Simonsav Posted November 2, 2009 Share Posted November 2, 2009 CM/FM Scene Music Top 50 – 2009 Zooooooooooo daar zijn we weer! :checkit: Ooit begonnen als een kleinschalig muzieklijstje op het ondertussen vergane CMFO, is de CM/FM Scene Music Top 50 ondertussen een merknaam geworden in de gehele Benelux, waar ieder onder ons in deze koude en kille herfstmaanden weer naar toeleeft. Maar vrees niet vrienden, jullie lange wachten wordt beloond want vanaf vandaag tot eind december wordt het H1N1-virus verdrongen door de enige echte lijstjesmicrobe! Ondanks dat het lijkt alsof we al een eeuwigheid meedraaien, is dit toch nog steeds maar de 6de editie van onze lijst. Vorig jaar sloten we af met alweer November Rain van GNR op het hoogste podiumplaatsje, een nummer wat je gerust het meest succesvolle uit de geschiedenis van deze top 50 kan noemen want in 5 edities haalde hij maarliefst 3 keer de nummer 1 positie binnen. Dat gebeurde in 2004, 2006 en 2008 met tussendoor Coldplay en Led Zeppelin die de hoogste eer behaalden. Als we dus de geschiedenis mogen geloven is het dit jaar alweer tijd voor een nieuwe nummer 1 dus! :) Maar vooraleer we zover zijn moet er natuurlijk eerst nog flink gestemd worden! En dat stemmen zal traditioneel plaatsvinden op enkele van de grootste CM/FM fora, zoals hier op Managers United. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Het formaat en de regels blijven hetzelfde als de voorbije jaren. Je krijgt 4 mogelijkheden in het samenstellen van een lijstje: een top 10, 25, 50 of 100. We verbieden niemand om langere lijstjes te maken natuurlijk, integendeel! Menig leden hebben in het verleden hele uitgebreide lijstjes gemaakt, en daar zijn wij alleen maar voorstander van! Hou er ook weer rekening mee dat je bij elk lijstje slechts een bepaald aantal nummers per artiest mag nomineren! Top 10 ◠Maximum 2 nummers van dezelfde artiest. ◠Puntenverdeling: 100-90-80-...-20-10 Top 25 ◠Maximum 3 nummers van dezelfde artiest. ◠Puntenverdeling: 100-96-92-...-12-8-4 Top 50 ◠Maximum 6 nummers van dezelfde artiest. ◠Puntenverdeling: 100-98-96-...-6-4-2 Top 100 ◠Maximum 9 nummers van dezelfde artiest. ◠Puntenverdeling: 100-99-98-...-3-2-1 => Vorig jaar is er een klein beetje verwarring ontstaan rond deze regel. Als je bij een Top 100, 9 nummers van dezelfde artiest in je top 10 zet, mag dat dan? (want even hierboven staat, bij een Top 10 maximum 2 nummers per artiest). Ja dit mag, de regels gelden puur volgens de grootte van je lijst. Als je dus een top 100 maakt en je hebt 9 nummers van dezelfde artiest erin dan is dat de enige regel waar je je moet aan houden. Zet je die nummers nu allemaal tussen 1 en 10, of tussen 90 en 100, dat maakt niet uit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !! BELANGRIJK !! - Je kunt je eigen lijstje opgeven door het te posten in dit topic. We verzoeken jullie echter wel om je lijstje maar op 1 forum te posten, zodat we geen problemen krijgen met mensen die op verschillende fora posten onder verschillende nicknames. Wil je dan toch op andere fora ook je lijst posten, vermeld dan even erbij dat je (onder een andere naam) al ergens anders postte. - Mensen die vorig jaar al meegestemd hebben, kunnen op elk moment hun lijstje van vorig jaar nog eens terugvragen. Aanvraag via PM, of via MSN. Of je kijkt natuurlijk gewoon in het topic van vorig jaar. - Houd er rekening mee dat dit een lijst Aller Tijden is , en dus geen lijst van je huidige favoriete nummers (recente nummers dus). - Het is overigens ook aan te raden hier even jullie tijd voor te nemen. Zo'n lijstje samenstellen kan best lastig zijn, dus haast en spoed is zelden goed. Maar je kan het natuurlijk nog aanpassen... voór de deadline. - Hou tijdens het stemmen ook rekening met de organisators. Zorg ervoor dat je telkens de juiste artiest en titel opgeeft. Klein voorbeeldje van iets wat een vorige editie voorkwam: iemand gaf Rowwen Hèze – Limburg op en iemand anders stemde op Rowwen Hèze – Kwestie van geduld terwijl dat dus hetzelfde nummer is. Dat soort dingen is alleen maar verwarrend voor ons. - Het kan natuurlijk zijn dat je vorig jaar hard gewerkt hebt om een lijst te maken, en dat je daar dit jaar om bepaalde redenen geen zin in hebt. Dan kun je ook opteren om je lijstje van vorig jaar (die je eigenlijk wel nog steeds goed vindt) opnieuw te gebruiken. Even melden in het topic, of bij mij, en het is zo gedaan. Een exacte deadline heb ik nog niet, maar die ligt meestal rond de 2de/3de week van december! Wees dus op tijd om te stemmen. Wat betreft het aanpassen van een eerder geposte lijst, zorg dat je het altijd meld bij mij, oftewel via PM, op MSN of gewoon in een nieuwe post in dit topic. !! Als je jouw lijstje aanpast zonder het te melden, is de kans bijzonder klein dat ik de wijziging opmerk en dus nog kan aanpassen !! Iedereen dus veel plezier met het samenstellen van zijn lijstje, en wie zich afvraagt wat er vorig jaar zoal in de lijst stond: [spoiler=De Lijst van 2008] 1 6 November Rain Guns n' Roses 2 1 Stairway to Heaven Led Zeppelin 3 5 Hotel California The Eagles 4 20 Wish You Were Here Pink Floyd 5 7 Hallelujah Jeff Buckley 6 4 Street Spirit (Fade Out) Radiohead 7 11 Bohemian Rhapsody Queen 8 3 Nothing else matters Metallica 9 12 Smells like teen spirit Nirvana 10 8 Run Snow Patrol 11 13 Black Pearl Jam 12 16 Brothers in Arms Dire Straits 13 10 Bitter Sweet Symphony The Verve 14 18 Sunday Bloody Sunday U2 15 23 One U2 16 53 Shine on You Crazy Diamond Pink Floyd 17 40 Mr Brightside The Killers 18 28 Creep Radiohead 19 14 Paranoid Android Radiohead 20 26 Paint it black Rolling Stones 21 104 Thunderstruck AC/DC 22 2 The Scientist Coldplay 23 17 Child in Time Deep Purple 24 24 Under the Bridge Red Hot Chili Peppers 25 34 Over de Muur Klein Orkest 26 15 One Metallica 27 9 Chasing Cars Snow Patrol 28 19 Clocks Coldplay 29 25 Iris Goo Goo Dolls 30 21 Wonderwall Oasis 31 41 Karma Police Radiohead 32 72 Zombie Cranberries 33 27 Pianoman Billy Joel 34 51 Imagine John Lennon 35 49 Like a rolling stone Bob Dylan 36 111 Hey Jude Beatles 37 35 Angels Robbie Williams 38 22 Sultans of Swing Dire Straits 39 61 Layla Eric Clapton 40 70 Kryptonite 3 doors down 41 211 Fix You Coldplay 42 46 Summer of '69 Bryan Adams 43 106 Whole lotta rosie AC/DC 44 66 Radar Love Golden Earring 45 2639 Angie Rolling Stones 46 120 Overcome Live 47 30 Tears in Heaven Eric Clapton 48 33 With or without you U2 49 101 Chicago Sufjan Stevens 50 80 I would stay Krezip 51 58 Exit music (for a film) Radiohead 52 43 Avond Boudewijn de Groot 53 95 I don't want to miss a thing Aerosmith 54 42 Losing my religion REM 55 54 Riders on the Storm The Doors 56 52 Old and wise Alan Parsons Project 57 74 New Born Muse 58 127 Narcotic Liquido 59 32 Stranded Saybia 60 56 The End The Doors 61 59 Het regent zonnestralen Acda & De Munnik 62 200 The River Bruce Springsteen 63 549 The New Interpol 64 84 Echoes Pink Floyd 65 102 House of the Rising Sun The Animals 66 68 Instant Street dEUS 67 90 Comfortably Numb Pink Floyd 68 1293 Leif Erikson Interpol 69 31 Mia Gorki 70 67 Yesterday Beatles 71 48 Beautiful Day U2 72 69 Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) Green Day 73 47 Hurricane Bob Dylan 74 78 Master of puppets Metallica 75 98 Sweet child o'mine Guns n' Roses 76 36 Romeo & Juliet Dire Straits 77 63 Let it be Beatles 78 45 School Supertramp 79 166 Fade to black Metallica 80 76 Knockin' on heavens door Bob Dylan 81 86 Sympathy for the devil Rolling Stones 82 89 Papa Stef Bos 83 97 Smokers outside the hospital door Editors 84 81 Casimir Pulaski Day Sufjan Stevens 85 194 Jeanny Falco 86 114 Heroin The Velvet Underground 87 2762 Oude Maasweg Amazing Stroopwafels 88 226 Private Investigations Dire Straits 89 322 Streets of Philadelphia Bruce Springsteen 90 64 Alive Pearl Jam 91 103 Cannonball Damien Rice 92 179 No Woman No Cry Bob Marley 93 50 Bad Moon Rising Creedence Clearwater Revival 94 94 In the end Linkin Park 95 435 Feel Robbie Williams 96 128 All I Need Air 97 153 Enter Sandman Metallica 98 85 When you were young The Killers 99 176 Money for nothing Dire Straits 100 82 Love will tear us apart Joy Division 101 174 Purple Rain Prince 102 168 The blowers daughter Damien Rice 103 210 She moves in her own way The Kooks 104 113 Californication Red Hot Chili Peppers 105 164 There is a light that never goes out The Smiths 106 115 Stil in Mij Van Dik Hout 107 60 The Sound of Silence Simon & Garfunkel 108 616 Amsterdam Coldplay 109 217 Free Bird Lynyrd Skynyrd 110 140 Don't look back in anger Oasis 111 251 Dream on Aerosmith 112 75 Born Slippy Underworld 113 79 Perfect Day Lou Reed 114 257 Here without you 3 doors down 115 65 No Surprises Radiohead 116 112 Wind of Change Scorpions 117 37 Another Brick in the Wall Pink Floyd 118 133 Heaven Bryan Adams 119 1319 Changes 2PAC 120 155 Suzanne Leonard Cohen 121 2620 Good vibrations Beach Boys 122 91 Bridge over troubled water Simon & Garfunkel 123 392 John Wayne Gacy Jr Sufjan Stevens 124 134 Light My Fire The Doors 125 270 Teardrop Massive Attack 126 203 Une belle histoire Michel Fugain 127 255 Set the fire to the third bar Snow Patrol (& Martha Wainwright) 128 187 Evil Interpol 129 332 Paradise by the dashboard light Meatloaf 130 236 9 Crimes Damien Rice 131 146 Kronenburg Park Frank Boeijen 132 108 Russia on ice Porcupine Tree 133 96 Lopen tot de zon komt Acda & de Munnik 134 689 November Rowwen Hèze 135 117 My Immortal Evanescence 136 184 Fast Car Tracy Chapman 137 107 Shut your eyes Snow Patrol 138 83 Last Goodbye Jeff Buckley 139 170 Where is my mind The Pixies 140 1612 It's my life Bon Jovi 141 125 Trouble Coldplay 142 202 Learn to fly Foo Fighters 143 2287 When The Lady Smiles Golden Earring 144 763 Racing rats Editors 145 110 Every breath you take The Police 146 77 Nothing Really Ends dEUS 147 901 Insomnia Faithless 148 325 Limburg (Kwestie van geduld) Rowwen Hèze 149 186 Transatlanticism Death Cab For Cutie 150 55 Lightning Crashes Live 151 398 Surfin USA Beach Boys 152 160 Yellow Coldplay 153 * All these things I've done The Killers 154 279 Everlong Foo Fighters 155 118 Hurt Johnny Cash 156 29 Brabant Guus Meeuwis 157 156 Banquet Bloc Party 158 92 Song 2 Blur 159 262 While my guitar gently wheeps Beatles 160 * Viva La Vida Coldplay 161 225 Who'll stop the rain Creedence Clearwater Revival 162 293 Intervention The Arcade Fire 163 296 Onderweg Abel 164 268 Smoke on the water Deep Purple 165 244 Citizen Erased Muse 166 144 Blowin' in the wind Bob Dylan 167 1850 Where the wild roses grow Kylie Minogue & Nick Cave 168 215 Micro Cuts Muse 169 617 Where did you sleep last night Nirvana 170 137 Schism Tool 171 130 Pioneer to the falls Interpol 172 312 Little green bag George Baker Selection 173 348 The Passenger Iggy Pop 174 * Sgt. Pepper Lonely Hearts Club Band Beatles 175 370 Killer Queen Queen 176 436 Speed of sound Coldplay 177 198 I remember Damien Rice 178 1421 Angel of Death Slayer 179 235 Epitaph King Crimson 180 99 2+2=5 Radiohead 181 330 Feel good inc. Gorillaz 182 393 Paradise City Guns n' Roses 183 275 Ne me Quitte Pas Jacques Brel 184 154 Fool's overture Supertramp 185 * London Calling The Clash 186 1996 Sweet home alabama Lynyrd Skynyrd 187 439 Daar gaat ze Clouseau 188 188 Killian's red Nada Surf 189 119 Lithium Nirvana 190 538 Country roads John Denver 191 1433 Don't speak No Doubt 192 138 Enjoy the silence Depeche Mode 193 406 A day in the life Beatles 194 407 My Way Frank Sinatra 195 148 Africa Toto 196 141 Killing in the name of Rage Against The Machine 197 2733 Everything I do (I do it for you) Bryan Adams 198 158 The Power of Love Frankie goes to Hollywood 199 694 Abre la puerta Triana 200 1555 74-'75 The Connels 201 356 Everybody Hurts REM 202 161 Wonderwall Ryan Adams 203 159 You'll never walk alone Gerry & The Pacemakers 204 1815 She's lost control Joy Division 205 129 Mad World Gary Jules 206 333 Liefs uit Londen Blof 207 1420 Nothing compares 2U Sinead O'Connor 208 383 Come as you are Nirvana 209 189 Down Under Men at Work 210 556 Roads Portishead 211 796 Welcome to the jungle Guns n' Roses 212 372 Hey Hey, My My Neil Young 213 38 Take me out Franz Ferdinand 214 334 Billie Jean Michael Jackson 215 87 I predict a riot Kaiser Chiefs 216 382 Why does my heart feel so bad Moby 217 456 America Razorlight 218 * My Hero Foo Fighters 219 212 Don't stop me now Queen 220 469 Musica E' Eros Ramazotti 221 321 A Forest The Cure 222 1000 Live Forever Oasis 223 172 Paranoid Black Sabbath 224 498 Civil War Guns n' Roses 225 224 Other Side Of The World KT Tunstall 226 233 Knights of Cydonia Muse 227 105 Lose Yourself Eminem 228 465 Showbiz Muse 229 440 Hysteria Muse 230 57 Go your own way Fleetwood Mac 231 142 An End Has A Start Editors 232 457 Viðrar Vel Til Loftárása Sigur Rós 233 231 Radio Gaga Queen 234 682 Fear of the dark Iron Maiden 235 638 Ironic Alanis Morissette 236 385 Subterranean Homesick Blues Bob Dylan 237 73 Scar Tissue Red Hot Chili Peppers 238 * Time to pretend MGMT 239 731 The Specialist Interpol 240 132 Shook Ones Part II Mobb Deep 241 256 Lucky Radiohead 242 151 Still Loving You Scorpions 243 * Kissing the beehive Wolf Parade 244 39 Goodnight Saigon Billy Joel 245 123 Munich Editors 246 222 Cortez the killer Neil Young 247 100 Unfinished Sympathy Massive Attack 248 1496 Here Comes The Sun Beatles 249 355 Sing for the moment Eminem 250 191 Somebody told me The Killers 251 * Drops of Jupiter Train 252 2718 Voodoo Chile Jimi Hendrix 253 * Dansen aan zee Blof 254 240 You can call me Al Paul Simon 255 592 Open your eyes Snow Patrol 256 162 Other Side Red Hot Chili Peppers 257 * Sex on fire Kings of Leon 258 413 Stem/Long Stem DJ Shadow 259 263 T.R.O.Y. (They Reminisce Over You) Pete Rock & CL Smooth 260 229 Rebellion (Lies) The Arcade Fire 261 228 For the widows in paradise, for the fatherles in Ypsilanti Sufjan Stevens 262 438 Roxanne The Police 263 195 Wenn es passiert Wir Sind Helden 264 1185 Englishman in New York Sting 265 554 Hey You Pink Floyd 266 1566 Don't think twice it's all right Bob Dylan 267 396 Climbing up the walls Radiohead 268 149 Seven nations army The White Stripes 269 2886 Michel Anouk 270 780 Als ze er niet is De Dijk 271 1085 Champagne Supernova Oasis 272 2060 Orion Metallica 273 2831 Stop crying your heart out Oasis 274 183 Glycerine Bush 275 239 I will follow you into the dark Death Cab For Cutie 276 1661 Idioteque Radiohead 277 1946 Domino Clouseau 278 415 When the levee breaks Led Zeppelin 279 269 Suds & Soda dEUS 280 411 Slow Hands Interpol 281 71 Time is running out Muse 282 558 Twieje Wurd Rowwen Hèze 283 673 Konstantine Something Corporate 284 375 The Ship Song Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds 285 699 A hard days night Beatles 286 62 Disarm Smashing Pumpkins 287 462 The court of the crimson king King Crimson 288 1133 Battery Metallica 289 1157 Afscheid van een vriend Clouseau 290 173 Johnny B Good Chuck Berry 291 303 Sober Tool 292 838 Wat is dan liefde André Hazes 293 475 Strawberry fields forever Beatles 294 * Paper Aeroplane Angus & Julia Stone 295 634 The Good Old Days The Libertines 296 1016 Plug in baby Muse 297 2040 If you tolerate this Manic Street Preachers 298 376 The Rain Song Led Zeppelin 299 1226 Popplagið Sigur Rós 300 196 Message in a bottle The Police 301 1275 Bones Editors 302 353 Like Spinning Plates Radiohead 303 1197 Cemetery Gates Pantera 304 645 Roland Interpol 305 684 Everything Lifehouse 306 287 Quiet storm Mobb Deep 307 * The boy in the bubble Paul Simon 308 443 Baba O'Riley The Who 309 * Jailhouse Rock Elvis Presley 310 213 Foolish Games Jewel 311 * 23 Jimmy Eat World 312 292 By the way Red Hot Chili Peppers 313 289 I got 5 on it Luniz 314 * Acquiesce Oasis 315 1149 Stan Eminem 316 258 Bliss Muse 317 299 Music John Miles 318 * Hallowed by the Name Iron Maiden 319 241 I bet you look good on the dancefloor Arctic Monkeys 320 363 Make this go on forever Snow Patrol 321 302 Childcatcher Patrick Wolf 322 248 Could have lied Red Hot Chili Peppers 323 121 Conquest of Paradise Vangelis 324 327 Sunrise, Sunset Bright Eyes 325 * Clampdown The Clash 326 * De Vondeling van Ameland Boudewijn de Groot 327 * Love Hurts Incubus 328 182 Pyramid Song Radiohead 329 136 Read my mind The Killers 330 306 Mardy Bum Arctic Monkeys 331 218 Vienna Ultravox 332 969 Sara Bob Dylan 333 * Lazarus Porcupine Tree 334 319 Last Resort The Eagles 335 * Your Love The Outfield 336 839 Zij gelooft in mij André Hazes 337 525 All Along The Watchtower Jimi Hendrix 338 * I see a darkness Bonnie Prince Billy 339 341 Woman Wolfmother 340 902 Bedshaped Keane 341 266 Into my arms Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds 342 * Oerend hard Normaal 343 208 It's OK Love Saybia 344 126 Dust in the wind Kansas 345 877 Dreadlock Holiday 10CC 346 * Another 45 miles Golden Earring 347 816 Stella was a driver and she was always down Interpol 348 1748 Common people Pulp 349 300 Imitation of life REM 350 2007 Your song Elton John 351 804 Supergirl Raemon 352 131 Won't get Fooled Again The Who 353 433 A house is not a motel Love 354 301 To be alone with you Sufjan Stevens 355 294 Blood Editors 356 * Our life is not a movie, or maybe? Okkervil River 357 1766 Killing me softly Fugees 358 351 Call of Ktulu Metallica 359 336 Kein zuruck Wolfsheim 360 2299 In My Place Coldplay 361 2157 Heroes David Bowie 362 786 Halo of Flies Alice Cooper 363 143 Walk of life Dire Straits 364 * NYC Interpol 365 * Are you gonna go my way Lenny Kravitz 366 1966 Poison Alice Cooper 367 249 Winter Tori Amos 368 167 Tiny Dancer Elton John 369 291 How to disappear completely Radiohead 370 721 Soul meets body Death Cab For Cutie 371 163 Blue Monday New Order 372 472 How you remind me Nickleback 373 629 The Masterplan Oasis 374 767 One of us must know (sooner or later) Bob Dylan 375 1953 Map of the problematique Muse 376 354 Drive REM 377 116 Talk Coldplay 378 445 The lost art of keeping a secret Queens of the Stone Age 379 597 God only knows Beach Boys 380 887 Pace is the trick Interpol 381 609 Instant Karma John Lennon 382 286 Babe I'm gonna leave you Led Zeppelin 383 204 I Alone Live 384 2094 Last Resort Papa Roach 385 185 In the air tonight Phil Collins 386 * I want it all Queen 387 * Search & Destroy The Stooges 388 201 Best of You Foo Fighters 389 254 Hide and Seek Imogen Heap 390 1758 Satisfaction Rolling Stones 391 1225 Samba pa ti Santana 392 1673 Stand by me Ben E. King 393 479 American Woman Lenny Kravitz 394 913 Time Pink Floyd 395 349 Monkeyland The Chameleons 396 178 Road Trippin' Red Hot Chili Peppers 397 * Where the streets have no name U2 398 401 He's simple he's dumb he's the pilot Grandaddy 399 * Let me love you Mario 400 368 Smack my bitch up Prodigy 401 209 Easter Marillion 402 * Desolation Row Bob Dylan 403 310 Open your eyes Guano Apes 404 260 Innuendo Queen 405 199 High Hopes Pink Floyd 406 404 Whole lotta love Led Zeppelin 407 1770 Blackened Metallica 408 1776 Suspicious Minds Elvis Presley 409 1915 Heart of gold Neil Young 410 1746 The best is yet to come Novastar 411 1287 Running up that hill Placebo 412 335 It must have been love Roxette 413 2755 The Mariner's Revenge Song The Decemberists 414 175 Scared of Yourself Zornik 415 931 Everybody's gotta learn sometimes Beck 416 374 Straight outta compton NWA 417 451 Half day closing Portishead 418 234 Jigsaw falling into place Radiohead 419 369 In the aeroplane over the sea Neutral Milk Hotel 420 1630 Angel Massive Attack 421 390 Brilliant Sky Saybia 422 * Fake tales of San Francisco Arctic Monkeys 423 216 Venus in furs The Velvet Underground 424 565 Martha Tom Waits 425 1666 Tubthumping Chumbawamba 426 2353 The Ace of Spades Motorhead 427 540 Nightswimming REM 428 * Human The Killers 429 1033 La Solitudine Laura Pausini 430 205 Down by the river Neil Young 431 423 I want to know what love is Foreigner 432 122 Muscle Museum Muse 433 574 Twisted Svensson & Gielen 434 515 505 Arctic Monkeys 435 324 Smooth criminal Michael Jackson 436 * Iris Bob Dylan 437 2006 Godless Dandy Warhols 438 253 We come one Faithless 439 1668 Belfast Child Simple Minds 440 860 Green Eyes Coldplay 441 171 Everyday I love you less and less Kaiser Chiefs 442 1999 Jaded Aerosmith 443 1284 Northern Sky Nick Drake 444 1550 We are the champions Queen 445 405 Southern Sun Paul Oakenfold 446 590 The Sky Moves Sideways Porcupine Tree 447 220 The Crystal Ship The Doors 448 504 Dream brother Jeff Buckley 449 109 Hoppipola Sigur Rós 450 283 We don't care Audio Bullys 451 * With tired eyes, tired minds, tired souls, we slept Explosions in the Sky 452 388 L'Amour Toujours Gigi D'Agostino 453 232 Warning Sign Coldplay 454 308 Op fietse Skik 455 1744 Dirty Diana Michael Jackson 456 318 Toxicity System of a down 457 93 Books from Boxes Maximo Park 458 1875 Another one bites the dust Queen 459 1422 Good morning captain Slint 460 1462 Oh la la la TC Matic 461 562 Hier aan de kust Blof 462 1251 Livin on a prayer Bon Jovi 463 * Lost Coldplay 464 * Wanna be startin' something Michael Jackson 465 * The Show Must Go On Queen 466 2154 How to save a life The Fray 467 181 Telegraph Road Dire Straits 468 492 Margherita