

24. Adam Rhodes, Rules of Engagement

25. Phil Dunphy, Modern Family

26. Will Smith, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

27. Jack Donaghy, 30 Rock

28. Abed Nadir, Community

29. Rajesh Koothrappali, The Big Bang Theory

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1. Dr. Sheldon Cooper, The Big Bang Theory

2. Mr. Bean, Mr Bean

3. Nick Kingston-Persons, Are We There Yet

4. Andy Botwin, Weeds

5. Julius Rock, Everbody Hates Chris

6. Al Bundy, Married... With Childeren

7. John Dorian, Scrubs

8. Dr Cox, Scrubs

9: Ari Gold, Entourage

10: Barney Stinson, HIMYM

11: Hank Moody, Californication

12: Charlie Runkle, Californication

13: Sue Sylvester, Glee

14. Johnny Drama, Entourage

15. Joey Tribbiani, Friends

16. Chandler Bing, Friends

17. Doug Heffernan, The King of Queens

18. Michael Kyle, My Wife and Kids

19. Junior Kyle, My Wife and Kids

20. Allan Harper, Two and a Half Men

21. Jake Harper, Two and a Half Men

22. Charlie Harper, Two and a Half Men

23. Jeff Bingham, Rules of Engagement

24. Adam Rhodes, Rules of Engagement

25. Phil Dunphy, Modern Family

26. Will Smith, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

27. Jack Donaghy, 30 Rock

28. Abed Nadir, Community

29. Rajesh Koothrappali, The Big Bang Theory

30. Dwight K. Schrute - The Office US

31. Michael Scott - The Office US

32. Señor Chang - Community

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1. Dr. Sheldon Cooper, The Big Bang Theory

2. Mr. Bean, Mr Bean

3. Nick Kingston-Persons, Are We There Yet

4. Andy Botwin, Weeds

5. Julius Rock, Everbody Hates Chris

6. Al Bundy, Married... With Childeren

7. John Dorian, Scrubs

8. Dr Cox, Scrubs

9: Ari Gold, Entourage

10: Barney Stinson, HIMYM

11: Hank Moody, Californication

12: Charlie Runkle, Californication

13: Sue Sylvester, Glee

14. Johnny Drama, Entourage

15. Joey Tribbiani, Friends

16. Chandler Bing, Friends

17. Doug Heffernan, The King of Queens

18. Michael Kyle, My Wife and Kids

19. Junior Kyle, My Wife and Kids

20. Allan Harper, Two and a Half Men

21. Jake Harper, Two and a Half Men

22. Charlie Harper, Two and a Half Men

23. Jeff Bingham, Rules of Engagement

24. Adam Rhodes, Rules of Engagement

25. Phil Dunphy, Modern Family

26. Will Smith, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

27. Jack Donaghy, 30 Rock

28. Abed Nadir, Community

29. Rajesh Koothrappali, The Big Bang Theory

30. Dwight K. Schrute - The Office US

31. Michael Scott - The Office US

32. Señor Chang - Community

33. Mark Vertongen - FC De Kampioenen

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1. Dr. Sheldon Cooper, The Big Bang Theory

2. Mr. Bean, Mr Bean

3. Nick Kingston-Persons, Are We There Yet

4. Andy Botwin, Weeds

5. Julius Rock, Everbody Hates Chris

6. Al Bundy, Married... With Childeren

7. John Dorian, Scrubs

8. Dr Cox, Scrubs

9: Ari Gold, Entourage

10: Barney Stinson, HIMYM

11: Hank Moody, Californication

12: Charlie Runkle, Californication

13: Sue Sylvester, Glee

14. Johnny Drama, Entourage

15. Joey Tribbiani, Friends

16. Chandler Bing, Friends

17. Doug Heffernan, The King of Queens

18. Michael Kyle, My Wife and Kids

19. Junior Kyle, My Wife and Kids

20. Allan Harper, Two and a Half Men

21. Jake Harper, Two and a Half Men

22. Charlie Harper, Two and a Half Men

23. Jeff Bingham, Rules of Engagement

24. Adam Rhodes, Rules of Engagement

25. Phil Dunphy, Modern Family

26. Will Smith, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

27. Jack Donaghy, 30 Rock

28. Abed Nadir, Community

29. Rajesh Koothrappali, The Big Bang Theory

30. Dwight K. Schrute - The Office US

31. Michael Scott - The Office US

32. Señor Chang - Community

33. Mark Vertongen - FC De Kampioenen

34. Steven Hyde, That 70s show

35. Fez, that 70s show

36. Kelso, that 70s show

37. Eric forman, that 70s show

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1. Dr. Sheldon Cooper, The Big Bang Theory