Marco Borsato 469 * Me & My Bitch Notorious BIG 470 719 I wanna be your dog The Stooges 471 1514 Novocaine (for the soul) Eels 472 511 Daughters John Mayer 473 180 Rags 'n Run Admiral Freebee 474 * Slow Dancing in a Burning Room John Mayer 475 476 Folsom prison blues Johnny Cash 476 1705 Good night Elisabeth Counting Crows 477 948 Photobooth Death Cab For Cutie 478 * Whistles the wind Flogging Molly 479 2655 Till Kingdom Come Coldplay 480 455 One Way Levellers 481 842 All Along The Watchtower Bob Dylan 482 1475 Fell off the floor, man dEUS 483 * Jessie Joshua Kadison 484 290 Wrong Novastar 485 1443 Have you passed through the night Explosions in the Sky 486 519 Who wants to live forever Queen 487 * Only the Lonely Roy Orbison 488 1423 You're all I have Snow Patrol 489 * The man from Metropolis steals our hearts Sufjan Stevens 490 836 Als je bij me weggaat Acda & De Munnik 491 207 Run to the water Live 492 431 No Good Prodigy 493 573 Give it away Red Hot Chili Peppers 494 1856 True Colours Cindy Lauper 495 1142 Glorybox Portishead 496 581 Lateralus Tool 497 * I'm yours Jason Mraz 498 331 Rockin' in the Free World Neil Young 499 * House of Cards Radiohead 500 267 The Day after Tomorrow Saybia 501 * Skinny Love Bon Iver 502 * Saving Me Nickleback 503 2405 Sfevn-g-englar Sigur Rós 504 * Las Crucas Jail Two Gallants 505 541 Dazed and confused Led Zeppelin 506 420 Chop Suey System of a down 507 * All Sparks Editors 508 473 Das boot U96 509 2649 Shooting Starr Air Traffic 510 1710 Salty dog Flogging Molly 511 * Show me the way Peter Frampton 512 759 The Queen is Dead The Smiths 513 * De Vlieger André Hazes 514 501 The saints are coming U2 & Green Day 515 2294 One armed scissor At the drive-in 516 323 Still D.R.E. Dr. Dre 517 2682 Hilversum III Herman Van Veen 518 709 Desde Mi Cielo Mago De Oz 519 2113 Mannish Boy Muddy Waters 520 * A Change is Gonna Come Sam Cooke 521 416 Take a bow Muse 522 * Just For Tonight One Night Only 523 237 I want to break free Queen 524 531 No one knows Queens of the Stone Age 525 1031 Aenima Tool 526 328 New Year's Day U2 527 2312 Jenny don't be hasty Paolo Nutini 528 * Maria Maria Santana 529 157 Bullet with butterfly wings Smashing Pumpkins 530 316 Hurt Christina Aguilera 531 615 The Reason Hoobastank 532 384 Dear Mama 2PAC 533 1699 Coming Around Again Carly Simon 534 2551 Great Death Explosions in the Sky 535 535 Ooit was ik een soldaat Gorki 536 732 Blood Brothers Iron Maiden 537 295 On Call Kings of Leon 538 2428 Solsbury Hill Peter Gabriel 539 1677 Harder better faster stronger Daft Punk 540 2361 Oh my god Kaiser Chiefs 541 532 Requiem for a dream Clint Mansell 542 722 Clint Eastwood Gorillaz 543 503 Dogs Pink Floyd 544 * Troy Sinead O'Connor 545 485 Seven Swans Sufjan Stevens 546 514 The Seed 2.0 The Roots 547 * Nobody's Wife Anouk 548 1526 Money Pink Floyd 549 1173 Eli, the barrow boy The Decemberists 550 524 God is a DJ Faithless 551 671 We will rock you Queen 552 752 Supersonic Oasis 553 * Altijd heb ik je lief Clouseau 554 496 Sam's Town The Killers 555 135 Kreuzberg Bloc Party 556 579 Gorecki Lamb 557 2747 Song to say goodbye Placebo 558 543 Playground Love Air 559 544 Ik leef m'n leven André Hazes 560 * Brilliant Disguise Bruce Springsteen 561 547 Brimful of Asha Cornershop 562 * Rotterdam Frederique Spigt 563 252 Liquid Swords GZA 564 * Highwayman Highwaymen 565 * Gedoogbeleid Lange Frans & Baas B 566 555 In the flesh Pink Floyd 567 1199 Reckoner Radiohead 568 559 Wie niet springt Sluipschutters 569 * Certain kind of fool The Eagles 570 * Apartment Story The National 571 1488 1970 The Stooges 572 * Make love in this club (Part II) Usher, Beyoncé & Lil Wayne 573 * I can't go to sleep Wu-Tang Clan 574 529 A million miles away Rory Gallagher 575 * Love is noise The Verve 576 566 Fragile Dreams Anathema 577 568 A Ladder to the Sun Coldplay 578 * Dusa Sarajeva Crvena Jubaka 579 * It's natural to be afraid Explosions in the Sky 580 470 No I in threesome Interpol 581 572 Burning benches Morning Runner 582 553 Ghost Dancers Pallas 583 611 Yellow ledbetter Pearl Jam 584 2023 Fake plastic trees Radiohead 585 654 Blieve Loepe Rowwen Hèze 586 593 I was just thinking Teitur 587 * Nothing To You Two Gallants 588 * Reptilia The Strokes 589 1187 Ambitions az a ridah 2PAC 590 * Graceland Paul Simon 591 1316 Friday I'm in Love The Cure 592 246 The Drugs Don't Work The Verve 593 582 Ddiamondd Battles 594 297 Blackbird Beatles 595 * Still A Love Song Blue Sky Black Death & Jean Grae 596 * Cuts Like a Knife Bryan Adams 597 499 Dead Presidents II Jay-Z 598 * Rotterdam The Beautiful South 599 261 Bad Timing dEUS 600 * From the ritz to the bubble Arctic Monkeys 601 790 Always Bon Jovi 602 598 Suzy Q Creedence Clearwater Revival 603 373 Stockholm syndrome Muse 604 766 Like a hurricane Neil Young 605 * Sing Travis 606 * Idiot Wind Bob Dylan 607 * Breakfast at Tiffany's Deep Blue Something 608 604 Building steam with a grain of salt DJ Shadow 609 * Paschendale Iron Maiden 610 * Revelry Kings of Leon 611 * I live to fall asleep Manic Street Preachers 612 589 Last Request Paolo Nutini 613 868 Medley Pogues 614 * Wild Horses Rolling Stones 615 * I'll be gone Tom Waits 616 * Take me into your skin Trentemoller 617 * Obstacle 1 Interpol 618 1950 Jealous Guy John Lennon 619 * No Air Jordin Sparks & Chris Brown 620 347 Crawling Linkin Park 621 * Especially in Michigan Red Hot Chili Peppers 622 1373 Hey there Delilah The Plain White T's 623 522 Why does it always rain on me Travis 624 548 Going Home Dire Straits 625 * The Spirit Carries On Dream Theater 626 625 The Reflex Duran Duran 627 * Right Down The Line Gerry Rafferty 628 * All My Friends LCD Soundsystem 629 627 Stranger Song Leonard Cohen 630 550 2 Morro Morro Land Lightning Bolt 631 * Miss Independent Ne-Yo 632 * You Can't Always Get What You Want Rolling Stones 633 1983 She's A Rainbow Rolling Stones 634 * Revelate The Frames 635 * The Leavers Dance The Veils 636 * Driftwood Travis 637 * Vlieger Typhoon 638 677 C.R.E.A.M. Wu-Tang Clan 639 88 Apply some pressure Maximo Park 640 2436 Is dit alles Doe Maar 641 * Wake me up when september ends Green Day 642 * Auto, vliegtuig Rowwen Hèze 643 467 Diane Therapy? 644 680 Electronic Performers Air 645 623 Drip Drip Comus 646 602 Be quiet and drive (far away) Deftones 647 642 Sinds een dag of 2 Doe Maar 648 643 Beautiful freak Eels 649 626 The Way Fastball 650 * Der Weg Herbert Grönemeyer 651 605 Come Clarity In Flames 652 * After Midnight JJ Cale 653 * Woman John Lennon 654 648 Aeterna Lux 655 * Sandblasted and Set Free Maximo Park 656 734 The Mercy Seat Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds 657 653 Criminology Raekwon 658 676 Grace, too The Tragically Hip 659 * Heartattack and Vine Tom Waits 660 725 LA Woman The Doors 661 847 De Weg Guus Meeuwis 662 * Cigarettes and alcohol Oasis 663 * Liefde Rowwen Hèze 664 * No one is gonna love you Band of Horses 665 661 Loser Beck 666 569 L'Aurora Eros Ramazotti 667 663 Miss you less, see you more Faithless 668 * Quaye Dice Finley 669 * The Dance Garth Brooks 670 664 Verliefd zijn is veel leuker Guus Meeuwis 671 849 In a gadda da vida Iron Butterfly 672 646 Meet the parents Jay-Z 673 * Seven Jedi Mind Tricks 674 665 Lover, you should've come over Jeff Buckley 675 471 Famous blue raincoat Leonard Cohen 676 * The Outlaw Torn Metallica 677 687 Hunted by a freak Mogwai 678 * Lay me low Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds 679 669 Burger Queen Placebo 680 652 Fat bottomed girls Queen 681 * Hell Song Sum 41 682 * A Comet Appears The Shins 683 165 Not an addict K's Choice 684 * Can't stand losing you The Police 685 * Ik wil met je lachen Guus Meeuwis 686 2279 They don't care about us Michael Jackson 687 965 Self Esteem The Offspring 688 * ? Cheer Chen 689 * Niemand in de stad De Dijk 690 428 Silence Delerium ft. Sarah McLachlan 691 309 Precious Depeche Mode 692 * Hound Dog Elvis Presley 693 * A postcard to Nina Jens Lekman 694 * The Eternal Joy Division 695 685 Verliezer Marco Borsato 696 751 Day is Done Nick Drake 697 911 Catalyst Oceansize 698 658 Silent Lucidity Queensrÿche 699 692 Sadly beautiful Tom McRae 700 * I luv the valley OH Xiu Xiu 701 1438 Subtle Movements 16 Down 702 1018 Dreams 2 brothers on the 4th floor 703 1383 Life on Mars Jasper Steverlinck 704 724 Script for a jester's tear Marillion 705 657 Sittin on the dock of the bay Otis Redding 706 505 The Bitter End Placebo 707 412 Don't hate me Porcupine Tree 708 898 The island, come and see, the landlords daughter, you'll not feel the drowning The Decemberists 709 * Handle with care The Traveling Wilburys 710 697 Hate it or love it 50 Cent ft. The Game 711 726 Judgement Anathema 712 859 In the land of grey and pink Caravan 713 * Little Boat Daniel Rogers 714 1831 Hailey's Song Eminem 715 * For all the crows Foo Fighters 716 * Find The Time Get Cape Wear Cape Fly 717 705 Annabel Hans de Booy 718 708 The Will to Death John Frusciante 719 649 Afscheid nemen bestaat niet Marco Borsato 720 * Crying out for me Mario 721 610 True Faith New Order 722 * Still Waiting Sum 41 723 716 The Age of Love The Age of Love 724 2212 God put a smile upon your face Coldplay 725 1614 In the ghetto Elvis Presley 726 1838 You Judith 727 273 Behind blue eyes Limp Bizkit 728 1660 It's a sin Pet Shop Boys 729 360 A wolf at the door Radiohead 730 * Alive and Kicking Simple Minds 731 * Weak Skunk Anansie 732 344 Lady Madonna Beatles 733 * With a little help from my friends Beatles 734 311 A Long December Counting Crows 735 * Tugo, Nesreco Crvena Jubaka 736 728 Blow your speakers Don Diablo ft Beat Kidz 737 570 Never be clever Herman Brood 738 736 Ice Cream Raekwon 739 737 Can't live in a living room Red Zebra 740 * De Zwarte Plak Rowwen Hèze 741 714 Through Glass Stonesour 742 944 Monkey gone to heaven The Pixies 743 2598 Red red wine UB40 744 * Harder dan ik hebben kan Blof 745 422 The Memory Remains Metallica 746 247 Kiss from a rose Seal 747 2181 Everybody needs somebody Blues Brothers 748 250 Don't know when but a day is gonna come Bright Eyes 749 * Life on Mars David Bowie 750 746 Gamsiz Dogus 751 517 Nuttin but a G thang Dr. Dre 752 1409 I don't wanna be Gavin DeGraw 753 1517 Histoires sans paroles Harmonium 754 * Little Round Mirrors Harvey Danger 755 * From You Favourite Sky I Am Kloot 756 * First of the gang to die Morrissey 757 * The National Front War Morrissey 758 * Umbrella Rihanna 759 * Just Like Honey The Jesus and Mary Chain 760 * Every little thing she does is magic The Police 761 2913 How Soon is Now? The Smiths 762 * Ball and Biscuit The White Stripes 763 761 How can we hang on to a dream Tim Hardin 764 762 Music Non-Stop Yves De Ruyter 765 * Jabuke i vino Zana i Zljeko Bebek 766 223 Take on me A-ha 767 740 One more time Daft Punk 768 * Boy named Sue Johnny Cash 769 1674 De mooiste verliezers Blof 770 1709 t' Het nog nooit zo donker west Ede Staal 771 516 Love you more Racoon 772 2646 Hey The Pixies 773 770 Only Time Enya 774 * Eppure mi hai cambiato la vita Fabrizio Moro 775 * The Modern Leper Frightened Rabbit 776 771 Crazy Gnals Barkley 777 * Jouw hand Guus Meeuwis 778 909 My Favourite Things John Coltrane 779 852 Airbag Radiohead 780 713 Meadowlake Street Ryan Adams 781 377 Birds of paradise Snowy White 782 758 Love you more The Hours 783 691 You got me The Roots ft Erykah Badu 784 * Baby can I hold you Tracy Chapman 785 298 I was made for loving you Kiss 786 * Thriller Michael Jackson 787 * Father and Son Cat Stevens 788 2576 Mockingbird Eminem 789 1884 Mama Genesis 790 783 Grace Jeff Buckley 791 1057 Let there be rock AC/DC 792 * Janie's gotta gun Aerosmith 793 * Tell Me Bobby Valentino 794 795 Lucky Man Emerson, Lake & Palmer 795 * Eden Hooverphonic 796 * You're The Voice John Farnham 797 683 Colony Joy Division 798 * Disorder Joy Division 799 * Love Lockdown Kanye West 800 * Bend and Break Keane 801 * Since I've Been Loving You Led Zeppelin 802 * Welcome Home, Luc Robitaille Mando Diao 803 864 Sunburn Muse 804 800 Blizzard of '77 Nada Surf 805 * 10 ft. Tall Pete Murray 806 805 Street knowledge Rocco 807 807 Temple of Love Sisters of Mercy 808 1876 Dakota Stereophonics 809 575 Seed of memory Terry Reid 810 * Gap The Kooks 811 * Miracle Drug U2 812 193 Da mystery of chessboxin' Wu-Tang Clan 813 1432 Il Volo Zucchero 814 835 Gangsta's Paradise Coolioo 815 822 Prince in a pauper's grave Carter The Unstoppable Sex Machine 816 * Crush David Archuleta 817 * Dansen op de vulkaan De Dijk 818 824 Kick off DJ Dean 819 * Stella Maris Einsturzende Neubauten 820 825 What's it like Everlast 821 826 Come Clean Jeru The Damaja 822 * Marionnette Mathew Jonsen 823 * New millenium cyanide christ Meshuggah 824 777 Cowboy Dan Modest Mouse 825 * Nobody's fault but mine Nina Simone 826 * Listen Up Oasis 827 * Windowpane Opeth 828 833 Burning The Whitest Boy Alive 829 834 Lay down your arms Tim Christensen 830 1250 Sweet home Chicago Blues Brothers 831 1511 All my life Foo Fighters 832 490 Crawling in the dark Hoobastank 833 817 Amsterdam Jacques Brel 834 150 Naive The Kooks 835 997 Alles of niets Van Dik Hout 836 1879 Jerusalem Alpha Bondy 837 * Sen Anglama Badem 838 727 Snare Hanger Battles 839 * Wouldn't it be nice Beach Boys 840 768 Samba Makossa Charlie Brown Jr & Marcelo D2 841 2238 With arms wide open Creed 842 846 Miss World Flunk 843 * Red to Black Fort Minor 844 2345 Dig Incubus 845 * This is a man's world James Brown 846 * Sheila Jamie T 847 * Twenty four hours Joy Division 848 1260 Achilles Last Stand Led Zeppelin 849 851 Crazy for you Madonna 850 688 Heaven for everyone Queen 851 854 Hellucination Smif-N-Wessun 852 856 Exhale System F 853 * Just the right bullets Tom Waits 854 * Miss Sarajevo U2 855 * Lucy in the sky with diamonds Beatles 856 342 Testament Boudewijn de Groot 857 1344 Space Oddity David Bowie 858 489 Sorry seems to be the hardest word Elton John 859 2193 Beat it Michael Jackson 860 564 Heart shaped box Nirvana 861 2667 Vito's Ordination Song Sufjan Stevens 862 * Parce Que C'est Toi Axelle Red 863 * Killamangiro Babyshambles 864 * Forever Chris Brown 865 1596 Rootless Tree Damien Rice 866 1474 Forbidden Colours David Sylvian 867 1279 1973 James Blunt 868 * Sky Phenomenon Jens Lekman 869 599 Orange Metal Molly 870 * Hi Mom ~ A Prayer for World Peace Nomak 871 828 Paper Champion Oceansize 872 * The Stand-Ins Okkervil River 873 668 The Trial Pink Floyd 874 872 Beauty of Silence Svensson & Gielen 875 518 Everything Michael Bublé 876 2177 Laat me Ramses Shaffy 877 904 Sad Eyes Bat for Lashes 878 813 I am the walrus Beatles 879 399 Love Generation Bob Sinclar 880 * Ride Like The Wind Christopher Cross 881 * The People Common 882 * Johnny Di-Rect 883 884 Waltz #1 Elliott Smith 884 366 The Way I Am Eminem 885 2124 Now We Are Free Enya 886 * Blues Run The Game Jackson C. Frank 887 * Ces-gens lê Jacques Brel 888 889 The World's Edge John Frusciante 889 * Atmosphere Joy Division 890 * Rape Me Nirvana 891 1362 Trains Porcupine Tree 892 1894 I'll be missing you Puff Daddy & Faith Evans 893 895 Vanmorgen vloog ze nog Robert Long 894 * Cherry Cola Savage Garden 895 897 Who Am I Snoop Doggy Dogg 896 808 Black Mirror The Arcade Fire 897 274 Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels) The Arcade Fire 898 * Far Away The Ditch 899 * Old White Lincoln The Gaslight Anthem 900 678 The Lonely Sheppard Zamfir 901 * Balaclava Arctic Monkeys 902 386 Bring me to life Evanescence 903 190 Supermassive Blackhole Muse 904 * Diary Alicia Keys 905 447 Zeg maar niets meer André Hazes 906 197 Ach ze is er niet Blof 907 603 Industrial Disease Dire Straits 908 730 Hey Hey Eric Clapton 909 2022 The Final Countdown Europe 910 271 Land of confusion Genesis 911 908 Blow Ghinzu 912 606 I miss you Incubus 913 775 One step closer Linkin Park 914 * I don't wanna know Mario Winants 915 1205 Photograph Nickleback 916 * Saturday Morning Breakfast Show Oceansize 917 * The Last Waltz Oldboy OST 918 2199 It's a hard life Queen 919 914 Beachbreeze Svensson & Gielen 920 915 Twist in my sobriety Tanita Tikaram 921 1186 History The Verve 922 * Whiskey in the Jar Thin Lizzy 923 920 Celestial Annihilation UNKLE 924 1298 Time to say goodbye Andrea Bocelli & Sarah Brightman 925 320 Brainstorm Arctic Monkeys 926 * Lake of fire Nirvana 927 * I believe I can fly R. Kelly 928 1492 High and Dry Radiohead 929 741 Sebastien Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel 930 1618 Boston Augustana 931 * Ol' Party Cage Grand 932 * Brothers on a hotel bed Death Cab For Cutie 933 350 Till I collapse Eminem 934 2307 Watching the wheels John Lennon 935 1769 The Emperor's Soundtrack Lupe Fiasco 936 1482 Running out of time Madrugada 937 * Motorbreath Metallica 938 * Seemann Rammstein 939 943 Children's Story Slick Rick 940 * Chest Fever The Band 941 1229 And You And I Yes 942 815 Mijn houten hart De Poema's 943 450 The Kilburn High Road Flogging Molly 944 * Club Foot Kasabian 945 378 Porcelain Moby 946 1101 Walk Idiot Walk The Hives 947 954 Lifestyle Beam ft. Cyrus 948 * Don't worry be happy Bob Marley 949 * Thank You For Loving Me Bon Jovi 950 * Slave to Love Bryan Ferry 951 * Sanjata Crvena Jubaka 952 1110 Reach up for the sunrise Duran Duran 953 957 Matinee Franz Ferdinand 954 414 You never know Immortal Technique 955 * Cry me a river Justin Timberlake 956 * The good times are killing me Modest Mouse 957 892 Frankenstein New York Dolls 958 803 Paintbox Pendragon 959 * Last Waltz Pirates & Pitlizards 960 * Come together Beatles 961 2736 Gin & Milk Dirty Pretty Things 962 1548 Can't stop loving you Phil Collins 963 * Small Portishead 964 * Innï Mér Singur Vitleysingur Sigur Rós 965 * 1000 More Fools Bad Religion 966 974 I want you (She's so heavy) Beatles 967 * Love Sick Bob Dylan 968 * Jammin' Bob Marley 969 976 Would I lie to you Charles & Eddie 970 2484 A favor house atlantic Coheed and Cambria 971 641 I feel you Depeche Mode 972 * Adrenaline Di-Rect 973 * 19-2000 Gorillaz 974 979 Alone Heart 975 2275 Voltooid verleden tijd IOS 976 * Cavatina John Williams 977 430 Feeling Good Muse 978 1195 It ain't hard to tell Nas 979 1264 Time has told me Nick Drake 980 893 I am the morning Oceansize 981 984 This is a test Paris 982 * English summer rain Placebo 983 1459 De Peel in Brand Rowwen Hèze 984 990 Drop it Scoop 985 * Mayonaise Smashing Pumpkins 986 757 Ever fallen in love? The Buzzcocks 987 * I Am The Resurrection The Stone Roses 988 * The Unforgettable Fire U2 989 1223 Youth of the nation POD 990 1151 I'm Going Home Ten Years After 991 * Heart in a cage The Strokes 992 * Teddy Picker Arctic Monkeys 993 1061 Soiree Arid 994 975 Ain't Talkin Bob Dylan 995 1707 Groot hart De Dijk 996 1006 Love bites Deff Leppard 997 * Friend of ours Elbow 998 2271 I've got the world on a string Frank Sinatra 999 1007 Anak Freddy Aguilar 1000 1008 Main Theme Jin-Rô Hajime Mizoguchi 1001 2168 Oh My Lord Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds 1002 * Nude Radiohead 1003 1392 Samskeyti Sigur Rós 1004 1012 Fiesta de los tamborileros Sunclub 1005 * Who do you love The Band 1006 329 Somewhere only we know Keane 1007 2021 Jimmy Boudewijn de Groot 1008 277 Via dEUS 1009 * You're beautiful James Blunt 1010 361 You get what you give New Radicals 1011 1017 About a girl Nirvana 1012 1760 The feel good drag Anberlin 1013 * All the small things Blink 182 1014 2674 Zimbabwe Bob Marley 1015 1541 Red Red Wine Bob Marley 1016 * Greedy Fly Bush 1017 1021 Help Channel Zero 1018 1022 Around the world Daft Punk 1019 1023 Forgot about Dre Dr. Dre & Eminem 1020 * Let me sleep (Next to the mirror) Idlewild 1021 * You Can Close Your Eyes James Taylor 1022 * Lollipop Lil' Wayne 1023 2445 Welcome Home (Sanitarium) Metallica 1024 * Deli Mor ve Otesi 1025 869 Blue Days Racoon 1026 1029 Too Late Talib Kweli 1027 * Keys to the highway The Band 1028 * I'm a loner Dottie, I'm a rebel The Get Up Kids 1029 * 16 Shells from a thirty-ought six Tom Waits 1030 * Miss You Trentemoller 1031 307 Hey Joe Jimi Hendrix 1032 536 Drive Incubus 1033 723 Fly away Lenny Kravitz 1034 510 Russian Literature Maximo Park 1035 1312 Firestarter Prodigy 1036 * The Man Who Can't be Moved The Script 1037 619 Protect ya neck Wu-Tang Clan 1038 * When Dean was the man and Monroe always smiled A Balladeer 1039 * Het rode licht André Hazes 1040 * Oh! Darling Beatles 1041 * Strikes Blue Sky Black Death & Jean Grae 1042 1977 Maggot brain Funkadelic 1043 * Wij zijn zo jong Gorki 1044 765 I Still Cry Ilse De Lange 1045 1139 Thick as a brick Jethro Tull 1046 * So Sick Ne-Yo 1047 2588 White Lies Paolo Nutini 1048 1044 Their law Prodigy 1049 * Like a Friend Pulp 1050 530 Hedonism Skunk Anansie 1051 * One year of love Stevie Ann 1052 1045 Answer the question Svensson & Gielen 1053 993 Vertigo The Libertines 1054 919 End of the line Travelling Wilburys 1055 1049 Bury the evidence Tricky 1056 1050 Girl, you'll be a woman soon Urge Overkill 1057 169 Als het vuur gedoofd is Acda & De Munnik 1058 1059 Kylie Akcent 1059 * Simple twist of fate Bob Dylan 1060 2889 Strand Boudewijn de Groot 1061 * All For Love Bryan Adams 1062 1067 Twilight Zone Golden Earring 1063 * Children of the damned Iron Maiden 1064 749 L.S.F. Kasabian 1065 2191 Can't fight the moonlight Leann Rimes 1066 * Sisters of Mercy Leonard Cohen 1067 1041 Switch (The science project) Lupe Fiasco 1068 1071 I'll be there Mariah Carey 1069 * Molitva Marija Serifovic 1070 281 I gave you power Nas 1071 * Go on girl Ne-Yo 1072 * In my time of need Opeth 1073 * All I Need Radiohead 1074 * The men are called horsemen Sunset Rubdown 1075 * Rule The World Take That 1076 809 Let's Kill Music The Cooper Temple Clause 1077 1077 Killing an Arab The Cure 1078 * Midnight Show The Killers 1079 * Courage The Tragically Hip 1080 * Forty six & 2 Tool 1081 1102 Give the drummer some Ultramagnetic MC's 1082 * New Soul Yael Naïm 1083 * The Wonder of You Elvis Presley 1084 426 The Unforgiven Metallica 1085 903 Pure Morning Placebo 1086 * Taxi Bamako Amadou & Mariam 1087 * Girl/Boy Song Aphex Twin 1088 1089 I Should have known better Beatles 1089 * Morning Crescent Belle and Sebastien 1090 933 Sun's gonna rise Citizen Hope 1091 * Disappointed in the sun dEUS 1092 1254 Sara Fleetwood Mac 1093 * Times like these Foo Fighters 1094 * See The World Gomez 1095 * Moonchild King Crimson 1096 1099 Lola's theme Shapeshifters 1097 717 New Toys The Cooper Temple Clause 1098 * Walking on the moon The Police 1099 2409 Trying your luck The Strokes 1100 876 Scream Zhang Xuan 1101 403 The Load Out/Stay Jackson Browne 1102 * M'bifé Amadou & Mariam 1103 454 Intergalactic Beastie Boys 1104 * Ion Square Bloc Party 1105 * Rookie Boy Sets Fire 1106 * It's okay to think about ending Earlimart 1107 1112 Dead in your chevy Field Mob 1108 1113 Pijn Herman Brood & Van Dik Hout 1109 1114 The Power of Love Huey Lewis & The News 1110 * Upward over the mountain Iron and Wine 1111 1115 Stupidisco Junior Jack 1112 317 Seasons end Marillion 1113 * Tracy Mogwai 1114 * All Apologies Nirvana 1115 * She's moved on Porcupine Tree 1116 1365 The march of the black queen Queen 1117 * Easily Red Hot Chili Peppers 1118 * Come undone Robbie Williams 1119 1124 Sunday Sonic Youth 1120 * Synthetic Spineshank 1121 * The Letter The Box Tops 1122 1920 Can't stand me now The Libertines 1123 * Many shades of black The Raconteurs 1124 1129 Walking to Hawaii Tom McRae 1125 636 Christmascard From A Hooker in Minneapolis Tom Waits 1126 * Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa Vampire Weekend 1127 410 Lemon Tree Fool's Garden 1128 * I Walk The Line Johnny Cash 1129 * Rich Kid Blues The Raconteurs 1130 * Het Geeft Niet Blof 1131 * Mushroom Can 1132 1136 Unleash the beast DJ Outblast & Korsakoff 1133 1138 Livin' proof Group Home 1134 1083 België Het Goede Doel 1135 * Sweet Little Sixteen Jerry Lee Lewis & Ringo Starr 1136 888 Cocaine JJ Cale 1137 * Geen kind meer Karin Bloemen 1138 850 Lampshade Kashmir 1139 1912 Creo (La Voz Dormida II) Mago De Oz 1140 2222 Godess on a Hiway Mercury Rev 1141 1166 Christmas Steps Mogwai 1142 * 5 years time Noah and the Whale 1143 * Malena Parni Valjak 1144 * It's only rock 'n roll Rolling Stones 1145 * Steady Rollin' Two Gallants 1146 437 Sexual Healing Marvin Gaye 1147 264 I write sins not tragedies Panic! At The Disco 1148 1150 The Road to Mandalay Robbie Williams 1149 219 Mrs Robinson Simon & Garfunkel 1150 * Shoot your gun 22-20s 1151 1152 Sexy Boy Air 1152 * The Rain Akon 1153 * Senegal Fast Food Amadou & Mariam 1154 1153 Dido's Lament (When I Am Laid in Earth) Anne Sofie Von Otter 1155 * I go to the barn because I like it Band of Horses 1156 906 Iron Man Black Sabbath 1157 * You Give Love a Bad Name Bon Jovi 1158 * With You Chris Brown 1159 1158 Orange Theme Cygnus X 1160 845 Fuck with Dre Day Dr. Dre & Snoop Dogg 1161 1159 Ugly Love Eels 1162 * Not even jail Interpol 1163 922 Bird on a wire Leonard Cohen 1164 359 This Love Maroon 5 1165 1165 Champagne Millionaire 1166 * The sky was pink Nathan Fake 1167 * Flink Zijn Paul De Leeuw 1168 * Always where I need to be The Kooks 1169 453 Nights in white satin The Moody Blues 1170 * Armageddon Days Are Here (Again) The The 1171 521 July morning Uriah Heep 1172 945 La Valse D'Amélie Yann Tiersen 1173 * De Klok Youp van't Hek 1174 2571 Bed of roses Bon Jovi 1175 1189 Situation 9 Choclair 1176 419 White Shadows Coldplay 1177 1927 White Room Cream 1178 1190 Starchild Dune 1179 * Anna Molly Incubus 1180 * Love for a child Jason Mraz 1181 * Walking in Memphis Marc Cohn 1182 2058 Karaoke plays Maximo Park 1183 * It's Allright Nailpin 1184 1120 Humming Portishead 1185 1198 Musicology Prince 1186 * Just Radiohead 1187 1458 Funky Monks Red Hot Chili Peppers 1188 * Pump the brakes Refused 1189 * Love her madly The Doors 1190 1128 The Widow The Mars Volta 1191 * Fake Empire The National 1192 1429 Gone Away The Offspring 1193 * Carolina Drama The Raconteurs 1194 152 Basket Case Green Day 1195 2578 Tell me Lies Fleetwood Mac 1196 1208 Adiemus Adiemus 1197 * I know there's an answer Beach Boys 1198 1106 Blue Jeans Blur 1199 1213 Rock this party Bob Sinclar 1200 1216 Nergens goed voor De Dijk 1201 1217 Life on Mars Divine Comedy 1202 * In the mood Glenn Miller 1203 1093 Cosmia Joanna Newson 1204 1221 Stick to ya guns M.O.P. 1205 1193 Take A Walk Masta Ace 1206 * I'm your hoochie coochie man Muddy Waters 1207 * The Decline NOFX 1208 1361 Have you ever been mellow Party Animals 1209 962 Set the controls for the heart of the sun Pink Floyd 1210 2198 Breathe Prodigy 1211 986 Daysleeper REM 1212 1798 Gimme shelter Rolling Stones 1213 * The Zoo Scorpions 1214 633 Second Skin The Chameleons 1215 * Boys don't Cry The Cure 1216 1641 Angel of Harlem U2 1217 * No one Alicia Keys 1218 362 Hope there's someone Anthony & The Johnsons 1219 2283 You really got me going The Kinks 1220 497 The Kids aren't allright The Offspring 1221 * Two Devils VOICST 1222 * Les Fleurs 4hero 1223 * Whipping Posts Allman Brothers Band 1224 * Dancing Shoes Arctic Monkeys 1225 1231 Play Dead Björk 1226 * Dit Lied Blof 1227 823 Blasphemous Rumours Depeche Mode 1228 * Sun Ra dEUS 1229 2449 Dreams to remember Otis Redding 1230 * Pretty Buildings People in Planes 1231 1239 Airwave Rank 1 1232 * Why The Hollows 1233 1610 Maps The Yeah Yeah Yeahs 1234 * Gold Lion The Yeah Yeah Yeahs 1235 1176 Rosanna Toto 1236 596 Smoorverliefd Doe Maar 1237 2085 Need you tonight INXS 1238 * Als je me morgen ziet Acda & De Munnik 1239 930 Helter Skelter Beatles 1240 * Atom British Sea Power 1241 2529 Station to station David Bowie 1242 1255 Raw Power Iggy Pop 1243 * Vesoul Jacques Brel 1244 1256 Uncommon Valor; A Vietnam Story Jedi Mind Tricks 1245 526 My Love Justin Timberlake 1246 1117 Simon Lifehouse 1247 * Spariro Luca Dirisio 1248 971 Black or white Michael Jackson 1249 960 Deep Fish Millionaire 1250 1263 Go Moby 1251 * Lapdance N.E.R.D. 1252 441 Don't give up Peter Gabriel & Kate Bush 1253 * Who Really Cares Powderfinger 1254 * Spitfire Prodigy 1255 1028 Feel Like Flying Racoon 1256 * Brother Racoon 1257 1603 North Star Raekwon 1258 557 Eyes Rogue Wave 1259 * Gutter Ballet Savatage 1260 879 So flute St. Germain 1261 2666 Mr. Writer Stereophonics 1262 * Don't Fall The Chameleons 1263 1178 Niet of nooit geweest Acda & De Munnik 1264 480 Gaia Mago De Oz 1265 2692 One Mic Nas 1266 1987 Fragile Sting 1267 1104 Come to daddy Aphex Twin 1268 1349 The Greatest Cat Power 1269 1179 Josephine Chris Rea 1270 * Move on up Curtis Mayfield 1271 1274 Hand in hand Dune 1272 * Riding with the king Eric Clapton & BB King 1273 1278 Check Goose 1274 1598 The Night the Earth Cried Gravediggaz 1275 * Call the Police James Morrison 1276 537 Algeria JJ72 1277 1280 Sometimes Les Rhytmes Digitales 1278 1980 Things behind the sun Nick Drake 1279 1286 An Old Friend of the Christies Oceansize 1280 1170 Lost Soul Pete Murray 1281 1690 Voyage 34 Porcupine Tree 1282 651 Do you remember the first time Pulp 1283 1719 D'n harde weg Rowwen Hèze 1284 1369 I Shall Believe Sheryl Crow 1285 * Rocking All Over The World Status Quo 1286 779 Consequence The Notwist 1287 * Screwdriver The White Stripes 1288 * Where Eagles Have Been Wolfmother 1289 2071 Redemption Song Bob Marley 1290 1408 You Are Fading Editors 1291 1810 Sonne Rammstein 1292 880 A Beautiful Lie 30 Seconds to Mars 1293 1296 24000 baci Adriano Celentano 1294 1297 The Sun Always Shines on TV A-ha 1295 2673 Windowlicker Aphex Twin 1296 1299 Bright Eyes Art Garfunkel 1297 1300 Start the riot Atari Teenage Riot 1298 1564 Rainbow Battles 1299 * Night Bruce Springsteen 1300 * Anne Clouseau 1301 1109 Fortunate Son Creedence Clearwater Revival 1302 * Passenger's seat Death Cab For Cutie 1303 729 My Melody Eric B & Rakim 1304 * I wanna be your dog Iggy Pop 1305 * Aces High Iron Maiden 1306 2903 Ten Years Gone Led Zeppelin 1307 1309 Renee Lost Boys 1308 2555 Last Train Home Lost Prophets 1309 * Little Bit Lykki Li 1310 2720 The Unforgiven II Metallica 1311 1027 Peeping Tom Placebo 1312 * Vissen Samson & Gert 1313 397 Sæglópur Sigur Rós 1314 1339 Cars hiss by my window The Doors 1315 2501 Take it as it comes The Doors 1316 * Romeo & Juliet The Killers 1317 2407 Sing me Spanish techno The New Pornographers 1318 * So Says I The Shins 1319 * Teenage Kicks Undertones 1320 743 La tribu de Dana Manau 1321 2195 The man who sold the world Nirvana 1322 1321 Waarom nou jij Marco Borsato 1323 992 When the music's over The Doors 1324 * Casual Viewing 54.40 1325 * Such a lonely soul Anna Ternheim 1326 1671 Are you kidding me? Anouk 1327 * Sad Song Au Revoir Simone 1328 1002 Oily Water Blur 1329 1471 Waste of paint Bright Eyes 1330 * Glory Days Bruce Springsteen 1331 1328 I want you to want me Cheap Trick 1332 1569 I heard it through the grapevine Creedence Clearwater Revival 1333 1329 Summer Skin Death Cab For Cutie 1334 * Blue Suede Shoes Elvis Presley 1335 * Yellow Brick Road Eminem 1336 * Beyond the dying light God is an astronaut 1337 * Srbija KS Maestro & Krang 1338 * Shadow of the day Linkin Park 1339 * Als de dag van toen Reinhard Mey 1340 1336 Spring RMB 1341 * Streets of love Rolling Stones 1342 1337 Miracle in July Saybia 1343 1537 Fields of gold The Police 1344 * T-R-O-U-B-L-E Travis Tritt 1345 1245 Into the mystic Van Morrisson 1346 * Lonely Akon 1347 1249 Crazy Aerosmith 1348 1904 The Good, The Bad and the Ugly Ennio Morricone 1349 * Droomland André Hazes & Paul De Leeuw 1350 787 Feel it in the air Beanie Sigel 1351 * So here we are Bloc Party 1352 * The Wolves Bon Iver 1353 1350 Wicked Game Chris Isaak 1354 * Accidentely in Love Counting Crows 1355 1857 Sail away David Gray 1356 1351 3030 Deltron 3030 1357 * Susan's house Eels 1358 * I will survive Hermes House Band 1359 * Sunday Morning Coming Down Johnny Cash 1360 * Gold Digger Kanye West 1361 1890 Forever Changed Lou Reed & John Cale 1362 776 The Cool Lupe Fiasco 1363 * Talk Tonight Oasis 1364 1503 Ornament/The Last Wrongs Oceansize 1365 1363 Piano Lessons Porcupine Tree 1366 1371 Season in the abbys Slayer 1367 * My Direction Sum 41 1368 2912 Inner Smile Texas 1369 * On the bus mall The Decemberists 1370 * Over the Ice The Field 1371 * Radio's in Heaven The Plain White T's 1372 * Under The Folding Branches The Veils 1373 1374 End of the world news Tom McRae 1374 * Wrong side of the road Tom Waits 1375 * Ol'55 Tom Waits 1376 * Crow Jane Two Gallants 1377 2647 Ice Queen Within Temptation 1378 1403 Comptime d'un autre été Yann Tiersen 1379 1252 Names Cat Power 1380 1377 Saltwater Chicane 1381 1378 Time after time Cindy Lauper 1382 * The Answer Lies Within Dream Theater 1383 1381 Big in Japan Guano Apes 1384 * Whole lotta shakin' goin on Jerry Lee Lewis 1385 * Splishy Splashy Lisa Hannigan 1386 * Electric Feel MGMT 1387 * Friend of the night Mogwai 1388 2419 I have forgiven Jesus Morrissey 1389 1389 Onkwetsbaarheid is eenzaamheid Osdorp Posse 1390 1390 Dragonfighters Quazar 1391 * The Same Deep Water As You The Cure 1392 * Spanish Caravan The Doors 1393 * Tranquilize The Killers 1394 563 Almost cut my hair Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young 1395 452 There There Radiohead 1396 * Time Tom Waits 1397 352 Highway to hell AC/DC 1398 1944 Kees Acda & De Munnik 1399 * Expectations Belle and Sebastien 1400 * The blood of Cu Chulainn Boondock Saints OST 1401 * Randy Described Eternity Built to Spill 1402 * En Dans Clouseau 1403 1405 Woorden zonder woorden De Kast 1404 1331 Fire and rain James Taylor 1405 1952 Lady Day Lou Reed 1406 1415 Ray of light Madonna 1407 1874 Ready to die Notorious BIG 1408 * Do Run Novastar 1409 * Black Okkervil River 1410 * New Noise Refused 1411 1418 Weck Mich Auf Samy Deluxe 1412 1419 Puta madre Showtek 1413 1424 Silver Rocket Sonic Youth 1414 1531 Rudy Supertramp 1415 495 Lullaby The Cure 1416 * 22: The Death of All The Romance The Dears 1417 1536 And you're a star The Killers 1418 1244 Bad Habit The Offspring 1419 * Wait (The Whisper Song) Ying Yang Twins 1420 2076 Positive Tension Bloc Party 1421 * Quelqu'un ma dit Carla Bruni 1422 * What Sarah Said Death Cab For Cutie 1423 * High & Dry Jamie Cullum 1424 1448 I who have nothing Jedi Mind Tricks 1425 1451 All Caps Madvillain 1426 1454 Love Hurts Nazareth 1427 1455 Yakalelo Nomads 1428 1457 Yalanci Sahidim Rafet el Roman 1429 * Dichter bij ow Rowwen Hèze 1430 1001 You Got It Roy Orbison 1431 * Aeroplane Tal Bachman 1432 1922 Hard Times The Scabs 1433 1047 New Slang The Shins 1434 * Lazy Eye The Silversun Pickups 1435 * Inaction We Are Scientists 1436 2019 Tim Wim De Craene 1437 2179 Fuck forever Babyshambles 1438 * Llorando Rebekah Del Rio 1439 1640 Parabol/Parabola Tool 1440 * Ever Present Admiral Freebee 1441 1468 Why tell me why Anita Meyer 1442 1469 Ruska Apocalyptica 1443 2511 For no one Beatles 1444 * First Date Blink 182 1445 1470 Shake ya tailfeather Blues Brothers 1446 * Mode D / Mode E / Mode F Charles Mingus 1447 1782 Hardcore Feelings Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo 1448 * Hits from the bong Cypress Hill 1449 * Accidental Babies Damien Rice 1450 * Escape the nest Editors 1451 * Cold as ice Foreigner 1452 2343 Believe me Fort Minor 1453 1479 Hands of a stranger Hard Knocks 1454 * Take you on a cruise Interpol 1455 * Lies JJ Cale 1456 * Dreaming with a broken heart John Mayer 1457 * Cry Cry Cry Johnny Cash 1458 * Burning Up Jonas Brothers 1459 * Alles Over Jou Klein Orkest 1460 1481 Lying Lasgo 1461 1522 New Paths to Helicon, Part 1 Mogwai 1462 865 NY State of Mind Nas 1463 1656 Tijd Leert Opgezwolle 1464 * The End has no End The Strokes 1465 1291 I Can See For Miles The Who 1466 * Turn Travis 1467 * Moondance Van Morrisson 1468 * The Winner Takes it All ABBA 1469 * Eerste Helmersstraat Acda & De Munnik 1470 1762 I used to love H.E.R. Common 1471 * Elements of Life DJ Tiësto 1472 * I need a thrill/Something good Four Horsemen 1473 1651 Think about the way Ice MC 1474 * The Chosen Pessimist In Flames 1475 2794 La Valse a Mille Temps Jacques Brel 1476 * The Frog Prince Keane 1477 1414 Tangerine Led Zeppelin 1478 * Married With Children Oasis 1479 1238 Sheep Pink Floyd 1480 1200 Bulls on parade Rage Against The Machine 1481 * Come pick me up Ryan Adams 1482 * Cross the breeze Sonic Youth 1483 1315 Let's go dancing Teitur 1484 1508 Any other name Thomas Newman 1485 * Guten Tag Wir Sind Helden 1486 1510 Kernkraft 400 Zombie nation 1487 * Gimme all your lovin ZZ Top 1488 1212 The times they are a-changing Bob Dylan 1489 2061 So beautiful Pete Murray 1490 949 Without you I'm nothing Placebo 1491 * Wacht Acda & De Munnik 1492 2078 I want you Bob Dylan 1493 * Microcastle Deerhunter 1494 858 King's Crossing Elliott Smith 1495 * Another lesson in violence Exodus 1496 1515 Rockafella Skank Fatboy Slim 1497 2531 Zwart/wit Frank Boeijen 1498 * Can't knock the hustle Jay-Z 1499 * Dead Souls Joy Division 1500 1519 Dusted Leftfield 1501 2092 Dashboard Modest Mouse 1502 2695 World on a plate Racoon 1503 659 Ich will Rammstein 1504 * Desed Red Hot Chili Peppers 1505 * Disturbia Rihanna 1506 1530 Maria Magdalena Sandra 1507 * Magnificent Seven The Clash 1508 1538 Golden Brown The Stranglers 1509 449 Monsoon Tokio Hotel 1510 * Ice Cream Man Tom Waits 1511 418 My Love Westlife 1512 425 Holiday in Spain Counting Crows & Blof 1513 * Suzie Q. Creedence Clearwater Revival 1514 639 When the sun goes down Arctic Monkeys 1515 1827 New York State of Mind Billy Joel 1516 * Sleeping Village Black Sabbath 1517 1972 Born in the USA Bruce Springsteen 1518 * See See Rider Elvis Presley 1519 * Hoochie Coochie Man Eric Clapton 1520 1543 S.O.S. Filterfunk 1521 * Johnny Come Home Fine Young Cannibals 1522 1546 Erasmus Gregor Salto 1523 1516 Sao Paolo Guillemots 1524 * The Real Thing Gwen Stefani 1525 * Goodbye my lover James Blunt 1526 1163 Motorcycle Emptyness Manic Street Preachers 1527 * Lost Coastlines Okkervil River 1528 * Make Me Smile (Come Up And See) Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel 1529 1553 Josephine Teitur 1530 326 Desperado The Eagles 1531 * Bones The Killers 1532 1080 America Tracy Chapman 1533 1872 Saturday Night Herman Brood 1534 1561 Cold Water Music Aim 1535 1134 Dance dance Christa Paffgen Anberlin 1536 * Pioneers Bloc Party 1537 * Wake Up Coheed and Cambria 1538 * Voor Jou De Jeugd Van Tegenwoordig 1539 1571 A view to a kill Duran Duran 1540 * Trouble Elvis Presley 1541 * Se Bastassa Una Canzone Eros Ramazotti 1542 * In Italia Fabri Fibra ft. Gianna Nannini 1543 461 Jesus he knows me Genesis 1544 * Longview Green Day 1545 1577 Nuuj Helde Jansse Bagge Band 1546 * Have a little faith in me John Hiatt 1547 1009 Cambodia Kim Wilde 1548 1579 Hush Kula Shaker 1549 * Got Money Lil Wayne 1550 2111 Postcard of a painting Maximo Park 1551 * Beds are burning Midnight Oil 1552 * Passievrucht/Bosmuis Opgezwolle 1553 1241 Angel Saybia 1554 177 The Boxer Simon & Garfunkel 1555 2358 Vuur/Water Sticks & Delic 1556 1585 Sleeping with the lights on Teitur 1557 * Slow Show The National 1558 * Bone Machine The Pixies 1559 * Your English is good Tokyo Police Club 1560 1588 Walk on U2 1561 * I'll believe in anything Woilf Parade 1562 * White Unicorn Wolfmother 1563 1589 Wonderfull Days Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo 1564 282 After The Gold Rush Neil Young 1565 1248 Bro Hym Tribute Pennywise 1566 520 Go with the flow Queens of the Stone Age 1567 408 Ik wil alleen maar zwemmen Spinvis 1568 1778 Down to the river to pray Alison Krauss & Union Station 1569 * Flying over bus-stops Athlete 1570 1590 All my loving Beatles 1571 946 She's always a woman to me Billy Joel 1572 1233 Sing Blur 1573 1595 Far Away C-Quence 1574 * Grapevine Fires Death Cab For Cutie 1575 2342 Metropolis Dream Theater 1576 * I sold my hands for food so please feed me Get Well Soon 1577 1599 All I wanna do is make love to you Heart 1578 1600 Trampled Underfoot Led Zeppelin 1579 1452 What it is Mark Knopfler 1580 * Verdammt Ich Lieb Dich Mathias Reim 1581 * Twenty Years Placebo 1582 * Way Out of Here Porcupine Tree 1583 2648 My Friends Red Hot Chili Peppers 1584 1694 The End of the World Skeeter Davis 1585 * Till the end of the day The Kinks 1586 * Your Guardian Angel The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus 1587 1289 Paint a vulgar picture The Smiths 1588 1078 Dry Your Eyes The Streets 1589 1611 Tricky Kid Tricky 1590 * Electrical Storm U2 1591 1204 Verdronken Vlinder Boudewijn de Groot 1592 1615 Whisper Evanescence 1593 1324 Close Friends Adema 1594 1619 Lost Cause Beck 1595 1621 Good Cop/Bad Cop Blahzay Blahzay 1596 1053 First day of my life Bright Eyes 1597 1622 The Truth Cosmic Gate 1598 1624 Flyswatter Eels 1599 * As if I hadn't slept Idlewild 1600 * Deeper Underground Jamiroquai 1601 2037 Aqualung Jethro Tull 1602 2609 Orchard Road Leo Sayer 1603 * The Funny Bird Mercury Rev 1604 1547 Mother's Day Nada Surf 1605 2558 Ambulance Blues Neil Young 1606 * I'm outta time Oasis 1607 2859 ?????? Sodagreen 1608 513 Dreaming of you The Coral 1609 * SOS The Police 1610 * Pull harder on the strings of your martyr Trivium 1611 * Sur le fil Yann Tiersen 1612 427 You ain't seen nothing yet Bachman Turner Overdrive 1613 * I Will Possess Your Heart Death Cab For Cutie 1614 1357 No quarter Led Zeppelin 1615 * Picture Me Rollin 2PAC 1616 1644 Postcards from Italy Beirut 1617 947 Nobelprijs Clouseau 1618 793 Suffragette City David Bowie 1619 1648 Duality DJ Shadow 1620 1650 Fosforlu Cevriyem Ibrahim Tatlises 1621 * Foxy Lady Jimi Hendrix 1622 2347 Gravity John Mayer 1623 2416 Kashmir Led Zeppelin 1624 1653 Wherever I may roam Metallica 1625 * Ironside Nine Black Alps 1626 1658 Hava naquila Party Animals 1627 * Young Folks Peter, Bjorn & John 1628 * Just like a pill Pink 1629 1224 How do you keep love alive Ryan Adams 1630 * Við Spilum Endelaust Sigur Rós 1631 1643 Les Jours Tristes Yann Tiersen 1632 2843 Aerodynamic Daft Punk 1633 2893 Save a Prayer Duran Duran 1634 145 Last chance Moke 1635 2453 The man who would be king The Libertines 1636 2207 The Sweetest Thing U2 1637 * Runes of my memory Amon Amarth 1638 * Uniform Bloc Party 1639 * Hier Blof 1640 * Smoke it Dandy Warhols 1641 * Niet als Jou De Jeugd Van Tegenwoordig 1642 1678 Play it hard DJ Dean 1643 * Forsaken Dream Theater 1644 1882 Star Eden 1645 1680 This is Hell Elvis Costello 1646 * Orly Jacques Brel 1647 1682 Crockett's Theme Jan Hammer 1648 