2. Mr. Bean, Mr Bean

3. Nick Kingston-Persons, Are We There Yet

4. Andy Botwin, Weeds

5. Julius Rock, Everbody Hates Chris

6. Al Bundy, Married... With Childeren

7. John Dorian, Scrubs

8. Dr Cox, Scrubs

9: Ari Gold, Entourage

10: Barney Stinson, HIMYM

11: Hank Moody, Californication

12: Charlie Runkle, Californication

13: Sue Sylvester, Glee

14. Johnny Drama, Entourage

15. Joey Tribbiani, Friends

16. Chandler Bing, Friends

17. Doug Heffernan, The King of Queens

18. Michael Kyle, My Wife and Kids

19. Junior Kyle, My Wife and Kids

20. Allan Harper, Two and a Half Men

21. Jake Harper, Two and a Half Men

22. Charlie Harper, Two and a Half Men

23. Jeff Bingham, Rules of Engagement

24. Adam Rhodes, Rules of Engagement

25. Phil Dunphy, Modern Family

26. Will Smith, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

27. Jack Donaghy, 30 Rock

28. Abed Nadir, Community

29. Rajesh Koothrappali, The Big Bang Theory

30. Dwight K. Schrute - The Office US

31. Michael Scott - The Office US

32. Señor Chang - Community

33. Mark Vertongen - FC De Kampioenen

34. Steven Hyde, That 70s show

35. Fez, that 70s show

36. Kelso, that 70s show

37. Eric forman, that 70s show

38. Penny, The Big Bang Theory

39. Howard Wolowitz, The Big Bang Theory

40. Troy Barnes, Community

41. Pierce Hawthorne, Community

42. Doug Wilson, Weeds

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1. Dr. Sheldon Cooper, The Big Bang Theory

2. Mr. Bean, Mr Bean

3. Nick Kingston-Persons, Are We There Yet

4. Andy Botwin, Weeds

5. Julius Rock, Everbody Hates Chris

6. Al Bundy, Married... With Childeren

7. John Dorian, Scrubs

8. Dr Cox, Scrubs

9: Ari Gold, Entourage

10: Barney Stinson, HIMYM

11: Hank Moody, Californication

12: Charlie Runkle, Californication

13: Sue Sylvester, Glee

14. Johnny Drama, Entourage

15. Joey Tribbiani, Friends

16. Chandler Bing, Friends

17. Doug Heffernan, The King of Queens

18. Michael Kyle, My Wife and Kids

19. Junior Kyle, My Wife and Kids

20. Allan Harper, Two and a Half Men

21. Jake Harper, Two and a Half Men

22. Charlie Harper, Two and a Half Men

23. Jeff Bingham, Rules of Engagement

24. Adam Rhodes, Rules of Engagement

25. Phil Dunphy, Modern Family

26. Will Smith, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

27. Jack Donaghy, 30 Rock

28. Abed Nadir, Community

29. Rajesh Koothrappali, The Big Bang Theory

30. Dwight K. Schrute - The Office US

31. Michael Scott - The Office US

32. Señor Chang - Community

33. Mark Vertongen - FC De Kampioenen

34. Steven Hyde, That 70s show

35. Fez, that 70s show

36. Kelso, that 70s show

37. Eric forman, that 70s show

38. Penny, The Big Bang Theory

39. Howard Wolowitz, The Big Bang Theory

40. Troy Barnes, Community

41. Pierce Hawthorne, Community

42. Doug Wilson, Weeds

43. Basil Fawlty, Fawlty Towers

44. Manuel, Fawlty Towers

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1. Dr. Sheldon Cooper, The Big Bang Theory