578 Ring of Fire Johnny Cash 1649 * Carry on my wayward son Kansas 1650 * All Summer Long Kid Rock 1651 276 Freak on a leash Korn 1652 * The Man With The Red Face Laurent Garnier 1653 1518 Over the hills and far away Led Zeppelin 1654 1686 Take a walk on the wild side Lou Reed 1655 * U can't touch this MC Hammer 1656 1841 Represent Nas 1657 * Slow Wind R. Kelly 1658 1692 Tier Rammstein 1659 1693 Cruisin' Sioen 1660 632 Limonadeglazen vodka Spinvis 1661 * Mr. November The National 1662 * Let's dance to Joy Division The Wombats 1663 1756 Whispering at the top of my lungs Tim Christensen 1664 2386 If you see her, say hello Bob Dylan 1665 861 I put a spell on you Creedence Clearwater Revival 1666 1192 Like a prayer Madonna 1667 1703 Judith A Perfect Circle 1668 * Together in Wonderland Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo 1669 * Dao sam ti dusu Crvena Jubaka 1670 1706 Do you really wanna hurt me Culture Club 1671 1708 California uber alles Dead Kennedys 1672 * Not ready to make nice Dixie Chicks 1673 * Ta det lungt Dungen 1674 * Mishto! Gogol Bordello 1675 1712 Vuelvo al Sur Gotan Project 1676 1713 Ik wil dat ons land juicht Guus Meeuwis 1677 1714 The First Rebirth Jones & Stephenson 1678 * I talk to the wind King Crimson 1679 * Ayo Technology Milow 1680 * More Than This Roxy Music 1681 * Love me two times The Doors 1682 357 Het is een nacht Guus Meeuwis 1683 2690 Hero of the day Metallica 1684 * TNT AC/DC 1685 1729 Rubber & Soul Ane Brun 1686 2269 Eleanor Rigby Beatles 1687 * Hyper Ballad Björk 1688 * Yagmur Cem Adrian 1689 1735 Stars Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo 1690 2005 Lunar queen Cousteau 1691 2389 Suite judy blue eyes Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young 1692 2677 Southern Cross Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young 1693 * Der tod is ein dandy Einsturzende Neubauten 1694 * Drugs or me Jimmy Eat World 1695 * To Run Josiah Leming 1696 * Decades Joy Division 1697 * All falls down Kanye West 1698 * The Future Leonard Cohen 1699 * Blood Shot Adult Commitment Madrugada 1700 * Creeping Death Metallica 1701 1333 Take me somewhere nice Mogwai 1702 * She doesn't belong to me Pete & The Pirates 1703 1795 You can't hurry love Phil Collins 1704 * Walk Away Racoon 1705 1346 Teenage Riot Sonic Youth 1706 * Always on my mind Elvis Presley 1707 * Wise Up Aimee Mann 1708 1780 Ambulance Blur 1709 1273 Have you ever seen the rain Creedence Clearwater Revival 1710 * Drifter Daniel Broder 1711 1572 Lights Editors 1712 * Live and let die Guns n' Roses 1713 1768 Violet Hole 1714 * Milk and honey Jackson C. Frank 1715 * Panic Button L.E.O. 1716 * I'll be waiting Lenny Kravitz 1717 * Whiplash Metallica 1718 1281 Heroes never die Mostly Autumn 1719 * Feeling Good Nina Simone 1720 * True Love Waits Radiohead 1721 1988 The Purple Bottle The Animal Collective 1722 1773 Me and jesus the pimp in a '79 Granada last night The Coup 1723 * Great DJ The Ting Tings 1724 124 Helicopter Bloc Party 1725 * The animals were gone Damien Rice 1726 1723 Eye of the tiger Survivor 1727 * Black Soul Choir 16 HP 1728 1779 Yellow Submarine Beatles 1729 * Gamma Ray Beck 1730 * Hound Dog Big Mama Thornton 1731 * Blind Willie McTell Bob Dylan 1732 764 Ode to my family Cranberries 1733 * Lekker Gewoon De Lama's 1734 * The Killing Moon Echo & The Bunnyman 1735 478 May it Be Enya 1736 * Skin & Bones Foo Fighters 1737 * Demon Days Gorillaz 1738 1786 Heavenly Grant-Lee Philips 1739 * Big Legs Tight Skirt John Lee Hooker 1740 * Make A Move Lost Prophets 1741 1787 Heart of steel Manowar 1742 551 Wereld zonder jou Marco Borsato & Trijntje Oosterhuis 1743 1789 Chelsea Monday Marillion 1744 2247 City of delusion Muse 1745 1794 The Sorrowful Wife Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds 1746 * Bycicle Race Queen 1747 * Wérme regen Rowwen Hèze 1748 * Krakzo de mattebom Samson & Gert 1749 2116 Bodies Sex Pistols 1750 * Untitled (track 1) Sigur Rós 1751 1802 Nothing's gonna stop us now Starship 1752 * I'm Yours The Script 1753 * Singapore Tom Waits 1754 1808 Regulate Warren G & Nate Dogg 1755 * Travelling at my own place Y Society 1756 1809 Voyage Yahel 1757 * Come Voglio Zero Assoluto 1758 466 Jeremy Pearl Jam 1759 337 Brass monkey Beastie Boys 1760 * Fallen Leaves Billy Talent 1761 * The Chinatown Bus Bishop Allen 1762 481 Politik Coldplay 1763 1811 Nightshift Commodores 1764 502 Rebel Rebel David Bowie 1765 1813 Theme from Norefjell DJ Tiësto 1766 * Souljacker, Part I Eels 1767 * Let it die Foo Fighters 1768 * Sweet Baby James James Taylor 1769 345 Starless King Crimson 1770 * Blind Lemon 1771 * Rematch in Patterson Lord Finesse vs Percee P 1772 1096 Killing all the flies Mogwai 1773 1523 How could anybody possibly know how I feel Morrissey 1774 2114 Something in the way Nirvana 1775 667 Women who love men who love drugs Oceansize 1776 * The Great Gig in the Sky Pink Floyd 1777 2316 Conversation Intercom Soulwax 1778 * Stuck in the middle with you Stealers Wheel 1779 * How You Gonna See Me Now Alice Cooper 1780 * Astrakan Cafe, Part 2 Anouar Brahem 1781 * Mo Money, Mo Murder AZ 1782 * Ball 'n Chain Big Mama Thornton 1783 * Chan Chan Buena Vista Social Club 1784 2626 The Back of Love Echo & The Bunnyman 1785 1833 Hurts to be in love Gino Vannelli 1786 * The Wind Cries Mary Jamie Cullum 1787 * Our House Madness 1788 923 Zij Marco Borsato 1789 * Da Rockwilder Method Man & Redman 1790 1840 Blonde on Blonde Nada Surf 1791 * Henkie Cola Piter Wilkins 1792 1842 Fading like a flower Roxette 1793 1843 Calabria Rune 1794 * Sweetly undone Sam Baker 1795 1844 Zero Smashing Pumpkins 1796 * Lost in Hollywood System of a down 1797 1372 Film-Maker The Cooper Temple Clause 1798 424 Hate to say I told you so The Hives 1799 * Refuge Tom Petty 1800 * Roundabout Yes 1801 1088 Do me a favor Arctic Monkeys 1802 1947 Lack of colour Death Cab For Cutie 1803 * Candle in the Wind Elton John 1804 1728 Dance with the devil Immortal Technique 1805 442 Tribute Tenacious D 1806 1851 Away from the sun 3 doors down 1807 * I Ran A Flock of Seagulls 1808 561 Ergens zingt een zanger Acda & De Munnik 1809 * De helft van mij Bastiaan Ragas 1810 * Like eating glass Bloc Party 1811 843 Colorblind Counting Crows 1812 387 Rabbit Run Eminem 1813 * Orinoco Flow (Sail Away) Enya 1814 * Ordinary People John Legend 1815 1070 Solid air John Martyn 1816 227 Natural Blues Moby 1817 * Killed by Death Motorhead 1818 1868 Paradise Lost Red Zebra 1819 * Anyone else but you The Moldy Peaches 1820 * Charly The Prodigy 1821 340 PDA Interpol 1822 2696 Anybody seen my baby? Rolling Stones 1823 2064 Olsen Olsen Sigur Rós 1824 2731 There will be no next time The Kids 1825 * Luno Bloc Party 1826 * Sprawl Calexico 1827 * Oci boje snre Crvena Jubaka 1828 * Onderuit De Dijk 1829 1881 Foolish Beat Debbie Gibson 1830 1883 Freed from desire Gala 1831 2320 I Can't Dance Genesis 1832 1137 Call me Ishmael Get Cape Wear Cape Fly 1833 1832 The World is Outside Ghosts 1834 * Cuckoo I Am Kloot 1835 1084 I'm Not So Tough Ilse De Lange 1836 707 Numb Jay-Z & Linkin Park 1837 2397 Oceans Johan 1838 * Everybody Knows John Legend 1839 * Homecoming Kanye West 1840 * I am the sun, I am the air Morrissey 1841 1364 Voodoo people Prodigy 1842 * Knives Out Radiohead 1843 305 Ruby Tuesday Rolling Stones 1844 * Can You Hear Me Knocking Rolling Stones 1845 1896 Poor Leno Royksopp 1846 1897 Move your ass Scooter 1847 * White Riot The Clash 1848 1919 Who needs enemies? The Cooper Temple Clause 1849 * Way down in the hole Tom Waits 1850 * Original of the species U2 1851 1898 Kite U2 1852 * Hajnal Venetain Snares 1853 1702 Afscheid Volumia 1854 1854 The Bad Touch Bloodhound Gang 1855 * Furr Blitzen Trapper 1856 * Whirlwind Daniel Broder 1857 * Hero Enrique Iglesias 1858 * Fu Gee La Fugees 1859 * Take a rest Gang Starr 1860 1905 I didn't ask to come Goodie Mob 1861 * Paranoid Gus Black 1862 * Stand Jewel 1863 * Na Na Na Na Naa Kaiser Chiefs 1864 2744 Spirits in the night Manfred Mann's Earth Band 1865 1913 I like it loud Marshall Masters 1866 1164 Looking at you MC5 1867 891 Cowgirl in the sand Neil Young 1868 1918 Can't stop Red Hot Chili Peppers 1869 * Summerholidays vs punkroutine Refused 1870 * The Lioness Songs: Ohia 1871 1940 Death on the stairs The Libertines 1872 500 District sleeps alone tonight The Postal Service 1873 * Zelfs je naam is mooi Henk Westbroek 1874 * Make you feel my love Adele 1875 * You Know I'm No Good Amy Winehouse 1876 * Blue Light Bloc Party 1877 * Harlem Shuffle Bob & Earl 1878 * I don't want to see you Camera Obscure 1879 * Halleluhwah Can 1880 1928 Is Vic there Department S 1881 1930 Jacob's Ladder Dreadlock Pussy 1882 * I just can't help believin' Elvis Presley 1883 2050 Cose della vita Eros Ramazotti 1884 2301 This ain't a scene, it's an arms race Fall Out Boy 1885 1765 Drunken lullabies Flogging Molly 1886 * Girls Girls Girls Jay-Z 1887 * Shadowplay Joy Division 1888 * We Are Your Friends Justice & Simian 1889 1933 Cherish (the love) Kool & The Gang 1890 2011 You can't keep a bad man down Oceansize 1891 280 But it's better if you do Panic! At The Disco 1892 * Hands open Snow Patrol 1893 * The Weight The Band 1894 594 Back when you were good The Hours 1895 1396 Green Grass and High Tides The Outlaws 1896 * Death of a disco dancer The Smiths 1897 1942 Gimme danger The Stooges 1898 * Instinct Blues The White Stripes 1899 * Anthem (we are the fire) Trivium 1900 * We're not gonna take it Twister Sisters 1901 * Sunshine of your love Cream 1902 * She's only 18 Red Hot Chili Peppers 1903 * Footballer's Wife Amy McDonald 1904 * There She Goes Babyshambles 1905 * Get Back Beatles 1906 * Red Flag Billy Talent 1907 * We used to be friends Dandy Warhols 1908 * Circle of Life Elton John 1909 1948 Ella, Ella L'a France Gall 1910 * Faith George Michael 1911 1949 Blief biej de mam Jansse Bagge Band 1912 * Get Rhytm Johnny Cash 1913 * The Weight of My Words Kings of Convenience 1914 1951 Outta here KRS-One 1915 389 The Dolphin's Cry Live 1916 1790 Live with me Massive Attack 1917 * Damage Inc. Metallica 1918 509 156 Mew 1919 * We are all made of stars Moby 1920 * See these bones Nada Surf 1921 * Turn up the sun Oasis 1922 * Autumn Paolo Nutini 1923 * This Corrosion Sisters of Mercy 1924 * All Star Smash Mouth 1925 * No Cities Left The Dears 1926 1961 Music when the lights go out The Libertines 1927 2382 Zo niet mij Typhoon 1928 * Rock me Amadeus Falco 1929 * Hit the road Jack Ray Charles 1930 1560 Krazy 2PAC 1931 * I wanna fuck you Akon & Snoop Dogg 1932 * Afscheid van een vriend Andre Hazes 1933 1967 Kleine jongen André Hazes 1934 * Colpo di fulmine Anna Tatangelo 1935 * Cripple and Starfish Anthony & The Johnsons 1936 1466 Lovely Day Bill Withers 1937 1969 Army of me Björk 1938 * Archangel Burial 1939 * I will be absorbed Egg 1940 1976 Salva Mea Faithless 1941 * Auf Asche Franz Ferdinand 1942 * Number of the Beast Iron Maiden 1943 * Beautiful Mess Jason Mraz 1944 272 Numb Linkin Park 1945 1788 Welcome to Tijuana Manu Chao 1946 527 To Live is To Die Metallica 1947 * You have killed me Morrissey 1948 * Leo, are you still jumping out of windows in expensive clothes My Little Airport 1949 539 99 luftballons Nena 1950 837 Bulletproof Cupid Placebo 1951 1982 Breaking the girl Red Hot Chili Peppers 1952 * Unfaithfull Rihanna 1953 1984 Ladytron Roxy Music 1954 * Robin Hood Samson & Gert 1955 600 Europa Santana 1956 1986 Pressure Staind 1957 * Blackened Blue Eyes The Charlatans 1958 * What became of the likely lads The Libertines 1959 1989 L'Via L'Viaquez The Mars Volta 1960 1991 The Whole of the Moon The Waterboys 1961 * Murder UGK 1962 460 Charlotte Air Traffic 1963 1060 Bloed, zweet en tranen André Hazes 1964 * 8 dead boys Babyshambles 1965 2001 Take my breath away Berlin 1966 * I'm not gonna teach your boyfriend how to dance with you Black Kids 1967 * Lily, rosemary and the jack of hearts Bob Dylan 1968 * The Architect dEUS 1969 2082 Where'd U go Fort Minor 1970 * Hallelujah Leonard Cohen 1971 * Dromen zijn bedrog Marco Borsato 1972 2853 Our velocity Maximo Park 1973 * Come back to Camden Morrissey 1974 2248 Hypermusic Muse 1975 2249 Jet Boy New York Dolls 1976 2958 Arnold Layne Pink Floyd 1977 * Strings of life Rhythim is Rhythim 1978 1314 Crazy Seal 1979 2016 Underwater Love Smoke City 1980 1938 Black Hole Sun Soundgarden 1981 486 Over my head The Fray 1982 2150 Don't mug yourself The Streets 1983 2729 Running down a dream Tom Petty 1984 * Zombie Zoo Tom Petty 1985 * Hou me vast Volumia 1986 * Daydream Wallace Collection 1987 * Major Tom Peter Schilling 1988 952 Winterschläfer A Balladeer 1989 2024 Ce matin la Air 1990 2026 Sacrifice Anouk 1991 * Cherry Lips Archie Bronson Outfit 1992 * Run to you Bryan Adams 1993 * Pull Out Death from Above 1979 1994 * Brava Fabrizio Moro 1995 2034 Dance on a Volcano Genesis 1996 2035 Soldiers Gone Psycho Heltah Skeltah 1997 2829 Everybody's Changing Keane 1998 2039 The Partisan Leonard Cohen 1999 1687 Embarrassment Madness 2000 * It's all coming back to me Meatloaf 2001 * Ayo Technology Millow 2002 878 Ice Box Nada Surf 2003 * Pappie loop toch niet zo snel One Two Trio 2004 * De Steen Paul De Leeuw 2005 * Fasten your seatbelts Pendulum 2006 2374 Plasticine Placebo 2007 2042 Sour times Portishead 2008 * Freedom/Township Rebellion Rage Against The Machine 2009 * Monty got a raw deal REM 2010 * Mr Blue Rene Kleijn 2011 * Crossroads Blues Robert Johnson 2012 * It's Like That Run DMC 2013 * The Airplane Song Scouting For Girls 2014 * All Star Smashmouth 2015 * Hotwax Spinvis 2016 * Secret Meeting The National 2017 * Stap voor Stap Van Dik Hout 2018 2052 Ebonics (Premo Mix) D.I.T.C. 2019 * So much to say Dave Matthews Band 2020 * I get a kick out of you Frank Sinatra 2021 * Life in a day I Am Kloot 2022 * Details in the fabric Jason Mraz & James Morrison 2023 2138 21st century schizoid man King Crimson 2024 2059 Hijo de la luna Mecano 2025 * Spitting Venom Modest Mouse 2026 2062 Mysterons Portishead 2027 * Never Change Puddle of Mudd 2028 * Streets of London Ralph McTell 2029 2065 Love and sleep Syd Matters 2030 * Caught by a river The Doves 2031 1317 Worried about Ray The Hoosiers 2032 2067 Together The Raconteurs 2033 * No More Heroes The Stranglers 2034 * SOS ABBA 2035 * Rocker Alter Ego 2036 2075 Beautiful Athlete 2037 1825 Rendez Vous Basement Jaxx 2038 * Satisfaction Benny Benassi 2039 * Dammit Blink 182 2040 1232 Caramel Blur 2041 * Swallowed in the sea Coldplay 2042 * Flava in ya ear Craig Mack 2043 2368 Love is an unfamiliar name Duke Spirit 2044 1111 Needle in the hay Elliott Smith 2045 * Love Me Tender Elvis Presley 2046 * Every dog has it's day Flogging Molly 2047 1767 Punk is dood Gorki 2048 2084 World War III Gunshot 2049 * Halt Mich Herbert Grönemeyer 2050 * Transmission Substance Joy Division 2051 * In het donker Kadanz 2052 2056 Spider's Web Katie Melua 2053 2088 Strani Amori Laura Pausini 2054 2091 Motown Blood Mando Diao 2055 * De Waarheid Marco Borsato 2056 2278 What's going on Marvin Gaye 2057 * Dilemma Nelly & Kelly Rowland 2058 * Underneath it all No Doubt 2059 * Death Whispered in a Lullaby Opeth 2060 2256 Little sister Queens of the Stone Age 2061 2098 Papa chico Tony Esposito 2062 1147 Jump Van Halen 2063 * Turn the page The Streets 2064 1437 Thirteen ¡Forward Russia! 2065 2101 16 Ard und Jorn 2066 2003 Naast Jou Boudewijn de Groot 2067 * Monica Cricus Custers 2068 2103 Hart van mijn gevoel De Kast 2069 * De Bom Doe Maar 2070 * Repentance Dream Theater 2071 2919 Sacrifice Elton John 2072 2107 The Power of Love Jennifer Rush 2073 2108 In The Sun Joseph Arthur 2074 * Better in time Leona Lewis 2075 1358 They stood up for love Live 2076 * Limassol Maximo Park 2077 2975 Ohio Neil Young 2078 2119 When logics die Soulwax 2079 1342 Sharing Unbelievable Truth 2080 * You shook me all night AC/DC 2081 2303 Run to the hills Iron Maiden 2082 1965 Vandaag ben ik gaan lopen Acda & De Munnik 2083 2127 Beatles en de buren Acda & De Munnik 2084 1900 Kelly watch the stars Air 2085 2128 You don't know me Armand Van Helden 2086 1676 Tangled up in blue Bob Dylan 2087 2459 Lady in Red Chris De Burgh 2088 * Binnen zonder kloppen De Dijk 2089 * Bertje vs Yayo De Jeugd Van Tegenwoordig 2090 * Let me clear my throat DJ Kool 2091 * Cocaine Eric Clapton 2092 * One Nation Under a Groove Funkadelic 2093 * Dead End In Flames 2094 * Different World Iron Maiden 2095 * Never miss a beat Kaiser Chiefs 2096 2139 Immigrant Song Led Zeppelin 2097 1934 Autumnsong Manic Street Preachers 2098 2520 Future breed machine Meshuggah 2099 2557 Teeth Like God's Shoeshine Modest Mouse 2100 2141 Lady Mojo 2101 1654 Irish blood, English heart Morrissey 2102 44 Starlight Muse 2103 2142 Stay Together N*E*R*D 2104 2637 Do you feel like we do Peter Frampton 2105 2143 Fiesta Pogues 2106 * Bad Day REM 2107 * Vlinder Rowwen Hèze 2108 1584 Listen To Your Heart Roxette 2109 2144 Stop Sam Brown 2110 * You didn't really do that Sharon van Etten 2111 * In our bedroom after the war Stars 2112 * Made of Stone The Stone Roses 2113 995 12:51 The Strokes 2114 * Death Letter The White Stripes 2115 2837 She goes nana The Radios 2116 * Waterloo ABBA 2117 * I get around Beach Boys 2118 * Morning Has Broken Cat Stevens 2119 2158 Do It Dizzee Rascal 2120 2159 Freeloader Driftwood 2121 * Who wants to live forever Dune 2122 343 Not a job Elbow 2123 * Mexican Standoff Elbow 2124 2518 Dreams Grace Slick 2125 2604 Autumn Green Lizard 2126 2163 Axel F Harold Faltermeyer 2127 * Both Sides Now Joni Mitchell 2128 * The Real Sugar Kaiser Chiefs 2129 * Du ar anga Kent 2130 * Slapeloze nachten Lichter Laaie 2131 * One Mary J. Blidge & U2 2132 * Can't break her fall Matt Kearley 2133 2166 Tubular Bells Mike Oldfield 2134 * Teen Hearts Beating Faster Panic! At The Disco 2135 2266 My Generation The Who 2136 2175 On my knees Triggerfinger 2137 432 Forever Young Alphaville 2138 * Twilight of the Number God Amon Amarth 2139 * When I'm sixty-four Beatles 2140 2180 The Rose Bette Midler 2141 * Hemingway Blof 2142 * He Names Cat Power 2143 * Galvanize Chemical Brothers 2144 1404 Ziggy stardust David Bowie 2145 2184 Here's Johnny Deepack 2146 365 Roses dEUS 2147 * Mercy Duffy 2148 * Cancer for the cure Eels 2149 * Jungle Drum Emiliana Torrini 2150 459 When I'm Gone Eminem 2151 2606 Lust For Life Iggy Pop 2152 * Gold Watch Lupe Fiasco 2153 * The Unshockable Maximo Park 2154 2926 Relax, take it easy Mika 2155 1793 I Don't Love You My Chemical Romance 2156 1360 Lyla Oasis 2157 * I hope, I think, I know Oasis 2158 * Tunnelvisie Opgezwolle 2159 2196 E.T. The Extra Terrestrial Outkast 2160 * Liar Queen 2161 * Rock DJ Robbie Williams 2162 2200 You've got me rocking Rolling Stones 2163 2202 Hit me with a kiss Solo 2164 * Over my head Sum 41 2165 2727 Nitro The Offspring 2166 2205 Just Travelling Through The Thrills 2167 * Romeo is Bleeding Tom Waits 2168 2565 And it stoned me Van Morrisson 2169 * Lady Grey Werle & Stankowski 2170 1489 Grounds for divorce Wolf Parade 2171 2112 I'd Do Anything For Love Meatloaf 2172 * The Age of The Understatement The Last Shadow Puppets 2173 * Lala Ashlee Simpson 2174 * Dit is mijn stad Bastiaan Ragas 2175 * Shelter from the storm Bob Dylan 2176 * Jersey Girl Bruce Springsteen 2177 2734 Anytime, anyplace, anywhere Carter The Unstoppable Sex Machine 2178 1015 Superstring Cygnus X 2179 * Ondergronds Verzet Def P, Sores, Seda & Daan 2180 2215 Looking as you are Embrace 2181 * The Heart is Life John Mayer 2182 * The Importance of being idle Oasis 2183 * Unless it's kicks Okkervil River 2184 1964 Us and them Pink Floyd 2185 * Thousands are sailing Pogues 2186 1184 Stargazer Rainbow 2187 830 Apache Rose Peacock Red Hot Chili Peppers 2188 2225 Hello Shakespeare's Sister 2189 * Whenever Wherever Shakira 2190 2226 5 Dolla Nigga Slaughter Nico 2191 * Jenny was a friend of mine The Killers 2192 690 Celluloid Heroes The Kinks 2193 2317 Daydream Believer The Monkees 2194 2229 I wanna be sedated The Ramones 2195 * The Irony of it All The Streets 2196 * Stuck in a moment you can't get out of U2 2197 2230 Zotte morgen Zjef Vanuytsel 2198 926 Debaser The Pixies 2199 2233 La Femme D'Argent Air 2200 2234 Luna Alessandro Safina 2201 2000 Back to black Amy Winehouse 2202 1325 Moon River Audrey Hepburn 2203 2208 Mooie dag Blof 2204 * Kar Cem Adrian 2205 * We beginnen pas De Dijk 2206 * Watskeburt De Jeugd Van Tegenwoordig 2207 1476 Intro DMX 2208 1401 I'm shipping up to Boston Dropkick Murphys 2209 * Rookie of the Year Funeral for a Friend 2210 2681 Firth of fifth Genesis 2211 2242 When I come around Green Day 2212 1576 Vrienden voor het leven Jan Smit 2213 * Nothing lasts forever Jape 2214 * In Our Nature Jose Gonzalez 2215 * Buikpijn Klein Orkest 2216 1601 With You Linkin Park 2217 710 Binnen Marco Borsato 2218 2246 Godd Marco V 2219 959 I heard it through the grapevine Marvin Gaye 2220 2352 Breakfast at tiffanys Matchbox Twenty 2221 * Gas Panic Oasis 2222 * A Change is Gonna Come Otis Redding 2223 * Bullet in the Head Rage Against The Machine 2224 * Blank Generation Richard Hell 2225 * Advertising Space Robbie Williams 2226 * De Neus Omhoeg Rowwen Hèze 2227 358 Drivers seat Sniff 'n Tears 2228 2260 Dogg Pound Gangstaz Tha Dogg Pound 2229 * Rock the Casbah The Clash 2230 2262 Love is a game The Magic Numbers 2231 * Our Daily Reminders Zita Swoon 2232 * Closer Ne-Yo 2233 1617 Slaap zacht Elisabeth Acda & De Munnik 2234 * Stad Amsterdam Acda & De Munnik 2235 * Time Goes By Air Traffic 2236 2156 Atlantic City Bruce Springsteen 2237 2270 Je loog tegen mij Drukwerk 2238 1400 Breathe Fabulous 2239 * Tiger mountain peasant song Fleet Foxes 2240 * Op Straat Guus Meeuwis 2241 * Vrouw zoals jij Hans De Booij 2242 2276 Kommer en Kwel Jansse Bagge Band 2243 * Night Crawler Judas Priest 2244 * The only happy boy in Kopenhagen Moi Caprice 2245 2928 Music for a nurse Oceansize 2246 1183 Sweet Instigator Ozark Henry 2247 * Fear of a blank planet Porcupine Tree 2248 * Behind closed doors Rise Against 2249 * Tell me what it takes Soulsister 2250 577 Jacksonville Sufjan Stevens 2251 * Sweet Jane The Velvet Underground 2252 1398 Third Eye Tool 2253 1435 I want you Elvis Costello 2254 2288 Loser 3 Doors down 2255 * When it rains it pours 50 Cent 2256 2290 Electric Relexation A Tribe Called Quest 2257 2291 The Boy Who Destroyed The World AFI 2258 2292 Rooster Alice in Chains 2259 2293 Airport Armani & Ghost 2260 * Top Billin' Audio Two 2261 * Declare independence Björk 2262 2296 Night Falls Booka Shade 2263 791 Diary of Jane Breaking Benjamin 2264 1155 Born to run Bruce Springsteen 2265 * Mr Jones Counting Crows 2266 * Say Hello Wave Goodbye David Gray 2267 * Lose Dinosaur Jr. 2268 * Geef mie een glas Filip Kowlier 2269 * Mijn Vlakke Land Jacques Brel 2270 * Oro Jelena Tomasevic 2271 2305 Should have known better Jim Diamond 2272 * The Middle Jimmy Eat World 2273 * You can leave your hat on Joe Cocker 2274 2306 Untitled #3 John Frusciante 2275 1910 Your body is wonderland John Mayer 2276 1863 Believe in me Lenny Kravitz 2277 * Rollin Limp Bizkit 2278 * Just hold me Maria Mena 2279 1143 Monkey man Rolling Stones 2280 * Where does the good go Tegan and Sara 2281 * Junk of the hearts The Cardigans 2282 * Truckin' The Grateful Dead 2283 781 Bohemian like you Dandy Warhols 2284 * I saw her standing there Beatles 2285 2792 Fourth time around Bob Dylan 2286 * Land van Koning Jan Boudewijn De Groot 2287 * My Life Common & The Game 2288 * Nekako Sproljeca Crvena Jubaka 2289 * Zonder Jou Erik Mesie 2290 2322 By My Side INXS 2291 2323 Cranes of Prey Jimmy Chamberlin Complex 2292 2325 Man in Black Johnny Cash 2293 * What comes around goes around Justin Timberlake 2294 * De Bestemming Marco Borsato 2295 484 Casser la voix Patrick Bruel 2296 1456 Myxomatosis Radiohead 2297 * Don't You (Forget About Me) Simple Minds 2298 2045 Het voordeel van video Spinvis 2299 2204 Luka Suzanne Vega 2300 2331 Out of the blue System F 2301 1055 Ooh La The Kooks 2302 * Don't Look Back into the Sun The Libertines 2303 * Springtime in Vienna The Tragically Hip 2304 * Killer Van der Graaf Generator 2305 339 Once Upon A Time In The West Ennio Morricone 2306 * Albion Babyshambles 2307 2339 Sweet sixteen Billy Idol 2308 * Oxford Town Bob Dylan 2309 1700 Little Arithmetics dEUS 2310 * Charmer Kings of Leon 2311 * Don't say you love me M2M 2312 2350 The Band Mando Diao 2313 * Plateau Nirvana 2314 1182 Don't know why Norah Jones 2315 * 1953 Olafur Arnalds 2316 1631 Rewind Paolo Nutini 2317 2537 Passive agressive Placebo 2318 2355 Radioactive Toy Porcupine Tree 2319 * 3's and 7's Queens of the Stone Age 2320 2356 Awakenings Rank 1 2321 2593 I am sailing Rod Stewart 2322 * Keep on walking Scouting For Girls 2323 991 Life on Mars? Seu Jorge 2324 * Have a nice day Stereophonics 2325 * Lying in the Sun Stereophonics 2326 1393 Beautiful Ones Suede 2327 * The Hanging Garden The Cure 2328 * Silent Air The Sound 2329 493 Fallin' Alicia Keys 2330 * Stuck inside of mobile with the Memphis Blues again Bob Dylan 2331 * Amie Damien Rice 2332 * Do It! Death from Above 1979 2333 * Expresso Love Dire Straits 2334 2367 Deep Cover Dr. Dre 2335 * Is there something I should know Duran Duran 2336 * Kentucky Rain Elvis Presley 2337 * If I didn't have a dime Gene Pitney 2338 * Fiets Herman Van Veen 2339 2086 Toccata und Fuge in d-Moll (BWV 565) Johann Sebastian Bach 2340 1386 Das Model Kraftwerk 2341 * Do the evolution Pearl Jam 2342 * Mystery Repeats Pete Philly & Perquisite 2343 1345 Arriving Somewhere, But Not Here Porcupine Tree 2344 1434 Barcelona Queen & Montserrat Cabaret 2345 * It's not about you Scouting For Girls 2346 487 Here comes your man The Pixies 2347 2383 Carte Blanche Veracoccha 2348 1509 I lie and I cheat Won Ton Ton 2349 * Two princes Spin Doctors 2350 * Same old song and dance Aerosmith 2351 2025 Don't matter Akon 2352 * This is the Life Amy McDonald 2353 * Valkyrie Missile Angels & Airwaves 2354 * Into the death Atari Teenage Riot 2355 * Kara Degil Mi Badem 2356 394 The funeral Band of Horses 2357 * Behind the wall of sleep Black Sabbath 2358 679 Welterusten Mijnheer de President Boudewijn de Groot 2359 * Wonderchild Christian Walz 2360 814 The Hardest Part Coldplay 2361 * Kerk De Jeugd Van Tegenwoordig 2362 * Let the four winds blow Fats Domino 2363 2392 Don't you want me Felix 2364 * The Message Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five 2365 147 Boulevard of Broken Dreams Green Day 2366 * Love Like Semtex Infadels 2367 2396 All the things (your man won't do) Joe 2368 * Your eyes open Keane 2369 2398 Good Times, Bad Times Led Zeppelin 2370 * Like Herod Mogwai 2371 * I am I Said Neil Diamond 2372 2402 Aquarius Party Animals 2373 1506 Lodi Dodi Snoop Dogg 2374 1463 Blind Pilots The Cooper Temple Clause 2375 * Chelsea Dagger The Fratellis 2376 * Are you there Margaret? It's me, God The Lawrence Arms 2377 2148 Gouge Away The Pixies 2378 1559 Lavinia The Veils 2379 * Conquest The White Stripes 2380 * I hope I don't fall in love with you Tom Waits 2381 315 My Heroics, Part I Absynthe Minded 2382 1493 Let's stay together Al Green 2383 * If you're not the one Daniel Beddingfield 2384 1082 Carnaval de Paris Dario G 2385 2187 Hayling FC Kahuna 2386 * A Love Supreme, Pt. 1: Acknowledgement John Coltrane 2387 * This Time Jonathan Rhys Meyers 2388 2465 Lust in the movies Long Blondes 2389 2417 The City Sleeps Mark Griffin 2390 * Ocean breathes salty Modest Mouse 2391 2420 The Box Orbital 2392 * Infra-red Placebo 2393 * San Francisco Scott McKenzie 2394 * What's the reason Silkstone 2395 2406 La Breeze Simian 2396 871 Astronaut Spinvis 2397 * What a waster The Libertines 2398 * California Dreaming The Mamas & The Papas 2399 * Starship Trooper Yes 2400 * The frigid, frigid, frigid body of Dr. TJ Eckleberg Yume Bitsu 2401 * Pictures of matchstick men Status Quo 2402 2431 Missin, Sade Angie Stone 2403 * If you were there, beware Arctic Monkeys 2404 821 Zalig zijn de armen van geest At the close of every day 2405 2411 Twist and shout Beatles 2406 421 Something Beatles 2407 * 8th symphony Beethoven 2408 474 I Still Remember Bloc Party 2409 789 One Love Blue 2410 * Red River Shore Bob Dylan 2411 * First Date Danko Jones 2412 1737 Niets kan mij nog stoppen De Poema's 2413 2439 Hocus Pocus Focus 2414 * La Passion Gigi D'Agostino 2415 1446 Homecoming Green Day 2416 2440 The Point of No Return Immortal Technique 2417 2441 Suicide Blonde INXS 2418 695 Heartbeats Jose Gonzalez 2419 * Rooftops Lost Prophets 2420 * Hangar 18 Megadeath 2421 2448 Bang bang (my baby shot me down) Nancy Sinatra 2422 1771 Scared of girls Placebo 2423 * Fight the power Public Enemy 2424 630 Love of my life Queen 2425 * It's beginning to get to me Snow Patrol 2426 * Tears on fresh fruit Sparklehorse 2427 * The Owls Go Architecture in Helsinki 2428 * Baby One More Time Britney Spears 2429 2458 She Charles Aznavour 2430 * Everything's not lost Coldplay 2431 * Don't let the sun go down on me Elton John & George Michael 2432 2462 Roll Model Eminem 2433 * You're the only one Maria Mena 2434 * Southern Man Neil Young 2435 2328 Rearviewmirror Pearl Jam 2436 1895 Heavyweight champion of the world Reverend and the Makers 2437 * Millenium Robbie Williams 2438 * You are a wolf Sea Wolf 2439 2614 Amber The Cooper Temple Clause 2440 * Wonderfull Woman The Smiths 2441 2477 Lot mi mor lopen Willem Vermandere 2442 * Sorry, blame it on me Akon 2443 * Another Sunny Day Belle and Sebastien 2444 2460 Don't dream it's over Crowded House 2445 * Volcano Damien Rice 2446 2487 Ordinary Sunset Das Pop 2447 * Gimme the heat dEUS 2448 2897 Praise you Fatboy Slim 2449 * The lady is a tramp Frank Sinatra 2450 * Come Fly with Me Frank Sinatra 2451 488 Broad Daylight Gabriel Rios 2452 2491 Diary of a mad man Gravediggaz 2453 1995 Don't Cry Guns n' Roses 2454 * Frontin' Jamie Cullum 2455 * Roc Boys Jay-Z 2456 2494 In Rime John Frusciante 2457 2089 Good Golly Miss Molly Little Richard 2458 2466 Achilles, Agony & Ecstacy Manowar 2459 2496 Devil's dance Metallica 2460 * Bodyrock Moby 2461 * Butterflies and hurricanes Muse 2462 * OPP Naughty by nature 2463 2661 You Wish Oceansize 2464 1955 Als die mic aanstaat Opgezwolle ft. Typhoon 2465 * The happiest days of our lives Pink Floyd 2466 2329 Couple of guys Racoon 2467 395 Man on the Moon REM 2468 2384 Unchained Melody Righteous Brothers 2469 * Pretty Woman Roy Orbison 2470 * Tongue Seether 2471 230 Chocolate Snow Patrol 2472 2615 A Feast of Friends The Doors 2473 * It won't be long The Hives 2474 * Meglio Cosi Zero Assoluto 2475 2509 Daylight Aesop Rock 2476 * Oh Yeah Ash 2477 1062 Man or animal Audioslave 2478 * Gingham Smalls Baxter Drury 2479 * Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien Edith Piaf 2480 2515 Dancing in the moonlight Elvis Costello 2481 * She Elvis Costello 2482 * I am free Erik Vee 2483 * Hit the Floor Linkin Park 2484 1581 Tuesday's Gone Lynyrd Skynyrd 2485 * Jij hebt mij niet nodig Marco Borsato 2486 * Sultans of Swing Mark Knopfler 2487 * The Black Parade My Chemical Romance 2488 508 All good things (come to an end) Nelly Furtado 2489 * Dirty Old Town Pogues 2490 * The Prophet's Song Queen 2491 2524 The Blast Talib Kweli & Hi Tek 2492 * Haiti The Arcade Fire 2493 * Why won't you talk about it The Radio Dept. 2494 2505 Capture with a magnet The Thermals 2495 1726 The nowhere man The Veils 2496 720 I'm waiting for the man The Velvet Underground 2497 * Pale Blue Eyes The Velvet Underground 2498 * Sun in her Eyes Tom Helsen 2499 * Ik wil deze nacht in de straten verdwalen Wannes van de Velde 2500 1247 Je Range Zita Swoon 2501 2336 Giving in Adema 2502 * What's my age again Blink 182 2503 * Omdat Bloem 2504 1594 Dancing in the dark Bruce Springsteen 2505 * Vivaldi: Sposa son Disprezzata Cecilia Bartoli 2506 * Ako, ako Crvena Jubaka 2507 * Seasons Grace Slick 2508 402 Mad about you Hooverphonic 2509 2533 Keine Melodien Jeans Team 2510 * Pocketful of money Jens Lekman 2511 * Whispering Tide Joseph Childress 2512 * If you were a sailboat Katie Melua 2513 * Born in the eighties Millow 2514 2521 La pour ca Nada Surf 2515 * Jack The Ripper Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds 2516 588 Suicidal Thoughts Notorious BIG 2517 * Eigen Wereld Opgezwolle 2518 2539 Mosquito Song Queens of the Stone Age 2519 * The National Anthem Radiohead 2520 * When I get you alone Robin Thicke 2521 * Take me to the riot Stars 2522 1294 Maybe tomorrow Stereophonics 2523 * Strange ones Supergrass 2524 * Higher The Game 2525 2544 Bigmouth strikes again The Smiths 2526 2728 And it Rained All Night Thom Yorke 2527 * Make it rain Tom Waits 2528 1431 Pride (In the name of love) U2 2529 243 First breath after coma Explosions in the Sky 2530 2595 Staralfur Sigur Rós 2531 * Ghetto gospel 2PAC 2532 * Old Yellow Bricks Arctic Monkeys 2533 * Astronomy Blue Öyster Cult 2534 * Gates of Eden Bob Dylan 2535 * Dreams Cranberries 2536 2548 Too drunk to fuck Dead Kennedys 2537 2603 I've got you under my skin Frank Sinatra 2538 533 Still got the blues Gary Moore 2539 * Beautiful Live Gui Boratto 2540 1330 The tower Ice T 2541 * Tears and rain James Blunt 2542 1837 Day is Done Johan 2543 * Mala Vida Mano Negra 2544 2556 Walk on water Milk. Inc 2545 637 Here comes the summer Moke 2546 1167 Say it right Nelly Furtado 2547 2559 Radio-friendly unit shifter Nirvana 2548 2561 Chin Check NWA 2549 1467 Morning Glory Oasis 2550 * Enola Gay OMD 2551 2536 I am mine Pearl Jam 2552 2126 Us Regina Spektor 2553 2376 Stay Saybia 2554 * Majesty Snowbird Sufjan Stevens 2555 444 Brown eyed girl Van Morrisson 2556 * I Will Always Love You Whitney Houston 2557 1019 War Pigs Black Sabbath 2558 * Shoot to thrill AC/DC 2559 2429 Het geeft niet Acda & De Munnik 2560 1512 Tears dry on their own Amy Winehouse 2561 * The First, The Last, My Everything Barry White 2562 2319 White wedding Billy Idol 2563 * Old time rock & roll Bob Segar 2564 * Voor de overlevenden Boudewijn de Groot 2565 2412 Expecting to fly Buffalo Springfield 2566 512 Dias de Luta, Dias de Gloria Charlie Brown Jr. 2567 * Hospital Beds Cold War Kids 2568 * Yes Coldplay 2569 1903 Everything counts Depeche Mode 2570 * Rollercoaster Di-Rect 2571 * Nachtzuster Doe Maar 2572 2577 Tarantula Faithless 2573 2582 Lola Jansse Bagge Band 2574 * Crazy Jasper Erkenss 2575 * Solitary Man Johnny Cash 2576 2584 Feel what you want Kristine W 2577 * This is us Mark Knopfler & Emmylou Harris 2578 * The Brews NOFX 2579 735 Welcome to the machine Pink Floyd 2580 * Machine Gun Portishead 2581 * Rebel without a pause Public Enemy 2582 1484 Good-old fashioned lover boy Queen 2583 2877 What I'd say Ray Charles 2584 2450 I Got A Woman Ray Charles 2585 * Suck my kiss Red Hot Chili Peppers 2586 2778 Sweetness Follows REM 2587 * Midnight Coward Stars 2588 819 The Second Part The Dears 2589 2455 Sewn The Feeling 2590 655 Smile like you meant it The Killers 2591 1056 Like a Criminal The Sheila Divine 2592 * La Grange ZZ Top 2593 * What's Up 4 Non Blondes 2594 * Head over feet Alanis Morissette 2595 * Guardians of Asgaard Amon Amarth 2596 1665 Lost Anouk 2597 * Perhaps vampires is a bit strong.. Arctic Monkeys 2598 * I would hurt a fly Built to Spill 2599 * Rain King Counting Crows 2600 * Weather With You Crowded House 2601 2573 Mien toentje Ede Staal 2602 * Are you lonesome tonight Elvis Presley 2603 * Come back around Feeder 2604 * 100 Years Five For Fighting 2605 * When your minds made up Glen Hansard & Marketa Irglova 2606 * 22 Acacia Avenue Iron Maiden 2607 * I didn't mean to hurt you John Lennon 2608 * Lovers are losing Keane 2609 * Teachers Leonard Cohen 2610 288 Pink Moon Nick Drake 2611 2611 Return of the G Outkast 2612 1141 Ik wil niet dat je liegt Paul De Leeuw 2613 * The Irish Rover Pogues 2614 2959 Born of a broken man Rage Against The Machine 2615 2640 Ut roeie Klied Rowwen Hèze 2616 * Jimmy Olsen's Blues Spin Doctors 2617 * Once in a lifetime Texas 2618 * Pressure Drop Toots & The Maytals 2619 * The Angel and the One Weezer 2620 * Zeg me wereld Zanna 2621 * When did your heart go missing Rooney 2622 2456 Thank U Alanis Morissette 2623 * 4 Aphex Twin 2624 1495 Fluorescent Adolescent Arctic Monkeys 2625 * Guyamas Sonora Beirut 2626 * Nantes Beirut 2627 2652 All I gave to you Blackwood 2628 * Flux Bloc Party 2629 * Omarm Blof 2630 1107 Mr. Robinson's Quango Blur 2631 1645 Carrion British Sea Power 2632 2388 Big Yellow Taxi Counting Crows 2633 * Shenkie De Jeugd Van Tegenwoordig 2634 * Oh Well Fleetwood Mac 2635 * De man in de wolken Harrie Jekkers 2636 2632 The Streets Kool G Rap 2637 * Bongo Bongo Manu Chao 2638 1119 Grace Kelly Mika 2639 * Stalemate Nada Surf 2640 338 Old Man Neil Young 2641 1181 Holland, 1945 Neutral Milk Hotel 2642 * Hero Nickleback 2643 * Spiritual Home Nomak 2644 2636 Vlieg met me mee naar de regenboog Paul De Leeuw 2645 * When The Tigers Broke Free Pink Floyd 2646 * Radio Robbie Williams 2647 * Do For Love Sabrina Starke 2648 1552 Hold on, I'm coming Sam & Dave 2649 2613 Glosoli Sigur Rós 2650 * Anna's Song Silverchair 2651 2644 Flint Sufjan Stevens 2652 * The preditory wasp of the palisades is out to get us! Sufjan Stevens 2653 * Never alone/Always together The Black Box Revelation 2654 2860 Tick Tick Boom The Hives 2655 * I'm a Believer The Monkees 2656 2961 Mistaken for strangers The National 2657 * Ocean Avenue Yellowcard 2658 * Ja Kunem Se U Ljubav Zeljko Samardzic 2659 2599 You oughta know Alanis Morissette 2660 2715 Knocking on heaven's door Guns n' Roses 2661 * My Cool Adam Tensta 2662 * Diep in mijn hart André Hazes 2663 968 A Certain Romance Arctic Monkeys 2664 2481 Everybody's stalking Badly Drawn Boy 2665 1924 No Rain Blind Melon 2666 * Right turn clyde Bloodhound Gang 2667 * Bring it on Goose 2668 * First of the last calls Husker Du 2669 * De Zin van het Leven II Zwaard 2670 2656 Eve of the War Jeff Wayne 2671 * Summertime Jessica Hoop 2672 1864 Break Stuff Limp Bizkit 2673 1010 Voorbij Marco Borsato & Do 2674 2658 Ti Sento Matia Bazar 2675 1667 Graffiti Maximo Park 2676 * Spanish Stroll Mink Deville 2677 2265 Fire it up Modest Mouse 2678 2660 Black Helicopters Non Phixion 2679 1551 Katy Song Red House Painters 2680 1397 In the music The Roots 2681 * Poke Salad Annie Tony Joe White 2682 2381 TNT Tortoise 2683 * Like light to the flies Trivium 2684 2707 Zookey Yves Larock 2685 * Balkanska Zana 2686 * No Diggity Blackstreet 2687 * One Love Bob Marley 2688 * Nomadic Revery Bonnie Prince Billy 2689 * C'è Cristi Bugo 2690 * James Brown Cage The Elephant 2691 * History of Lovers Calexico/Iron and Wine 2692 * The Road Ahead City to City 2693 2678 Locotes Cypress Hill 2694 * Pjanoo Eric Prydz 2695 2680 This fire Franz Ferdinand 2696 * Higher and higher Jackie Wilson 2697 2683 Twentysomething Jamie Cullum 2698 2687 Time Tonight John Frusciante 2699 491 Ruby Kaiser Chiefs 2700 * On the nature of daylight Max Richter 2701 * Disco Lies Moby 2702 * You know what you are? Nine Inch Nails 2703 * Don't go away Oasis 2704 * A Bird in Hand Owen 2705 2693 Max Paolo Conte 2706 1527 Victory Puff Daddy 2707 2115 Around the world Red Hot Chili Peppers 2708 528 Check the meaning Richard Ashcroft 2709 2375 Ride of the Valkyries Richard Wagner 2710 941 Love in Vain Rolling Stones 2711 2564 Memory Motel Rolling Stones 2712 * Xanadu Rush 2713 * Disaster Button Snow Patrol 2714 * Voor ik vergeet Spinvis 2715 * Blanke Rapper Steen 2716 2700 Desert Rose Sting 2717 * I think I like you The Black Box Revelation 2718 2173 Talking to a brick wall The Cooper Temple Clause 2719 * Abra Cadaver The Hives 2720 2705 Sonnet The Verve 2721 2783 Dead leaves and the dirty ground The White Stripes 2722 * Behind blue eyes The Who 2723 2286 Troubadour Tim Buckley 2724 245 Freestyler Bomfunk MC's 2725 2622 Lunar sea Camel 2726 * Mmm mmm mmm mmm Crash Test Dummies 2727 * Ze Zijn Terug De Jazzpolitie 2728 * Disco Inforno Earth, Wind & Fire 2729 * Yasmin the light Explosions in the Sky 2730 * History's not made by great men Gang of Four 2731 * No Pussy Blues Grinderman 2732 * Aujourd'hui, je dit bonjour a la vie Harmonium 2733 2716 Raegejas Jansse Bagge Band 2734 2684 It must be love Jasper Steverlinck 2735 2719 Bar tropical Johan Verminnen 2736 * Big River Johnny Cash 2737 2554 Modern Way Kaiser Chiefs 2738 * Rain down on me Kane 2739 999 Afrika Shox Leftfield 2740 * Pennyroyal Tea Nirvana 2741 * Is this the world we created Queen 2742 2723 By your side Sade 2743 463 The second you sleep Saybia 2744 * The Way To Your Heart Soulsister 2745 2726 Such a shame Talk Talk 2746 874 Frankly, Mr Shankly The Smiths 2747 2814 Commotion Triggerfinger 2748 * Running with the devil Van Halen 2749 2730 7 Seconds Youssou N'Dour & Neneh Cherry 2750 * The year of the cat Al Stewart 2751 1970 Lately British Sea Power 2752 1148 Ohio Dandy Warhols 2753 * So Sorry Feist 2754 2125 Short song for a short mind Girls in Hawaii 2755 * Het Leven is nog nooit zo mooi geweest Hautekiet & De Leeuw 2756 2741 Back to the middle India Arie 2757 2742 You Played Yourself Jeru The Damaja 2758 2827 One of Us Joan Osbourne 2759 2346 Surfing with the alien Joe Satriani 2760 * Hello Dolly Louis Armstrong 2761 * Breathe in Lucie Silvas 2762 * Won't go home without you Maroon 5 2763 * Happy Ending Mika 2764 2875 Burn Neurosis 2765 * The Way it is Nicole Atkins 2766 * Bob NOFX 2767 2232 Two dope boyz (In a Cadillac) Outkast 2768 * Meisjes van 13 Paul Van Vliet 2769 * Another love song Queens of the Stone Age 2770 * I can't stop this feeling I got Razorlight 2771 2227 Monster The Automatic 2772 2756 Dreams The Game 2773 * Did i Tell you The Spinto Band 2774 2670 Mermaid Blues Tom McRae 2775 * Elevation U2 2776 * Land of 1000 dances Wilson Pickett 2777 * You are a runner and I am a father's son Wolf Parade 2778 2788 Zwerver met een wekker Acda & De Munnik 2779 2769 Famous and Dandy Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy 2780 * Pokusaj Elvir Lakovic Laka 2781 1277 Forever Lost God is an astronaut 2782 2773 Knoakehel Jansse Bagge Band 2783 2774 Reincarnation Kenji Kawai 2784 * Rock 'n roll tonight Kiss 2785 2775 Move closer Marylin Martin 2786 1865 Travel is dangerous Mogwai 2787 * Voormalig Rebel Neuk! 2788 1524 Kijk omhoog Nick & Simon 2789 * Suffer for fashion Of Montreal 2790 2855 Against all odds Phil Collins 2791 * A song for the dead Queens of the