2. Mr. Bean, Mr Bean

3. Nick Kingston-Persons, Are We There Yet

4. Andy Botwin, Weeds

5. Julius Rock, Everbody Hates Chris

6. Al Bundy, Married... With Childeren

7. John Dorian, Scrubs

8. Dr Cox, Scrubs

9: Ari Gold, Entourage

10: Barney Stinson, HIMYM

11: Hank Moody, Californication

12: Charlie Runkle, Californication

13: Sue Sylvester, Glee

14. Johnny Drama, Entourage

15. Joey Tribbiani, Friends

16. Chandler Bing, Friends

17. Doug Heffernan, The King of Queens

18. Michael Kyle, My Wife and Kids

19. Junior Kyle, My Wife and Kids

20. Allan Harper, Two and a Half Men

21. Jake Harper, Two and a Half Men

22. Charlie Harper, Two and a Half Men

23. Jeff Bingham, Rules of Engagement

24. Adam Rhodes, Rules of Engagement

25. Phil Dunphy, Modern Family

26. Will Smith, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

27. Jack Donaghy, 30 Rock

28. Abed Nadir, Community

29. Rajesh Koothrappali, The Big Bang Theory

30. Dwight K. Schrute - The Office US

31. Michael Scott - The Office US

32. Señor Chang - Community

33. Mark Vertongen - FC De Kampioenen

34. Steven Hyde, That 70s show

35. Fez, that 70s show

36. Kelso, that 70s show

37. Eric forman, that 70s show

38. Penny, The Big Bang Theory

39. Howard Wolowitz, The Big Bang Theory

40. Troy Barnes, Community

41. Pierce Hawthorne, Community

42. Doug Wilson, Weeds

43. Basil Fawlty, Fawlty Towers

44. Manuel, Fawlty Towers

45. Arthur Spooner, King of queens

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1. Dr. Sheldon Cooper, The Big Bang Theory

2. Mr. Bean, Mr Bean

3. Nick Kingston-Persons, Are We There Yet

4. Andy Botwin, Weeds

5. Julius Rock, Everbody Hates Chris

6. Al Bundy, Married... With Childeren

7. John Dorian, Scrubs

8. Dr Cox, Scrubs

9: Ari Gold, Entourage

10: Barney Stinson, HIMYM

11: Hank Moody, Californication

12: Charlie Runkle, Californication

13: Sue Sylvester, Glee

14. Johnny Drama, Entourage

15. Joey Tribbiani, Friends

16. Chandler Bing, Friends

17. Doug Heffernan, The King of Queens

18. Michael Kyle, My Wife and Kids

19. Junior Kyle, My Wife and Kids

20. Allan Harper, Two and a Half Men

21. Jake Harper, Two and a Half Men

22. Charlie Harper, Two and a Half Men

23. Jeff Bingham, Rules of Engagement

24. Adam Rhodes, Rules of Engagement

25. Phil Dunphy, Modern Family

26. Will Smith, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

27. Jack Donaghy, 30 Rock

28. Abed Nadir, Community

29. Rajesh Koothrappali, The Big Bang Theory

30. Dwight K. Schrute - The Office US

31. Michael Scott - The Office US

32. Señor Chang - Community

33. Mark Vertongen - FC De Kampioenen

34. Steven Hyde, That 70s show

35. Fez, that 70s show

36. Kelso, that 70s show

37. Eric forman, that 70s show

38. Penny, The Big Bang Theory

39. Howard Wolowitz, The Big Bang Theory

40. Troy Barnes, Community

41. Pierce Hawthorne, Community

42. Doug Wilson, Weeds

43. Basil Fawlty, Fawlty Towers

44. Manuel, Fawlty Towers

45. Arthur Spooner, The King of Queens

46. Carlton Banks, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air


Ik had er nog één tegoed :)

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1. Dr. Sheldon Cooper, The Big Bang Theory

2. Mr. Bean, Mr Bean

3. Nick Kingston-Persons, Are We There Yet

4. Andy Botwin, Weeds

5. Julius Rock, Everbody Hates Chris

6. Al Bundy, Married... With Childeren

7. John Dorian, Scrubs

8. Dr Cox, Scrubs

9: Ari Gold, Entourage

10: Barney Stinson, HIMYM

11: Hank Moody, Californication

12: Charlie Runkle, Californication

13: Sue Sylvester, Glee

14. Johnny Drama, Entourage

15. Joey Tribbiani, Friends

16. Chandler Bing, Friends

17. Doug Heffernan, The King of Queens

18. Michael Kyle, My Wife and Kids

19. Junior Kyle, My Wife and Kids

20. Allan Harper, Two and a Half Men

21. Jake Harper, Two and a Half Men

22. Charlie Harper, Two and a Half Men

23. Jeff Bingham, Rules of Engagement

24. Adam Rhodes, Rules of Engagement

25. Phil Dunphy, Modern Family

26. Will Smith, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

27. Jack Donaghy, 30 Rock

28. Abed Nadir, Community

29. Rajesh Koothrappali, The Big Bang Theory

30. Dwight K. Schrute - The Office US

31. Michael Scott - The Office US

32. Señor Chang - Community

33. Mark Vertongen - FC De Kampioenen

34. Steven Hyde, That 70s show

35. Fez, that 70s show

36. Kelso, that 70s show

37. Eric forman, that 70s show

38. Penny, The Big Bang Theory

39. Howard Wolowitz, The Big Bang Theory

40. Troy Barnes, Community

41. Pierce Hawthorne, Community

42. Doug Wilson, Weeds

43. Basil Fawlty, Fawlty Towers

44. Manuel, Fawlty Towers

45. Arthur Spooner, The King of Queens

46. Carlton Banks, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

47. Steve Urkel, Family Matters

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1. Dr. Sheldon Cooper, The Big Bang Theory