Stone Age 2792 2562 You and whose army? Radiohead 2793 * Gobbledigook Sigur Rós 2794 391 Scarborough fair Simon & Garfunkel 2795 * Unlucky Charm The Crayons 2796 2781 Blitzkrieg Bop The Ramones 2797 * Let Me Be Xavier Rudd 2798 2863 Black hope shot down Zornik 2799 * Try Again Aaliyah 2800 2510 Come Home Julie Come Home American Analog Set 2801 2763 Rusted Guns of Milan Art Brut 2802 2790 Obsésion Aventura 2803 * Aanzoek zonder ringen Blof 2804 * Masters of War Bob Dylan 2805 2817 Three little birds Bob Marley 2806 * Winter Wine Caravan 2807 * Lugar Ao Sol Charlie Brown Jr. 2808 * Proud Mary Creedence Clearwater Revival 2809 1272 September '99 Earth, Wind & Fire 2810 * Grounds for Divorce Elbow 2811 * Kim Eminem 2812 * Wodan Heerst Heidevolk 2813 * The Clairvoyant Iron Maiden 2814 2795 Turn the lights on John Cale 2815 2796 Super Duper Love Joss Stone 2816 * Spiralling Keane 2817 2901 Nothing in my way Keane 2818 * Work Kelly Rowland 2819 * Laat mij maar alleen Klein Orkest 2820 * Mijn Feyenoord Lee Towers 2821 * Lopen op het water Marco Borsato & Sita 2822 2799 Splash Masta Ace 2823 * Bad Michael Jackson 2824 * Modern Mafia Modern Athlete 2825 * The Riverboat Song Ocean Color Scene 2826 * Time Flies Pete Philly & Perquisite 2827 2041 The mess we're in PJ Harvey 2828 * Give it all Rise Against 2829 * Supreme Robbie Williams 2830 * It's only us Robbie Williams 2831 * Midnight Rambler Rolling Stones 2832 * Back for good Take That 2833 * My mistakes were made for you The Last Shadow Puppets 2834 * Making up numbers The Pigeon Detectives 2835 2816 U-Way Youngbloodz 2836 * I've got a message for you Bee Gees 2837 * Stayin Alive Bee Gees 2838 1675 Come Together Blur 2839 * Amore Bello Claudio Baglioni 2840 * Sex verandert alles De Mens 2841 2214 Waltz #2 Elliott Smith 2842 * Percy's Song Fairport Convention 2843 * The Pretender Foo Fighters 2844 2824 Vriendschap Het Goede Doel 2845 * Dream Reality Josiah Leming 2846 * Through the wire Kanye West 2847 2830 Last Night Montell Jordan 2848 2805 Pigeon Song Patrick Wolf 2849 * Gratefull Pete Philly & Perquisite 2850 2832 Make it hardcore Public Enemy & Paris 2851 * Sammy Ramses Shaffy 2852 1701 Heilige Anthonius Rowwen Hèze 2853 * Into the night Santana & Chad Kroeger 2854 * Silverfuck Smashing Pumpkins 2855 2833 E-talking Soulwax 2856 2979 Put it on The Big L 2857 2835 Reptile The Church 2858 * Why Don't You Get A Job The Offspring 2859 * Barely Legal The Strokes 2860 * Sometimes you can't make it on your own U2 2861 * Suzanne VOF De Kunst 2862 446 Bedankt mijn vriend André Hazes 2863 2965 Een beetje verliefd André Hazes 2864 2480 The Adventure Angels & Airwaves 2865 * Iron Lion Zion Bob Marley 2866 * I called you back Bonnie Prince Billy 2867 * Smalltown Boy Bronski Beat 2868 1736 Be Common 2869 * Am I Evil? Diamond Head 2870 * Folk i Farta Diskjokke 2871 * Fly Me To The Moon Frank Sinatra 2872 * Infinity Guru Josh Project 2873 * King of the Bongo Manu Chao 2874 314 Rood Marco Borsato 2875 * Mechanix Megadeath 2876 * Paper Planes MIA 2877 2635 Spiral Static Muse 2878 * Popular Nada Surf 2879 * Beautiful Beat Nada Surf 2880 * Birth of the tree Orphaned Land 2881 * World Leader Pretend R.E.M. 2882 * The first time ever I saw your face Roberta Flack 2883 * How Could This Happen To Me Simple Plan 2884 * Kool Thing Sonic Youth 2885 * Wherever you will go The Calling 2886 1962 I'm gonna be (500 miles) The Proclaimers 2887 * You and me & Bourgeoisie The Submarines 2888 * The Rock The Who 2889 * Despite what you've been told Two Gallants 2890 * 12xu Wire 2891 1613 Steady as she goes The Raconteurs 2892 2757 The Best Tina Turner 2893 * Fell in love Alain Clark 2894 * Ticket to ride Beatles 2895 * Joey Bob Dylan 2896 * Achter de hemelpoort Boudewijn De Groot 2897 * The Voice Within Christina Aguilera 2898 * Eén nacht alleen Doe Maar 2899 2871 Tell me Ginuwine 2900 2872 Gouryella Gouryella 2901 * Regular Day in Bosnia Heideroosjes 2902 * In the Waves Matt the Electrician 2903 * Spanish Key Miles Davis 2904 * Cambiara Pagina Paolo e Chiara 2905 * Voorbij Paul De Leeuw 2906 1633 Yellow Hedgegrow Dreamscape Porcupine Tree 2907 * Show Me Love Robin S 2908 2856 Eple Royksopp 2909 * Anarchy in the UK Sex Pistols 2910 2881 Sugar Kane Sonic Youth 2911 2882 Poor misguided fool Starsailor 2912 139 The Logical Song Supertramp 2913 2228 Music Box The Cooper Temple Clause 2914 2885 Hooker with a penis Tool 2915 * After Hours We Are Scientists 2916 * Leave the light on Beth Hart 2917 * Turn the page Bob Seeger 2918 * Erie Canal Bruce Springsteen 2919 2891 This strange effect Dave Berry 2920 * Black Night Deep Purple 2921 2894 Black hawk down Eddy Woo 2922 * While you were sleeping Elvis Perkins 2923 2896 Return to Sender Elvis Presley 2924 2898 The Race Ferry Corsten 2925 2717 Are you gonna be my girl Jet 2926 2900 Locomotive Breath Jethro Tull 2927 * Ramble On Led Zeppelin 2928 265 What a wonderfull world Louis Armstrong 2929 * How do I breath Mario 2930 * Mercy Mercy Me Marvin Gaye 2931 2906 Always Love Nada Surf 2932 417 De volle Opgezwolle 2933 * Start me up Rolling Stones 2934 2315 Vaka Sigur Rós 2935 2911 Kom in de cockpit Spinvis 2936 * Marmelade System of a down 2937 * Skyscrapers The Arrogants 2938 * Our Bovine Public The Cribs 2939 2780 Pick up the phone The Notwist 2940 * New York City Cops The Strokes 2941 2507 The Good Kind The Wreckers 2942 * Reggae Ambassador Third World 2943 * Ready, Set, Go Tokio Hotel 2944 * Zoals Zij Vivian Kraaijeveld 2945 * (Don't fear) The Reaper Blue Öyster Cult 2946 2675 Wanted dead or alive Bon Jovi 2947 523 I don't like mondays Boomtown Rats 2948 * Violet Hill Coldplay 2949 2104 Passenger Deftones 2950 2545 Heaven Do 2951 * Metal Gear Solid Theme Eminence Orchestra 2952 2943 All Right Now Free 2953 * Damclub Hooligan Heideroosjes 2954 * Toen ik je zag Hero 2955 2304 All at sea Jamie Cullum 2956 * If heartaches were nickles Joe Bonamassa 2957 2745 She will be loved Maroon 5 2958 * Silly Lily, Funny Bunny Maximilian Hecker 2959 * Black Cadillacs Modest Mouse 2960 * I've only just begun to fight Natalia 2961 2927 5 o'clock Nonchalant 2962 * Made in Orleans OMD 2963 1370 Anthem for the year 2000 Silverchair 2964 2834 Marquee Moon Television 2965 * That's not my name The Ting Tings 2966 2838 Black Swan Thom Yorke 2967 * Fuck the world Turbonegro 2968 696 Het Dorp Wim Sonneveld 2969 656 Hammerhead A Brand 2970 2935 Cochise Audioslave 2971 2936 Summer Girl Beck 2972 2917 Coffee & TV Blur 2973 2939 Levitibus Canibus 2974 * Include me out dEUS 2975 * Signatune DJ Mehdi 2976 * It don't mean a thing (if it ain't got no swing) Duke Ellington 2977 2390 Switching off Elbow 2978 * Glorious Day Embrace 2979 2944 Ready or not Fugees 2980 * Group Four Massive Attack 2981 2953 Human being lawnmower MC5 2982 * Kick out the jams MC5 2983 1791 Rainy Green Grass Mondialito 2984 2954 Children of the night Nakatomi 2985 * I Can Nas 2986 * Last Kiss Pearl Jam 2987 507 Snow Red Hot Chili Peppers 2988 * Let's get this paper Rich Boy 2989 * Don't cry for me Argentina Sinead O'Connor 2990 * L'Amora Sonohra 2991 * Antwaarpe Stafki Fabri 2992 * Scars Stan Van Samang 2993 * Carry me Ohio Sun Kil Moon 2994 * Long time coming The Zutons 2995 * Het Apenkot Vuile Mong & Zijn Vieze Gasten 2996 * King of my castle Wamdue Project 2997 * Heart of the sunrise Yes 2998 * Neem me mee Abel 2999 * Bad Company Bad Company 3000 * Nijmegen Bjorn van der Doelen 3001 * Aantwaarpe De Strangers 3002 * Nosebleed Deftones 3003 * The Wild Rover Dropkick Murphys 3004 * I'm still standing Elton John 3005 2971 De Verzoening Frank Boeijen 3006 * Let it snow Frank Sinatra 3007 * Bloasmuziek Gé Reinders 3008 607 You've got a friend James Taylor 3009 * Pocketful of sunshine Natasha Bedingfield 3010 2354 The king of carrot flowers Neutral Milk Hotel 3011 * See Emily Play Pink Floyd 3012 2976 Verlangen Quincy 3013 1086 Close Your Eyes Racoon 3014 1822 She's the one Robbie Williams 3015 2883 People get ready The Frames 3016 * Fascist Cops The Kids This topic was brought to you by: Simon & Gino, organisators Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Simonsav Gepost November 2, 2009 Author Share Gepost November 2, 2009 CM/FM Scene Music Top 50 – 2009 Zooooooooooo daar zijn we weer! :checkit: Ooit begonnen als een kleinschalig muzieklijstje op het ondertussen vergane CMFO, is de CM/FM Scene Music Top 50 ondertussen een merknaam geworden in de gehele Benelux, waar ieder onder ons in deze koude en kille herfstmaanden weer naar toeleeft. Maar vrees niet vrienden, jullie lange wachten wordt beloond want vanaf vandaag tot eind december wordt het H1N1-virus verdrongen door de enige echte lijstjesmicrobe! Ondanks dat het lijkt alsof we al een eeuwigheid meedraaien, is dit toch nog steeds maar de 6de editie van onze lijst. Vorig jaar sloten we af met alweer November Rain van GNR op het hoogste podiumplaatsje, een nummer wat je gerust het meest succesvolle uit de geschiedenis van deze top 50 kan noemen want in 5 edities haalde hij maarliefst 3 keer de nummer 1 positie binnen. Dat gebeurde in 2004, 2006 en 2008 met tussendoor Coldplay en Led Zeppelin die de hoogste eer behaalden. Als we dus de geschiedenis mogen geloven is het dit jaar alweer tijd voor een nieuwe nummer 1 dus! :) Maar vooraleer we zover zijn moet er natuurlijk eerst nog flink gestemd worden! En dat stemmen zal traditioneel plaatsvinden op enkele van de grootste CM/FM fora, zoals hier op Managers United. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Het formaat en de regels blijven hetzelfde als de voorbije jaren. Je krijgt 4 mogelijkheden in het samenstellen van een lijstje: een top 10, 25, 50 of 100. We verbieden niemand om langere lijstjes te maken natuurlijk, integendeel! Menig leden hebben in het verleden hele uitgebreide lijstjes gemaakt, en daar zijn wij alleen maar voorstander van! Hou er ook weer rekening mee dat je bij elk lijstje slechts een bepaald aantal nummers per artiest mag nomineren! Top 10 ◠Maximum 2 nummers van dezelfde artiest. ◠Puntenverdeling: 100-90-80-...-20-10 Top 25 ◠Maximum 3 nummers van dezelfde artiest. ◠Puntenverdeling: 100-96-92-...-12-8-4 Top 50 ◠Maximum 6 nummers van dezelfde artiest. ◠Puntenverdeling: 100-98-96-...-6-4-2 Top 100 ◠Maximum 9 nummers van dezelfde artiest. ◠Puntenverdeling: 100-99-98-...-3-2-1 => Vorig jaar is er een klein beetje verwarring ontstaan rond deze regel. Als je bij een Top 100, 9 nummers van dezelfde artiest in je top 10 zet, mag dat dan? (want even hierboven staat, bij een Top 10 maximum 2 nummers per artiest). Ja dit mag, de regels gelden puur volgens de grootte van je lijst. Als je dus een top 100 maakt en je hebt 9 nummers van dezelfde artiest erin dan is dat de enige regel waar je je moet aan houden. Zet je die nummers nu allemaal tussen 1 en 10, of tussen 90 en 100, dat maakt niet uit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !! BELANGRIJK !! - Je kunt je eigen lijstje opgeven door het te posten in dit topic. We verzoeken jullie echter wel om je lijstje maar op 1 forum te posten, zodat we geen problemen krijgen met mensen die op verschillende fora posten onder verschillende nicknames. Wil je dan toch op andere fora ook je lijst posten, vermeld dan even erbij dat je (onder een andere naam) al ergens anders postte. - Mensen die vorig jaar al meegestemd hebben, kunnen op elk moment hun lijstje van vorig jaar nog eens terugvragen. Aanvraag via PM, of via MSN. Of je kijkt natuurlijk gewoon in het topic van vorig jaar. - Houd er rekening mee dat dit een lijst Aller Tijden is , en dus geen lijst van je huidige favoriete nummers (recente nummers dus). - Het is overigens ook aan te raden hier even jullie tijd voor te nemen. Zo'n lijstje samenstellen kan best lastig zijn, dus haast en spoed is zelden goed. Maar je kan het natuurlijk nog aanpassen... voór de deadline. - Hou tijdens het stemmen ook rekening met de organisators. Zorg ervoor dat je telkens de juiste artiest en titel opgeeft. Klein voorbeeldje van iets wat een vorige editie voorkwam: iemand gaf Rowwen Hèze – Limburg op en iemand anders stemde op Rowwen Hèze – Kwestie van geduld terwijl dat dus hetzelfde nummer is. Dat soort dingen is alleen maar verwarrend voor ons. - Het kan natuurlijk zijn dat je vorig jaar hard gewerkt hebt om een lijst te maken, en dat je daar dit jaar om bepaalde redenen geen zin in hebt. Dan kun je ook opteren om je lijstje van vorig jaar (die je eigenlijk wel nog steeds goed vindt) opnieuw te gebruiken. Even melden in het topic, of bij mij, en het is zo gedaan. Een exacte deadline heb ik nog niet, maar die ligt meestal rond de 2de/3de week van december! Wees dus op tijd om te stemmen. Wat betreft het aanpassen van een eerder geposte lijst, zorg dat je het altijd meld bij mij, oftewel via PM, op MSN of gewoon in een nieuwe post in dit topic. !! Als je jouw lijstje aanpast zonder het te melden, is de kans bijzonder klein dat ik de wijziging opmerk en dus nog kan aanpassen !! Iedereen dus veel plezier met het samenstellen van zijn lijstje, en wie zich afvraagt wat er vorig jaar zoal in de lijst stond: [spoiler=De Lijst van 2008] 1 6 November Rain Guns n' Roses 2 1 Stairway to Heaven Led Zeppelin 3 5 Hotel California The Eagles 4 20 Wish You Were Here Pink Floyd 5 7 Hallelujah Jeff Buckley 6 4 Street Spirit (Fade Out) Radiohead 7 11 Bohemian Rhapsody Queen 8 3 Nothing else matters Metallica 9 12 Smells like teen spirit Nirvana 10 8 Run Snow Patrol 11 13 Black Pearl Jam 12 16 Brothers in Arms Dire Straits 13 10 Bitter Sweet Symphony The Verve 14 18 Sunday Bloody Sunday U2 15 23 One U2 16 53 Shine on You Crazy Diamond Pink Floyd 17 40 Mr Brightside The Killers 18 28 Creep Radiohead 19 14 Paranoid Android Radiohead 20 26 Paint it black Rolling Stones 21 104 Thunderstruck AC/DC 22 2 The Scientist Coldplay 23 17 Child in Time Deep Purple 24 24 Under the Bridge Red Hot Chili Peppers 25 34 Over de Muur Klein Orkest 26 15 One Metallica 27 9 Chasing Cars Snow Patrol 28 19 Clocks Coldplay 29 25 Iris Goo Goo Dolls 30 21 Wonderwall Oasis 31 41 Karma Police Radiohead 32 72 Zombie Cranberries 33 27 Pianoman Billy Joel 34 51 Imagine John Lennon 35 49 Like a rolling stone Bob Dylan 36 111 Hey Jude Beatles 37 35 Angels Robbie Williams 38 22 Sultans of Swing Dire Straits 39 61 Layla Eric Clapton 40 70 Kryptonite 3 doors down 41 211 Fix You Coldplay 42 46 Summer of '69 Bryan Adams 43 106 Whole lotta rosie AC/DC 44 66 Radar Love Golden Earring 45 2639 Angie Rolling Stones 46 120 Overcome Live 47 30 Tears in Heaven Eric Clapton 48 33 With or without you U2 49 101 Chicago Sufjan Stevens 50 80 I would stay Krezip 51 58 Exit music (for a film) Radiohead 52 43 Avond Boudewijn de Groot 53 95 I don't want to miss a thing Aerosmith 54 42 Losing my religion REM 55 54 Riders on the Storm The Doors 56 52 Old and wise Alan Parsons Project 57 74 New Born Muse 58 127 Narcotic Liquido 59 32 Stranded Saybia 60 56 The End The Doors 61 59 Het regent zonnestralen Acda & De Munnik 62 200 The River Bruce Springsteen 63 549 The New Interpol 64 84 Echoes Pink Floyd 65 102 House of the Rising Sun The Animals 66 68 Instant Street dEUS 67 90 Comfortably Numb Pink Floyd 68 1293 Leif Erikson Interpol 69 31 Mia Gorki 70 67 Yesterday Beatles 71 48 Beautiful Day U2 72 69 Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) Green Day 73 47 Hurricane Bob Dylan 74 78 Master of puppets Metallica 75 98 Sweet child o'mine Guns n' Roses 76 36 Romeo & Juliet Dire Straits 77 63 Let it be Beatles 78 45 School Supertramp 79 166 Fade to black Metallica 80 76 Knockin' on heavens door Bob Dylan 81 86 Sympathy for the devil Rolling Stones 82 89 Papa Stef Bos 83 97 Smokers outside the hospital door Editors 84 81 Casimir Pulaski Day Sufjan Stevens 85 194 Jeanny Falco 86 114 Heroin The Velvet Underground 87 2762 Oude Maasweg Amazing Stroopwafels 88 226 Private Investigations Dire Straits 89 322 Streets of Philadelphia Bruce Springsteen 90 64 Alive Pearl Jam 91 103 Cannonball Damien Rice 92 179 No Woman No Cry Bob Marley 93 50 Bad Moon Rising Creedence Clearwater Revival 94 94 In the end Linkin Park 95 435 Feel Robbie Williams 96 128 All I Need Air 97 153 Enter Sandman Metallica 98 85 When you were young The Killers 99 176 Money for nothing Dire Straits 100 82 Love will tear us apart Joy Division 101 174 Purple Rain Prince 102 168 The blowers daughter Damien Rice 103 210 She moves in her own way The Kooks 104 113 Californication Red Hot Chili Peppers 105 164 There is a light that never goes out The Smiths 106 115 Stil in Mij Van Dik Hout 107 60 The Sound of Silence Simon & Garfunkel 108 616 Amsterdam Coldplay 109 217 Free Bird Lynyrd Skynyrd 110 140 Don't look back in anger Oasis 111 251 Dream on Aerosmith 112 75 Born Slippy Underworld 113 79 Perfect Day Lou Reed 114 257 Here without you 3 doors down 115 65 No Surprises Radiohead 116 112 Wind of Change Scorpions 117 37 Another Brick in the Wall Pink Floyd 118 133 Heaven Bryan Adams 119 1319 Changes 2PAC 120 155 Suzanne Leonard Cohen 121 2620 Good vibrations Beach Boys 122 91 Bridge over troubled water Simon & Garfunkel 123 392 John Wayne Gacy Jr Sufjan Stevens 124 134 Light My Fire The Doors 125 270 Teardrop Massive Attack 126 203 Une belle histoire Michel Fugain 127 255 Set the fire to the third bar Snow Patrol (& Martha Wainwright) 128 187 Evil Interpol 129 332 Paradise by the dashboard light Meatloaf 130 236 9 Crimes Damien Rice 131 146 Kronenburg Park Frank Boeijen 132 108 Russia on ice Porcupine Tree 133 96 Lopen tot de zon komt Acda & de Munnik 134 689 November Rowwen Hèze 135 117 My Immortal Evanescence 136 184 Fast Car Tracy Chapman 137 107 Shut your eyes Snow Patrol 138 83 Last Goodbye Jeff Buckley 139 170 Where is my mind The Pixies 140 1612 It's my life Bon Jovi 141 125 Trouble Coldplay 142 202 Learn to fly Foo Fighters 143 2287 When The Lady Smiles Golden Earring 144 763 Racing rats Editors 145 110 Every breath you take The Police 146 77 Nothing Really Ends dEUS 147 901 Insomnia Faithless 148 325 Limburg (Kwestie van geduld) Rowwen Hèze 149 186 Transatlanticism Death Cab For Cutie 150 55 Lightning Crashes Live 151 398 Surfin USA Beach Boys 152 160 Yellow Coldplay 153 * All these things I've done The Killers 154 279 Everlong Foo Fighters 155 118 Hurt Johnny Cash 156 29 Brabant Guus Meeuwis 157 156 Banquet Bloc Party 158 92 Song 2 Blur 159 262 While my guitar gently wheeps Beatles 160 * Viva La Vida Coldplay 161 225 Who'll stop the rain Creedence Clearwater Revival 162 293 Intervention The Arcade Fire 163 296 Onderweg Abel 164 268 Smoke on the water Deep Purple 165 244 Citizen Erased Muse 166 144 Blowin' in the wind Bob Dylan 167 1850 Where the wild roses grow Kylie Minogue & Nick Cave 168 215 Micro Cuts Muse 169 617 Where did you sleep last night Nirvana 170 137 Schism Tool 171 130 Pioneer to the falls Interpol 172 312 Little green bag George Baker Selection 173 348 The Passenger Iggy Pop 174 * Sgt. Pepper Lonely Hearts Club Band Beatles 175 370 Killer Queen Queen 176 436 Speed of sound Coldplay 177 198 I remember Damien Rice 178 1421 Angel of Death Slayer 179 235 Epitaph King Crimson 180 99 2+2=5 Radiohead 181 330 Feel good inc. Gorillaz 182 393 Paradise City Guns n' Roses 183 275 Ne me Quitte Pas Jacques Brel 184 154 Fool's overture Supertramp 185 * London Calling The Clash 186 1996 Sweet home alabama Lynyrd Skynyrd 187 439 Daar gaat ze Clouseau 188 188 Killian's red Nada Surf 189 119 Lithium Nirvana 190 538 Country roads John Denver 191 1433 Don't speak No Doubt 192 138 Enjoy the silence Depeche Mode 193 406 A day in the life Beatles 194 407 My Way Frank Sinatra 195 148 Africa Toto 196 141 Killing in the name of Rage Against The Machine 197 2733 Everything I do (I do it for you) Bryan Adams 198 158 The Power of Love Frankie goes to Hollywood 199 694 Abre la puerta Triana 200 1555 74-'75 The Connels 201 356 Everybody Hurts REM 202 161 Wonderwall Ryan Adams 203 159 You'll never walk alone Gerry & The Pacemakers 204 1815 She's lost control Joy Division 205 129 Mad World Gary Jules 206 333 Liefs uit Londen Blof 207 1420 Nothing compares 2U Sinead O'Connor 208 383 Come as you are Nirvana 209 189 Down Under Men at Work 210 556 Roads Portishead 211 796 Welcome to the jungle Guns n' Roses 212 372 Hey Hey, My My Neil Young 213 38 Take me out Franz Ferdinand 214 334 Billie Jean Michael Jackson 215 87 I predict a riot Kaiser Chiefs 216 382 Why does my heart feel so bad Moby 217 456 America Razorlight 218 * My Hero Foo Fighters 219 212 Don't stop me now Queen 220 469 Musica E' Eros Ramazotti 221 321 A Forest The Cure 222 1000 Live Forever Oasis 223 172 Paranoid Black Sabbath 224 498 Civil War Guns n' Roses 225 224 Other Side Of The World KT Tunstall 226 233 Knights of Cydonia Muse 227 105 Lose Yourself Eminem 228 465 Showbiz Muse 229 440 Hysteria Muse 230 57 Go your own way Fleetwood Mac 231 142 An End Has A Start Editors 232 457 Viðrar Vel Til Loftárása Sigur Rós 233 231 Radio Gaga Queen 234 682 Fear of the dark Iron Maiden 235 638 Ironic Alanis Morissette 236 385 Subterranean Homesick Blues Bob Dylan 237 73 Scar Tissue Red Hot Chili Peppers 238 * Time to pretend MGMT 239 731 The Specialist Interpol 240 132 Shook Ones Part II Mobb Deep 241 256 Lucky Radiohead 242 151 Still Loving You Scorpions 243 * Kissing the beehive Wolf Parade 244 39 Goodnight Saigon Billy Joel 245 123 Munich Editors 246 222 Cortez the killer Neil Young 247 100 Unfinished Sympathy Massive Attack 248 1496 Here Comes The Sun Beatles 249 355 Sing for the moment Eminem 250 191 Somebody told me The Killers 251 * Drops of Jupiter Train 252 2718 Voodoo Chile Jimi Hendrix 253 * Dansen aan zee Blof 254 240 You can call me Al Paul Simon 255 592 Open your eyes Snow Patrol 256 162 Other Side Red Hot Chili Peppers 257 * Sex on fire Kings of Leon 258 413 Stem/Long Stem DJ Shadow 259 263 T.R.O.Y. (They Reminisce Over You) Pete Rock & CL Smooth 260 229 Rebellion (Lies) The Arcade Fire 261 228 For the widows in paradise, for the fatherles in Ypsilanti Sufjan Stevens 262 438 Roxanne The Police 263 195 Wenn es passiert Wir Sind Helden 264 1185 Englishman in New York Sting 265 554 Hey You Pink Floyd 266 1566 Don't think twice it's all right Bob Dylan 267 396 Climbing up the walls Radiohead 268 149 Seven nations army The White Stripes 269 2886 Michel Anouk 270 780 Als ze er niet is De Dijk 271 1085 Champagne Supernova Oasis 272 2060 Orion Metallica 273 2831 Stop crying your heart out Oasis 274 183 Glycerine Bush 275 239 I will follow you into the dark Death Cab For Cutie 276 1661 Idioteque Radiohead 277 1946 Domino Clouseau 278 415 When the levee breaks Led Zeppelin 279 269 Suds & Soda dEUS 280 411 Slow Hands Interpol 281 71 Time is running out Muse 282 558 Twieje Wurd Rowwen Hèze 283 673 Konstantine Something Corporate 284 375 The Ship Song Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds 285 699 A hard days night Beatles 286 62 Disarm Smashing Pumpkins 287 462 The court of the crimson king King Crimson 288 1133 Battery Metallica 289 1157 Afscheid van een vriend Clouseau 290 173 Johnny B Good Chuck Berry 291 303 Sober Tool 292 838 Wat is dan liefde André Hazes 293 475 Strawberry fields forever Beatles 294 * Paper Aeroplane Angus & Julia Stone 295 634 The Good Old Days The Libertines 296 1016 Plug in baby Muse 297 2040 If you tolerate this Manic Street Preachers 298 376 The Rain Song Led Zeppelin 299 1226 Popplagið Sigur Rós 300 196 Message in a bottle The Police 301 1275 Bones Editors 302 353 Like Spinning Plates Radiohead 303 1197 Cemetery Gates Pantera 304 645 Roland Interpol 305 684 Everything Lifehouse 306 287 Quiet storm Mobb Deep 307 * The boy in the bubble Paul Simon 308 443 Baba O'Riley The Who 309 * Jailhouse Rock Elvis Presley 310 213 Foolish Games Jewel 311 * 23 Jimmy Eat World 312 292 By the way Red Hot Chili Peppers 313 289 I got 5 on it Luniz 314 * Acquiesce Oasis 315 1149 Stan Eminem 316 258 Bliss Muse 317 299 Music John Miles 318 * Hallowed by the Name Iron Maiden 319 241 I bet you look good on the dancefloor Arctic Monkeys 320 363 Make this go on forever Snow Patrol 321 302 Childcatcher Patrick Wolf 322 248 Could have lied Red Hot Chili Peppers 323 121 Conquest of Paradise Vangelis 324 327 Sunrise, Sunset Bright Eyes 325 * Clampdown The Clash 326 * De Vondeling van Ameland Boudewijn de Groot 327 * Love Hurts Incubus 328 182 Pyramid Song Radiohead 329 136 Read my mind The Killers 330 306 Mardy Bum Arctic Monkeys 331 218 Vienna Ultravox 332 969 Sara Bob Dylan 333 * Lazarus Porcupine Tree 334 319 Last Resort The Eagles 335 * Your Love The Outfield 336 839 Zij gelooft in mij André Hazes 337 525 All Along The Watchtower Jimi Hendrix 338 * I see a darkness Bonnie Prince Billy 339 341 Woman Wolfmother 340 902 Bedshaped Keane 341 266 Into my arms Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds 342 * Oerend hard Normaal 343 208 It's OK Love Saybia 344 126 Dust in the wind Kansas 345 877 Dreadlock Holiday 10CC 346 * Another 45 miles Golden Earring 347 816 Stella was a driver and she was always down Interpol 348 1748 Common people Pulp 349 300 Imitation of life REM 350 2007 Your song Elton John 351 804 Supergirl Raemon 352 131 Won't get Fooled Again The Who 353 433 A house is not a motel Love 354 301 To be alone with you Sufjan Stevens 355 294 Blood Editors 356 * Our life is not a movie, or maybe? Okkervil River 357 1766 Killing me softly Fugees 358 351 Call of Ktulu Metallica 359 336 Kein zuruck Wolfsheim 360 2299 In My Place Coldplay 361 2157 Heroes David Bowie 362 786 Halo of Flies Alice Cooper 363 143 Walk of life Dire Straits 364 * NYC Interpol 365 * Are you gonna go my way Lenny Kravitz 366 1966 Poison Alice Cooper 367 249 Winter Tori Amos 368 167 Tiny Dancer Elton John 369 291 How to disappear completely Radiohead 370 721 Soul meets body Death Cab For Cutie 371 163 Blue Monday New Order 372 472 How you remind me Nickleback 373 629 The Masterplan Oasis 374 767 One of us must know (sooner or later) Bob Dylan 375 1953 Map of the problematique Muse 376 354 Drive REM 377 116 Talk Coldplay 378 445 The lost art of keeping a secret Queens of the Stone Age 379 597 God only knows Beach Boys 380 887 Pace is the trick Interpol 381 609 Instant Karma John Lennon 382 286 Babe I'm gonna leave you Led Zeppelin 383 204 I Alone Live 384 2094 Last Resort Papa Roach 385 185 In the air tonight Phil Collins 386 * I want it all Queen 387 * Search & Destroy The Stooges 388 201 Best of You Foo Fighters 389 254 Hide and Seek Imogen Heap 390 1758 Satisfaction Rolling Stones 391 1225 Samba pa ti Santana 392 1673 Stand by me Ben E. King 393 479 American Woman Lenny Kravitz 394 913 Time Pink Floyd 395 349 Monkeyland The Chameleons 396 178 Road Trippin' Red Hot Chili Peppers 397 * Where the streets have no name U2 398 401 He's simple he's dumb he's the pilot Grandaddy 399 * Let me love you Mario 400 368 Smack my bitch up Prodigy 401 209 Easter Marillion 402 * Desolation Row Bob Dylan 403 310 Open your eyes Guano Apes 404 260 Innuendo Queen 405 199 High Hopes Pink Floyd 406 404 Whole lotta love Led Zeppelin 407 1770 Blackened Metallica 408 1776 Suspicious Minds Elvis Presley 409 1915 Heart of gold Neil Young 410 1746 The best is yet to come Novastar 411 1287 Running up that hill Placebo 412 335 It must have been love Roxette 413 2755 The Mariner's Revenge Song The Decemberists 414 175 Scared of Yourself Zornik 415 931 Everybody's gotta learn sometimes Beck 416 374 Straight outta compton NWA 417 451 Half day closing Portishead 418 234 Jigsaw falling into place Radiohead 419 369 In the aeroplane over the sea Neutral Milk Hotel 420 1630 Angel Massive Attack 421 390 Brilliant Sky Saybia 422 * Fake tales of San Francisco Arctic Monkeys 423 216 Venus in furs The Velvet Underground 424 565 Martha Tom Waits 425 1666 Tubthumping Chumbawamba 426 2353 The Ace of Spades Motorhead 427 540 Nightswimming REM 428 * Human The Killers 429 1033 La Solitudine Laura Pausini 430 205 Down by the river Neil Young 431 423 I want to know what love is Foreigner 432 122 Muscle Museum Muse 433 574 Twisted Svensson & Gielen 434 515 505 Arctic Monkeys 435 324 Smooth criminal Michael Jackson 436 * Iris Bob Dylan 437 2006 Godless Dandy Warhols 438 253 We come one Faithless 439 1668 Belfast Child Simple Minds 440 860 Green Eyes Coldplay 441 171 Everyday I love you less and less Kaiser Chiefs 442 1999 Jaded Aerosmith 443 1284 Northern Sky Nick Drake 444 1550 We are the champions Queen 445 405 Southern Sun Paul Oakenfold 446 590 The Sky Moves Sideways Porcupine Tree 447 220 The Crystal Ship The Doors 448 504 Dream brother Jeff Buckley 449 109 Hoppipola Sigur Rós 450 283 We don't care Audio Bullys 451 * With tired eyes, tired minds, tired souls, we slept Explosions in the Sky 452 388 L'Amour Toujours Gigi D'Agostino 453 232 Warning Sign Coldplay 454 308 Op fietse Skik 455 1744 Dirty Diana Michael Jackson 456 318 Toxicity System of a down 457 93 Books from Boxes Maximo Park 458 1875 Another one bites the dust Queen 459 1422 Good morning captain Slint 460 1462 Oh la la la TC Matic 461 562 Hier aan de kust Blof 462 1251 Livin on a prayer Bon Jovi 463 * Lost Coldplay 464 * Wanna be startin' something Michael Jackson 465 * The Show Must Go On Queen 466 2154 How to save a life The Fray 467 181 Telegraph Road Dire Straits 468 492 Margherita Marco Borsato 469 * Me & My Bitch Notorious BIG 470 719 I wanna be your dog The Stooges 471 1514 Novocaine (for the soul) Eels 472 511 Daughters John Mayer 473 180 Rags 'n Run Admiral Freebee 474 * Slow Dancing in a Burning Room John Mayer 475 476 Folsom prison blues Johnny Cash 476 1705 Good night Elisabeth Counting Crows 477 948 Photobooth Death Cab For Cutie 478 * Whistles the wind Flogging Molly 479 2655 Till Kingdom Come Coldplay 480 455 One Way Levellers 481 842 All Along The Watchtower Bob Dylan 482 1475 Fell off the floor, man dEUS 483 * Jessie Joshua Kadison 484 290 Wrong Novastar 485 1443 Have you passed through the night Explosions in the Sky 486 519 Who wants to live forever Queen 487 * Only the Lonely Roy Orbison 488 1423 You're all I have Snow Patrol 489 * The man from Metropolis steals our hearts Sufjan Stevens 490 836 Als je bij me weggaat Acda & De Munnik 491 207 Run to the water Live 492 431 No Good Prodigy 493 573 Give it away Red Hot Chili Peppers 494 1856 True Colours Cindy Lauper 495 1142 Glorybox Portishead 496 581 Lateralus Tool 497 * I'm yours Jason Mraz 498 331 Rockin' in the Free World Neil Young 499 * House of Cards Radiohead 500 267 The Day after Tomorrow Saybia 501 * Skinny Love Bon Iver 502 * Saving Me Nickleback 503 2405 Sfevn-g-englar Sigur Rós 504 * Las Crucas Jail Two Gallants 505 541 Dazed and confused Led Zeppelin 506 420 Chop Suey System of a down 507 * All Sparks Editors 508 473 Das boot U96 509 2649 Shooting Starr Air Traffic 510 1710 Salty dog Flogging Molly 511 * Show me the way Peter Frampton 512 759 The Queen is Dead The Smiths 513 * De Vlieger André Hazes 514 501 The saints are coming U2 & Green Day 515 2294 One armed scissor At the drive-in 516 323 Still D.R.E. Dr. Dre 517 2682 Hilversum III Herman Van Veen 518 709 Desde Mi Cielo Mago De Oz 519 2113 Mannish Boy Muddy Waters 520 * A Change is Gonna Come Sam Cooke 521 416 Take a bow Muse 522 * Just For Tonight One Night Only 523 237 I want to break free Queen 524 531 No one knows Queens of the Stone Age 525 1031 Aenima Tool 526 328 New Year's Day U2 527 2312 Jenny don't be hasty Paolo Nutini 528 * Maria Maria Santana 529 157 Bullet with butterfly wings Smashing Pumpkins 530 316 Hurt Christina Aguilera 531 615 The Reason Hoobastank 532 384 Dear Mama 2PAC 533 1699 Coming Around Again Carly Simon 534 2551 Great Death Explosions in the Sky 535 535 Ooit was ik een soldaat Gorki 536 732 Blood Brothers Iron Maiden 537 295 On Call Kings of Leon 538 2428 Solsbury Hill Peter Gabriel 539 1677 Harder better faster stronger Daft Punk 540 2361 Oh my god Kaiser Chiefs 541 532 Requiem for a dream Clint Mansell 542 722 Clint Eastwood Gorillaz 543 503 Dogs Pink Floyd 544 * Troy Sinead O'Connor 545 485 Seven Swans Sufjan Stevens 546 514 The Seed 2.0 The Roots 547 * Nobody's Wife Anouk 548 1526 Money Pink Floyd 549 1173 Eli, the barrow boy The Decemberists 550 524 God is a DJ Faithless 551 671 We will rock you Queen 552 752 Supersonic Oasis 553 * Altijd heb ik je lief Clouseau 554 496 Sam's Town The Killers 555 135 Kreuzberg Bloc Party 556 579 Gorecki Lamb 557 2747 Song to say goodbye Placebo 558 543 Playground Love Air 559 544 Ik leef m'n leven André Hazes 560 * Brilliant Disguise Bruce Springsteen 561 547 Brimful of Asha Cornershop 562 * Rotterdam Frederique Spigt 563 252 Liquid Swords GZA 564 * Highwayman Highwaymen 565 * Gedoogbeleid Lange Frans & Baas B 566 555 In the flesh Pink Floyd 567 1199 Reckoner Radiohead 568 559 Wie niet springt Sluipschutters 569 * Certain kind of fool The Eagles 570 * Apartment Story The National 571 1488 1970 The Stooges 572 * Make love in this club (Part II) Usher, Beyoncé & Lil Wayne 573 * I can't go to sleep Wu-Tang Clan 574 529 A million miles away Rory Gallagher 575 * Love is noise The Verve 576 566 Fragile Dreams Anathema 577 568 A Ladder to the Sun Coldplay 578 * Dusa Sarajeva Crvena Jubaka 579 * It's natural to be afraid Explosions in the Sky 580 470 No I in threesome Interpol 581 572 Burning benches Morning Runner 582 553 Ghost Dancers Pallas 583 611 Yellow ledbetter Pearl Jam 584 2023 Fake plastic trees Radiohead 585 654 Blieve Loepe Rowwen Hèze 586 593 I was just thinking Teitur 587 * Nothing To You Two Gallants 588 * Reptilia The Strokes 589 1187 Ambitions az a ridah 2PAC 590 * Graceland Paul Simon 591 1316 Friday I'm in Love The Cure 592 246 The Drugs Don't Work The Verve 593 582 Ddiamondd Battles 594 297 Blackbird Beatles 595 * Still A Love Song Blue Sky Black Death & Jean Grae 596 * Cuts Like a Knife Bryan Adams 597 499 Dead Presidents II Jay-Z 598 * Rotterdam The Beautiful South 599 261 Bad Timing dEUS 600 * From the ritz to the bubble Arctic Monkeys 601 790 Always Bon Jovi 602 598 Suzy Q Creedence Clearwater Revival 603 373 Stockholm syndrome Muse 604 766 Like a hurricane Neil Young 605 * Sing Travis 606 * Idiot Wind Bob Dylan 607 * Breakfast at Tiffany's Deep Blue Something 608 604 Building steam with a grain of salt DJ Shadow 609 * Paschendale Iron Maiden 610 * Revelry Kings of Leon 611 * I live to fall asleep Manic Street Preachers 612 589 Last Request Paolo Nutini 613 868 Medley Pogues 614 * Wild Horses Rolling Stones 615 * I'll be gone Tom Waits 616 * Take me into your skin Trentemoller 617 * Obstacle 1 Interpol 618 1950 Jealous Guy John Lennon 619 * No Air Jordin Sparks & Chris Brown 620 347 Crawling Linkin Park 621 * Especially in Michigan Red Hot Chili Peppers 622 1373 Hey there Delilah The Plain White T's 623 522 Why does it always rain on me Travis 624 548 Going Home Dire Straits 625 * The Spirit Carries On Dream Theater 626 625 The Reflex Duran Duran 627 * Right Down The Line Gerry Rafferty 628 * All My Friends LCD Soundsystem 629 627 Stranger Song Leonard Cohen 630 550 2 Morro Morro Land Lightning Bolt 631 * Miss Independent Ne-Yo 632 * You Can't Always Get What You Want Rolling Stones 633 1983 She's A Rainbow Rolling Stones 634 * Revelate The Frames 635 * The Leavers Dance The Veils 636 * Driftwood Travis 637 * Vlieger Typhoon 638 677 C.R.E.A.M. Wu-Tang Clan 639 88 Apply some pressure Maximo Park 640 2436 Is dit alles Doe Maar 641 * Wake me up when september ends Green Day 642 * Auto, vliegtuig Rowwen Hèze 643 467 Diane Therapy? 644 680 Electronic Performers Air 645 623 Drip Drip Comus 646 602 Be quiet and drive (far away) Deftones 647 642 Sinds een dag of 2 Doe Maar 648 643 Beautiful freak Eels 649 626 The Way Fastball 650 * Der Weg Herbert Grönemeyer 651 605 Come Clarity In Flames 652 * After Midnight JJ Cale 653 * Woman John Lennon 654 648 Aeterna Lux 655 * Sandblasted and Set Free Maximo Park 656 734 The Mercy Seat Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds 657 653 Criminology Raekwon 658 676 Grace, too The Tragically Hip 659 * Heartattack and Vine Tom Waits 660 725 LA Woman The Doors 661 847 De Weg Guus Meeuwis 662 * Cigarettes and alcohol Oasis 663 * Liefde Rowwen Hèze 664 * No one is gonna love you Band of Horses 665 661 Loser Beck 666 569 L'Aurora Eros Ramazotti 667 663 Miss you less, see you more Faithless 668 * Quaye Dice Finley 669 * The Dance Garth Brooks 670 664 Verliefd zijn is veel leuker Guus Meeuwis 671 849 In a gadda da vida Iron Butterfly 672 646 Meet the parents Jay-Z 673 * Seven Jedi Mind Tricks 674 665 Lover, you should've come over Jeff Buckley 675 471 Famous blue raincoat Leonard Cohen 676 * The Outlaw Torn Metallica 677 687 Hunted by a freak Mogwai 678 * Lay me low Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds 679 669 Burger Queen Placebo 680 652 Fat bottomed girls Queen 681 * Hell Song Sum 41 682 * A Comet Appears The Shins 683 165 Not an addict K's Choice 684 * Can't stand losing you The Police 685 * Ik wil met je lachen Guus Meeuwis 686 2279 They don't care about us Michael Jackson 687 965 Self Esteem The Offspring 688 * ? Cheer Chen 689 * Niemand in de stad De Dijk 690 428 Silence Delerium ft. Sarah McLachlan 691 309 Precious Depeche Mode 692 * Hound Dog Elvis Presley 693 * A postcard to Nina Jens Lekman 694 * The Eternal Joy Division 695 685 Verliezer Marco Borsato 696 751 Day is Done Nick Drake 697 911 Catalyst Oceansize 698 658 Silent Lucidity Queensrÿche 699 692 Sadly beautiful Tom McRae 700 * I luv the valley OH Xiu Xiu 701 1438 Subtle Movements 16 Down 702 1018 Dreams 2 brothers on the 4th floor 703 1383 Life on Mars Jasper Steverlinck 704 724 Script for a jester's tear Marillion 705 657 Sittin on the dock of the bay Otis Redding 706 505 The Bitter End Placebo 707 412 Don't hate me Porcupine Tree 708 898 The island, come and see, the landlords daughter, you'll not feel the drowning The Decemberists 709 * Handle with care The Traveling Wilburys 710 697 Hate it or love it 50 Cent ft. The Game 711 726 Judgement Anathema 712 859 In the land of grey and pink Caravan 713 * Little Boat Daniel Rogers 714 1831 Hailey's Song Eminem 715 * For all the crows Foo Fighters 716 * Find The Time Get Cape Wear Cape Fly 717 705 Annabel Hans de Booy 718 708 The Will to Death John Frusciante 719 649 Afscheid nemen bestaat niet Marco Borsato 720 * Crying out for me Mario 721 610 True Faith New Order 722 * Still Waiting Sum 41 723 716 The Age of Love The Age of Love 724 2212 God put a smile upon your face Coldplay 725 1614 In the ghetto Elvis Presley 726 1838 You Judith 727 273 Behind blue eyes Limp Bizkit 728 1660 It's a sin Pet Shop Boys 729 360 A wolf at the door Radiohead 730 * Alive and Kicking Simple Minds 731 * Weak Skunk Anansie 732 344 Lady Madonna Beatles 733 * With a little help from my friends Beatles 734 311 A Long December Counting Crows 735 * Tugo, Nesreco Crvena Jubaka 736 728 Blow your speakers Don Diablo ft Beat Kidz 737 570 Never be clever Herman Brood 738 736 Ice Cream Raekwon 739 737 Can't live in a living room Red Zebra 740 * De Zwarte Plak Rowwen Hèze 741 714 Through Glass Stonesour 742 944 Monkey gone to heaven The Pixies 743 2598 Red red wine UB40 744 * Harder dan ik hebben kan Blof 745 422 The Memory Remains Metallica 746 247 Kiss from a rose Seal 747 2181 Everybody needs somebody Blues Brothers 748 250 Don't know when but a day is gonna come Bright Eyes 749 * Life on Mars David Bowie 750 746 Gamsiz Dogus 751 517 Nuttin but a G thang Dr. Dre 752 1409 I don't wanna be Gavin DeGraw 753 1517 Histoires sans paroles Harmonium 754 * Little Round Mirrors Harvey Danger 755 * From You Favourite Sky I Am Kloot 756 * First of the gang to die Morrissey 757 * The National Front War Morrissey 758 * Umbrella Rihanna 759 * Just Like Honey The Jesus and Mary Chain 760 * Every little thing she does is magic The Police 761 2913 How Soon is Now? The Smiths 762 * Ball and Biscuit The White Stripes 763 761 How can we hang on to a dream Tim Hardin 764 762 Music Non-Stop Yves De Ruyter 765 * Jabuke i vino Zana i Zljeko Bebek 766 223 Take on me A-ha 767 740 One more time Daft Punk 768 * Boy named Sue Johnny Cash 769 1674 De mooiste verliezers Blof 770 1709 t' Het nog nooit zo donker west Ede Staal 771 516 Love you more Racoon 772 2646 Hey The Pixies 773 770 Only Time Enya 774 * Eppure mi hai cambiato la vita Fabrizio Moro 775 * The Modern Leper Frightened Rabbit 776 771 Crazy Gnals Barkley 777 * Jouw hand Guus Meeuwis 778 909 My Favourite Things John Coltrane 779 852 Airbag Radiohead 780 713 Meadowlake Street Ryan Adams 781 377 Birds of paradise Snowy White 782 758 Love you more The Hours 783 691 You got me The Roots ft Erykah Badu 784 * Baby can I hold you Tracy Chapman 785 298 I was made for loving you Kiss 786 * Thriller Michael Jackson 787 * Father and Son Cat Stevens 788 2576 Mockingbird Eminem 789 1884 Mama Genesis 790 783 Grace Jeff Buckley 791 1057 Let there be rock AC/DC 792 * Janie's gotta gun Aerosmith 793 * Tell Me Bobby Valentino 794 795 Lucky Man Emerson, Lake & Palmer 795 * Eden Hooverphonic 796 * You're The Voice John Farnham 797 683 Colony Joy Division 798 * Disorder Joy Division 799 * Love Lockdown Kanye West 800 * Bend and Break Keane 801 * Since I've Been Loving You Led Zeppelin 802 * Welcome Home, Luc Robitaille Mando Diao 803 864 Sunburn Muse 804 800 Blizzard of '77 Nada Surf 805 * 10 ft. Tall Pete Murray 806 805 Street knowledge Rocco 807 807 Temple of Love Sisters of Mercy 808 1876 Dakota Stereophonics 809 575 Seed of memory Terry Reid 810 * Gap The Kooks 811 * Miracle Drug U2 812 193 Da mystery of chessboxin' Wu-Tang Clan 813 1432 Il Volo Zucchero 814 835 Gangsta's Paradise Coolioo 815 822 Prince in a pauper's grave Carter The Unstoppable Sex Machine 816 * Crush David Archuleta 817 * Dansen op de vulkaan De Dijk 818 824 Kick off DJ Dean 819 * Stella Maris Einsturzende Neubauten 820 825 What's it like Everlast 821 826 Come Clean Jeru The Damaja 822 * Marionnette Mathew Jonsen 823 * New millenium cyanide christ Meshuggah 824 777 Cowboy Dan Modest Mouse 825 * Nobody's fault but mine Nina Simone 826 * Listen Up Oasis 827 * Windowpane Opeth 828 833 Burning The Whitest Boy Alive 829 834 Lay down your arms Tim Christensen 830 1250 Sweet home Chicago Blues Brothers 831 1511 All my life Foo Fighters 832 490 Crawling in the dark Hoobastank 833 817 