2. Mr. Bean, Mr Bean

3. Nick Kingston-Persons, Are We There Yet

4. Andy Botwin, Weeds

5. Julius Rock, Everbody Hates Chris

6. Al Bundy, Married... With Childeren

7. John Dorian, Scrubs

8. Dr Cox, Scrubs

9: Ari Gold, Entourage

10: Barney Stinson, HIMYM

11: Hank Moody, Californication

12: Charlie Runkle, Californication

13: Sue Sylvester, Glee

14. Johnny Drama, Entourage

15. Joey Tribbiani, Friends

16. Chandler Bing, Friends

17. Doug Heffernan, The King of Queens

18. Michael Kyle, My Wife and Kids

19. Junior Kyle, My Wife and Kids

20. Allan Harper, Two and a Half Men

21. Jake Harper, Two and a Half Men

22. Charlie Harper, Two and a Half Men

23. Jeff Bingham, Rules of Engagement

24. Adam Rhodes, Rules of Engagement

25. Phil Dunphy, Modern Family

26. Will Smith, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

27. Jack Donaghy, 30 Rock

28. Abed Nadir, Community

29. Rajesh Koothrappali, The Big Bang Theory

30. Dwight K. Schrute - The Office US

31. Michael Scott - The Office US

32. Señor Chang - Community

33. Mark Vertongen - FC De Kampioenen

34. Steven Hyde, That 70s show

35. Fez, that 70s show

36. Kelso, that 70s show

37. Eric forman, that 70s show

38. Penny, The Big Bang Theory

39. Howard Wolowitz, The Big Bang Theory

40. Troy Barnes, Community

41. Pierce Hawthorne, Community

42. Doug Wilson, Weeds

43. Basil Fawlty, Fawlty Towers

44. Manuel, Fawlty Towers

45. Arthur Spooner, The King of Queens

46. Carlton Banks, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

47. Steve Urkel, Family Matters

48. Turk, Scrubs

49. Geoffrey Butler, The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air



Vul hem later nog wel aan.

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1. Dr. Sheldon Cooper, The Big Bang Theory

2. Mr. Bean, Mr Bean

3. Nick Kingston-Persons, Are We There Yet

4. Andy Botwin, Weeds

5. Julius Rock, Everbody Hates Chris

6. Al Bundy, Married... With Childeren

7. John Dorian, Scrubs

8. Dr Cox, Scrubs

9: Ari Gold, Entourage

10: Barney Stinson, HIMYM

11: Hank Moody, Californication

12: Charlie Runkle, Californication

13: Sue Sylvester, Glee

14. Johnny Drama, Entourage

15. Joey Tribbiani, Friends

16. Chandler Bing, Friends

17. Doug Heffernan, The King of Queens

18. Michael Kyle, My Wife and Kids

19. Junior Kyle, My Wife and Kids

20. Allan Harper, Two and a Half Men

21. Jake Harper, Two and a Half Men

22. Charlie Harper, Two and a Half Men

23. Jeff Bingham, Rules of Engagement

24. Adam Rhodes, Rules of Engagement

25. Phil Dunphy, Modern Family

26. Will Smith, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

27. Jack Donaghy, 30 Rock

28. Abed Nadir, Community

29. Rajesh Koothrappali, The Big Bang Theory

30. Dwight K. Schrute - The Office US

31. Michael Scott - The Office US

32. Señor Chang - Community

33. Mark Vertongen - FC De Kampioenen

34. Steven Hyde, That 70s show

35. Fez, that 70s show

36. Kelso, that 70s show

37. Eric forman, that 70s show

38. Penny, The Big Bang Theory

39. Howard Wolowitz, The Big Bang Theory

40. Troy Barnes, Community

41. Pierce Hawthorne, Community

42. Doug Wilson, Weeds

43. Basil Fawlty, Fawlty Towers

44. Manuel, Fawlty Towers

45. Arthur Spooner, The King of Queens

46. Carlton Banks, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

47. Steve Urkel, Family Matters

48. Turk, Scrubs

49. Geoffrey Butler, The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air

50. Cameron Tucker, Modern Family

51. Luke Dunphy, Modern Family


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