Amsterdam Jacques Brel 834 150 Naive The Kooks 835 997 Alles of niets Van Dik Hout 836 1879 Jerusalem Alpha Bondy 837 * Sen Anglama Badem 838 727 Snare Hanger Battles 839 * Wouldn't it be nice Beach Boys 840 768 Samba Makossa Charlie Brown Jr & Marcelo D2 841 2238 With arms wide open Creed 842 846 Miss World Flunk 843 * Red to Black Fort Minor 844 2345 Dig Incubus 845 * This is a man's world James Brown 846 * Sheila Jamie T 847 * Twenty four hours Joy Division 848 1260 Achilles Last Stand Led Zeppelin 849 851 Crazy for you Madonna 850 688 Heaven for everyone Queen 851 854 Hellucination Smif-N-Wessun 852 856 Exhale System F 853 * Just the right bullets Tom Waits 854 * Miss Sarajevo U2 855 * Lucy in the sky with diamonds Beatles 856 342 Testament Boudewijn de Groot 857 1344 Space Oddity David Bowie 858 489 Sorry seems to be the hardest word Elton John 859 2193 Beat it Michael Jackson 860 564 Heart shaped box Nirvana 861 2667 Vito's Ordination Song Sufjan Stevens 862 * Parce Que C'est Toi Axelle Red 863 * Killamangiro Babyshambles 864 * Forever Chris Brown 865 1596 Rootless Tree Damien Rice 866 1474 Forbidden Colours David Sylvian 867 1279 1973 James Blunt 868 * Sky Phenomenon Jens Lekman 869 599 Orange Metal Molly 870 * Hi Mom ~ A Prayer for World Peace Nomak 871 828 Paper Champion Oceansize 872 * The Stand-Ins Okkervil River 873 668 The Trial Pink Floyd 874 872 Beauty of Silence Svensson & Gielen 875 518 Everything Michael Bublé 876 2177 Laat me Ramses Shaffy 877 904 Sad Eyes Bat for Lashes 878 813 I am the walrus Beatles 879 399 Love Generation Bob Sinclar 880 * Ride Like The Wind Christopher Cross 881 * The People Common 882 * Johnny Di-Rect 883 884 Waltz #1 Elliott Smith 884 366 The Way I Am Eminem 885 2124 Now We Are Free Enya 886 * Blues Run The Game Jackson C. Frank 887 * Ces-gens lê Jacques Brel 888 889 The World's Edge John Frusciante 889 * Atmosphere Joy Division 890 * Rape Me Nirvana 891 1362 Trains Porcupine Tree 892 1894 I'll be missing you Puff Daddy & Faith Evans 893 895 Vanmorgen vloog ze nog Robert Long 894 * Cherry Cola Savage Garden 895 897 Who Am I Snoop Doggy Dogg 896 808 Black Mirror The Arcade Fire 897 274 Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels) The Arcade Fire 898 * Far Away The Ditch 899 * Old White Lincoln The Gaslight Anthem 900 678 The Lonely Sheppard Zamfir 901 * Balaclava Arctic Monkeys 902 386 Bring me to life Evanescence 903 190 Supermassive Blackhole Muse 904 * Diary Alicia Keys 905 447 Zeg maar niets meer André Hazes 906 197 Ach ze is er niet Blof 907 603 Industrial Disease Dire Straits 908 730 Hey Hey Eric Clapton 909 2022 The Final Countdown Europe 910 271 Land of confusion Genesis 911 908 Blow Ghinzu 912 606 I miss you Incubus 913 775 One step closer Linkin Park 914 * I don't wanna know Mario Winants 915 1205 Photograph Nickleback 916 * Saturday Morning Breakfast Show Oceansize 917 * The Last Waltz Oldboy OST 918 2199 It's a hard life Queen 919 914 Beachbreeze Svensson & Gielen 920 915 Twist in my sobriety Tanita Tikaram 921 1186 History The Verve 922 * Whiskey in the Jar Thin Lizzy 923 920 Celestial Annihilation UNKLE 924 1298 Time to say goodbye Andrea Bocelli & Sarah Brightman 925 320 Brainstorm Arctic Monkeys 926 * Lake of fire Nirvana 927 * I believe I can fly R. Kelly 928 1492 High and Dry Radiohead 929 741 Sebastien Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel 930 1618 Boston Augustana 931 * Ol' Party Cage Grand 932 * Brothers on a hotel bed Death Cab For Cutie 933 350 Till I collapse Eminem 934 2307 Watching the wheels John Lennon 935 1769 The Emperor's Soundtrack Lupe Fiasco 936 1482 Running out of time Madrugada 937 * Motorbreath Metallica 938 * Seemann Rammstein 939 943 Children's Story Slick Rick 940 * Chest Fever The Band 941 1229 And You And I Yes 942 815 Mijn houten hart De Poema's 943 450 The Kilburn High Road Flogging Molly 944 * Club Foot Kasabian 945 378 Porcelain Moby 946 1101 Walk Idiot Walk The Hives 947 954 Lifestyle Beam ft. Cyrus 948 * Don't worry be happy Bob Marley 949 * Thank You For Loving Me Bon Jovi 950 * Slave to Love Bryan Ferry 951 * Sanjata Crvena Jubaka 952 1110 Reach up for the sunrise Duran Duran 953 957 Matinee Franz Ferdinand 954 414 You never know Immortal Technique 955 * Cry me a river Justin Timberlake 956 * The good times are killing me Modest Mouse 957 892 Frankenstein New York Dolls 958 803 Paintbox Pendragon 959 * Last Waltz Pirates & Pitlizards 960 * Come together Beatles 961 2736 Gin & Milk Dirty Pretty Things 962 1548 Can't stop loving you Phil Collins 963 * Small Portishead 964 * Innï Mér Singur Vitleysingur Sigur Rós 965 * 1000 More Fools Bad Religion 966 974 I want you (She's so heavy) Beatles 967 * Love Sick Bob Dylan 968 * Jammin' Bob Marley 969 976 Would I lie to you Charles & Eddie 970 2484 A favor house atlantic Coheed and Cambria 971 641 I feel you Depeche Mode 972 * Adrenaline Di-Rect 973 * 19-2000 Gorillaz 974 979 Alone Heart 975 2275 Voltooid verleden tijd IOS 976 * Cavatina John Williams 977 430 Feeling Good Muse 978 1195 It ain't hard to tell Nas 979 1264 Time has told me Nick Drake 980 893 I am the morning Oceansize 981 984 This is a test Paris 982 * English summer rain Placebo 983 1459 De Peel in Brand Rowwen Hèze 984 990 Drop it Scoop 985 * Mayonaise Smashing Pumpkins 986 757 Ever fallen in love? The Buzzcocks 987 * I Am The Resurrection The Stone Roses 988 * The Unforgettable Fire U2 989 1223 Youth of the nation POD 990 1151 I'm Going Home Ten Years After 991 * Heart in a cage The Strokes 992 * Teddy Picker Arctic Monkeys 993 1061 Soiree Arid 994 975 Ain't Talkin Bob Dylan 995 1707 Groot hart De Dijk 996 1006 Love bites Deff Leppard 997 * Friend of ours Elbow 998 2271 I've got the world on a string Frank Sinatra 999 1007 Anak Freddy Aguilar 1000 1008 Main Theme Jin-Rô Hajime Mizoguchi 1001 2168 Oh My Lord Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds 1002 * Nude Radiohead 1003 1392 Samskeyti Sigur Rós 1004 1012 Fiesta de los tamborileros Sunclub 1005 * Who do you love The Band 1006 329 Somewhere only we know Keane 1007 2021 Jimmy Boudewijn de Groot 1008 277 Via dEUS 1009 * You're beautiful James Blunt 1010 361 You get what you give New Radicals 1011 1017 About a girl Nirvana 1012 1760 The feel good drag Anberlin 1013 * All the small things Blink 182 1014 2674 Zimbabwe Bob Marley 1015 1541 Red Red Wine Bob Marley 1016 * Greedy Fly Bush 1017 1021 Help Channel Zero 1018 1022 Around the world Daft Punk 1019 1023 Forgot about Dre Dr. Dre & Eminem 1020 * Let me sleep (Next to the mirror) Idlewild 1021 * You Can Close Your Eyes James Taylor 1022 * Lollipop Lil' Wayne 1023 2445 Welcome Home (Sanitarium) Metallica 1024 * Deli Mor ve Otesi 1025 869 Blue Days Racoon 1026 1029 Too Late Talib Kweli 1027 * Keys to the highway The Band 1028 * I'm a loner Dottie, I'm a rebel The Get Up Kids 1029 * 16 Shells from a thirty-ought six Tom Waits 1030 * Miss You Trentemoller 1031 307 Hey Joe Jimi Hendrix 1032 536 Drive Incubus 1033 723 Fly away Lenny Kravitz 1034 510 Russian Literature Maximo Park 1035 1312 Firestarter Prodigy 1036 * The Man Who Can't be Moved The Script 1037 619 Protect ya neck Wu-Tang Clan 1038 * When Dean was the man and Monroe always smiled A Balladeer 1039 * Het rode licht André Hazes 1040 * Oh! Darling Beatles 1041 * Strikes Blue Sky Black Death & Jean Grae 1042 1977 Maggot brain Funkadelic 1043 * Wij zijn zo jong Gorki 1044 765 I Still Cry Ilse De Lange 1045 1139 Thick as a brick Jethro Tull 1046 * So Sick Ne-Yo 1047 2588 White Lies Paolo Nutini 1048 1044 Their law Prodigy 1049 * Like a Friend Pulp 1050 530 Hedonism Skunk Anansie 1051 * One year of love Stevie Ann 1052 1045 Answer the question Svensson & Gielen 1053 993 Vertigo The Libertines 1054 919 End of the line Travelling Wilburys 1055 1049 Bury the evidence Tricky 1056 1050 Girl, you'll be a woman soon Urge Overkill 1057 169 Als het vuur gedoofd is Acda & De Munnik 1058 1059 Kylie Akcent 1059 * Simple twist of fate Bob Dylan 1060 2889 Strand Boudewijn de Groot 1061 * All For Love Bryan Adams 1062 1067 Twilight Zone Golden Earring 1063 * Children of the damned Iron Maiden 1064 749 L.S.F. Kasabian 1065 2191 Can't fight the moonlight Leann Rimes 1066 * Sisters of Mercy Leonard Cohen 1067 1041 Switch (The science project) Lupe Fiasco 1068 1071 I'll be there Mariah Carey 1069 * Molitva Marija Serifovic 1070 281 I gave you power Nas 1071 * Go on girl Ne-Yo 1072 * In my time of need Opeth 1073 * All I Need Radiohead 1074 * The men are called horsemen Sunset Rubdown 1075 * Rule The World Take That 1076 809 Let's Kill Music The Cooper Temple Clause 1077 1077 Killing an Arab The Cure 1078 * Midnight Show The Killers 1079 * Courage The Tragically Hip 1080 * Forty six & 2 Tool 1081 1102 Give the drummer some Ultramagnetic MC's 1082 * New Soul Yael Naïm 1083 * The Wonder of You Elvis Presley 1084 426 The Unforgiven Metallica 1085 903 Pure Morning Placebo 1086 * Taxi Bamako Amadou & Mariam 1087 * Girl/Boy Song Aphex Twin 1088 1089 I Should have known better Beatles 1089 * Morning Crescent Belle and Sebastien 1090 933 Sun's gonna rise Citizen Hope 1091 * Disappointed in the sun dEUS 1092 1254 Sara Fleetwood Mac 1093 * Times like these Foo Fighters 1094 * See The World Gomez 1095 * Moonchild King Crimson 1096 1099 Lola's theme Shapeshifters 1097 717 New Toys The Cooper Temple Clause 1098 * Walking on the moon The Police 1099 2409 Trying your luck The Strokes 1100 876 Scream Zhang Xuan 1101 403 The Load Out/Stay Jackson Browne 1102 * M'bifé Amadou & Mariam 1103 454 Intergalactic Beastie Boys 1104 * Ion Square Bloc Party 1105 * Rookie Boy Sets Fire 1106 * It's okay to think about ending Earlimart 1107 1112 Dead in your chevy Field Mob 1108 1113 Pijn Herman Brood & Van Dik Hout 1109 1114 The Power of Love Huey Lewis & The News 1110 * Upward over the mountain Iron and Wine 1111 1115 Stupidisco Junior Jack 1112 317 Seasons end Marillion 1113 * Tracy Mogwai 1114 * All Apologies Nirvana 1115 * She's moved on Porcupine Tree 1116 1365 The march of the black queen Queen 1117 * Easily Red Hot Chili Peppers 1118 * Come undone Robbie Williams 1119 1124 Sunday Sonic Youth 1120 * Synthetic Spineshank 1121 * The Letter The Box Tops 1122 1920 Can't stand me now The Libertines 1123 * Many shades of black The Raconteurs 1124 1129 Walking to Hawaii Tom McRae 1125 636 Christmascard From A Hooker in Minneapolis Tom Waits 1126 * Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa Vampire Weekend 1127 410 Lemon Tree Fool's Garden 1128 * I Walk The Line Johnny Cash 1129 * Rich Kid Blues The Raconteurs 1130 * Het Geeft Niet Blof 1131 * Mushroom Can 1132 1136 Unleash the beast DJ Outblast & Korsakoff 1133 1138 Livin' proof Group Home 1134 1083 België Het Goede Doel 1135 * Sweet Little Sixteen Jerry Lee Lewis & Ringo Starr 1136 888 Cocaine JJ Cale 1137 * Geen kind meer Karin Bloemen 1138 850 Lampshade Kashmir 1139 1912 Creo (La Voz Dormida II) Mago De Oz 1140 2222 Godess on a Hiway Mercury Rev 1141 1166 Christmas Steps Mogwai 1142 * 5 years time Noah and the Whale 1143 * Malena Parni Valjak 1144 * It's only rock 'n roll Rolling Stones 1145 * Steady Rollin' Two Gallants 1146 437 Sexual Healing Marvin Gaye 1147 264 I write sins not tragedies Panic! At The Disco 1148 1150 The Road to Mandalay Robbie Williams 1149 219 Mrs Robinson Simon & Garfunkel 1150 * Shoot your gun 22-20s 1151 1152 Sexy Boy Air 1152 * The Rain Akon 1153 * Senegal Fast Food Amadou & Mariam 1154 1153 Dido's Lament (When I Am Laid in Earth) Anne Sofie Von Otter 1155 * I go to the barn because I like it Band of Horses 1156 906 Iron Man Black Sabbath 1157 * You Give Love a Bad Name Bon Jovi 1158 * With You Chris Brown 1159 1158 Orange Theme Cygnus X 1160 845 Fuck with Dre Day Dr. Dre & Snoop Dogg 1161 1159 Ugly Love Eels 1162 * Not even jail Interpol 1163 922 Bird on a wire Leonard Cohen 1164 359 This Love Maroon 5 1165 1165 Champagne Millionaire 1166 * The sky was pink Nathan Fake 1167 * Flink Zijn Paul De Leeuw 1168 * Always where I need to be The Kooks 1169 453 Nights in white satin The Moody Blues 1170 * Armageddon Days Are Here (Again) The The 1171 521 July morning Uriah Heep 1172 945 La Valse D'Amélie Yann Tiersen 1173 * De Klok Youp van't Hek 1174 2571 Bed of roses Bon Jovi 1175 1189 Situation 9 Choclair 1176 419 White Shadows Coldplay 1177 1927 White Room Cream 1178 1190 Starchild Dune 1179 * Anna Molly Incubus 1180 * Love for a child Jason Mraz 1181 * Walking in Memphis Marc Cohn 1182 2058 Karaoke plays Maximo Park 1183 * It's Allright Nailpin 1184 1120 Humming Portishead 1185 1198 Musicology Prince 1186 * Just Radiohead 1187 1458 Funky Monks Red Hot Chili Peppers 1188 * Pump the brakes Refused 1189 * Love her madly The Doors 1190 1128 The Widow The Mars Volta 1191 * Fake Empire The National 1192 1429 Gone Away The Offspring 1193 * Carolina Drama The Raconteurs 1194 152 Basket Case Green Day 1195 2578 Tell me Lies Fleetwood Mac 1196 1208 Adiemus Adiemus 1197 * I know there's an answer Beach Boys 1198 1106 Blue Jeans Blur 1199 1213 Rock this party Bob Sinclar 1200 1216 Nergens goed voor De Dijk 1201 1217 Life on Mars Divine Comedy 1202 * In the mood Glenn Miller 1203 1093 Cosmia Joanna Newson 1204 1221 Stick to ya guns M.O.P. 1205 1193 Take A Walk Masta Ace 1206 * I'm your hoochie coochie man Muddy Waters 1207 * The Decline NOFX 1208 1361 Have you ever been mellow Party Animals 1209 962 Set the controls for the heart of the sun Pink Floyd 1210 2198 Breathe Prodigy 1211 986 Daysleeper REM 1212 1798 Gimme shelter Rolling Stones 1213 * The Zoo Scorpions 1214 633 Second Skin The Chameleons 1215 * Boys don't Cry The Cure 1216 1641 Angel of Harlem U2 1217 * No one Alicia Keys 1218 362 Hope there's someone Anthony & The Johnsons 1219 2283 You really got me going The Kinks 1220 497 The Kids aren't allright The Offspring 1221 * Two Devils VOICST 1222 * Les Fleurs 4hero 1223 * Whipping Posts Allman Brothers Band 1224 * Dancing Shoes Arctic Monkeys 1225 1231 Play Dead Björk 1226 * Dit Lied Blof 1227 823 Blasphemous Rumours Depeche Mode 1228 * Sun Ra dEUS 1229 2449 Dreams to remember Otis Redding 1230 * Pretty Buildings People in Planes 1231 1239 Airwave Rank 1 1232 * Why The Hollows 1233 1610 Maps The Yeah Yeah Yeahs 1234 * Gold Lion The Yeah Yeah Yeahs 1235 1176 Rosanna Toto 1236 596 Smoorverliefd Doe Maar 1237 2085 Need you tonight INXS 1238 * Als je me morgen ziet Acda & De Munnik 1239 930 Helter Skelter Beatles 1240 * Atom British Sea Power 1241 2529 Station to station David Bowie 1242 1255 Raw Power Iggy Pop 1243 * Vesoul Jacques Brel 1244 1256 Uncommon Valor; A Vietnam Story Jedi Mind Tricks 1245 526 My Love Justin Timberlake 1246 1117 Simon Lifehouse 1247 * Spariro Luca Dirisio 1248 971 Black or white Michael Jackson 1249 960 Deep Fish Millionaire 1250 1263 Go Moby 1251 * Lapdance N.E.R.D. 1252 441 Don't give up Peter Gabriel & Kate Bush 1253 * Who Really Cares Powderfinger 1254 * Spitfire Prodigy 1255 1028 Feel Like Flying Racoon 1256 * Brother Racoon 1257 1603 North Star Raekwon 1258 557 Eyes Rogue Wave 1259 * Gutter Ballet Savatage 1260 879 So flute St. Germain 1261 2666 Mr. Writer Stereophonics 1262 * Don't Fall The Chameleons 1263 1178 Niet of nooit geweest Acda & De Munnik 1264 480 Gaia Mago De Oz 1265 2692 One Mic Nas 1266 1987 Fragile Sting 1267 1104 Come to daddy Aphex Twin 1268 1349 The Greatest Cat Power 1269 1179 Josephine Chris Rea 1270 * Move on up Curtis Mayfield 1271 1274 Hand in hand Dune 1272 * Riding with the king Eric Clapton & BB King 1273 1278 Check Goose 1274 1598 The Night the Earth Cried Gravediggaz 1275 * Call the Police James Morrison 1276 537 Algeria JJ72 1277 1280 Sometimes Les Rhytmes Digitales 1278 1980 Things behind the sun Nick Drake 1279 1286 An Old Friend of the Christies Oceansize 1280 1170 Lost Soul Pete Murray 1281 1690 Voyage 34 Porcupine Tree 1282 651 Do you remember the first time Pulp 1283 1719 D'n harde weg Rowwen Hèze 1284 1369 I Shall Believe Sheryl Crow 1285 * Rocking All Over The World Status Quo 1286 779 Consequence The Notwist 1287 * Screwdriver The White Stripes 1288 * Where Eagles Have Been Wolfmother 1289 2071 Redemption Song Bob Marley 1290 1408 You Are Fading Editors 1291 1810 Sonne Rammstein 1292 880 A Beautiful Lie 30 Seconds to Mars 1293 1296 24000 baci Adriano Celentano 1294 1297 The Sun Always Shines on TV A-ha 1295 2673 Windowlicker Aphex Twin 1296 1299 Bright Eyes Art Garfunkel 1297 1300 Start the riot Atari Teenage Riot 1298 1564 Rainbow Battles 1299 * Night Bruce Springsteen 1300 * Anne Clouseau 1301 1109 Fortunate Son Creedence Clearwater Revival 1302 * Passenger's seat Death Cab For Cutie 1303 729 My Melody Eric B & Rakim 1304 * I wanna be your dog Iggy Pop 1305 * Aces High Iron Maiden 1306 2903 Ten Years Gone Led Zeppelin 1307 1309 Renee Lost Boys 1308 2555 Last Train Home Lost Prophets 1309 * Little Bit Lykki Li 1310 2720 The Unforgiven II Metallica 1311 1027 Peeping Tom Placebo 1312 * Vissen Samson & Gert 1313 397 Sæglópur Sigur Rós 1314 1339 Cars hiss by my window The Doors 1315 2501 Take it as it comes The Doors 1316 * Romeo & Juliet The Killers 1317 2407 Sing me Spanish techno The New Pornographers 1318 * So Says I The Shins 1319 * Teenage Kicks Undertones 1320 743 La tribu de Dana Manau 1321 2195 The man who sold the world Nirvana 1322 1321 Waarom nou jij Marco Borsato 1323 992 When the music's over The Doors 1324 * Casual Viewing 54.40 1325 * Such a lonely soul Anna Ternheim 1326 1671 Are you kidding me? Anouk 1327 * Sad Song Au Revoir Simone 1328 1002 Oily Water Blur 1329 1471 Waste of paint Bright Eyes 1330 * Glory Days Bruce Springsteen 1331 1328 I want you to want me Cheap Trick 1332 1569 I heard it through the grapevine Creedence Clearwater Revival 1333 1329 Summer Skin Death Cab For Cutie 1334 * Blue Suede Shoes Elvis Presley 1335 * Yellow Brick Road Eminem 1336 * Beyond the dying light God is an astronaut 1337 * Srbija KS Maestro & Krang 1338 * Shadow of the day Linkin Park 1339 * Als de dag van toen Reinhard Mey 1340 1336 Spring RMB 1341 * Streets of love Rolling Stones 1342 1337 Miracle in July Saybia 1343 1537 Fields of gold The Police 1344 * T-R-O-U-B-L-E Travis Tritt 1345 1245 Into the mystic Van Morrisson 1346 * Lonely Akon 1347 1249 Crazy Aerosmith 1348 1904 The Good, The Bad and the Ugly Ennio Morricone 1349 * Droomland André Hazes & Paul De Leeuw 1350 787 Feel it in the air Beanie Sigel 1351 * So here we are Bloc Party 1352 * The Wolves Bon Iver 1353 1350 Wicked Game Chris Isaak 1354 * Accidentely in Love Counting Crows 1355 1857 Sail away David Gray 1356 1351 3030 Deltron 3030 1357 * Susan's house Eels 1358 * I will survive Hermes House Band 1359 * Sunday Morning Coming Down Johnny Cash 1360 * Gold Digger Kanye West 1361 1890 Forever Changed Lou Reed & John Cale 1362 776 The Cool Lupe Fiasco 1363 * Talk Tonight Oasis 1364 1503 Ornament/The Last Wrongs Oceansize 1365 1363 Piano Lessons Porcupine Tree 1366 1371 Season in the abbys Slayer 1367 * My Direction Sum 41 1368 2912 Inner Smile Texas 1369 * On the bus mall The Decemberists 1370 * Over the Ice The Field 1371 * Radio's in Heaven The Plain White T's 1372 * Under The Folding Branches The Veils 1373 1374 End of the world news Tom McRae 1374 * Wrong side of the road Tom Waits 1375 * Ol'55 Tom Waits 1376 * Crow Jane Two Gallants 1377 2647 Ice Queen Within Temptation 1378 1403 Comptime d'un autre été Yann Tiersen 1379 1252 Names Cat Power 1380 1377 Saltwater Chicane 1381 1378 Time after time Cindy Lauper 1382 * The Answer Lies Within Dream Theater 1383 1381 Big in Japan Guano Apes 1384 * Whole lotta shakin' goin on Jerry Lee Lewis 1385 * Splishy Splashy Lisa Hannigan 1386 * Electric Feel MGMT 1387 * Friend of the night Mogwai 1388 2419 I have forgiven Jesus Morrissey 1389 1389 Onkwetsbaarheid is eenzaamheid Osdorp Posse 1390 1390 Dragonfighters Quazar 1391 * The Same Deep Water As You The Cure 1392 * Spanish Caravan The Doors 1393 * Tranquilize The Killers 1394 563 Almost cut my hair Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young 1395 452 There There Radiohead 1396 * Time Tom Waits 1397 352 Highway to hell AC/DC 1398 1944 Kees Acda & De Munnik 1399 * Expectations Belle and Sebastien 1400 * The blood of Cu Chulainn Boondock Saints OST 1401 * Randy Described Eternity Built to Spill 1402 * En Dans Clouseau 1403 1405 Woorden zonder woorden De Kast 1404 1331 Fire and rain James Taylor 1405 1952 Lady Day Lou Reed 1406 1415 Ray of light Madonna 1407 1874 Ready to die Notorious BIG 1408 * Do Run Novastar 1409 * Black Okkervil River 1410 * New Noise Refused 1411 1418 Weck Mich Auf Samy Deluxe 1412 1419 Puta madre Showtek 1413 1424 Silver Rocket Sonic Youth 1414 1531 Rudy Supertramp 1415 495 Lullaby The Cure 1416 * 22: The Death of All The Romance The Dears 1417 1536 And you're a star The Killers 1418 1244 Bad Habit The Offspring 1419 * Wait (The Whisper Song) Ying Yang Twins 1420 2076 Positive Tension Bloc Party 1421 * Quelqu'un ma dit Carla Bruni 1422 * What Sarah Said Death Cab For Cutie 1423 * High & Dry Jamie Cullum 1424 1448 I who have nothing Jedi Mind Tricks 1425 1451 All Caps Madvillain 1426 1454 Love Hurts Nazareth 1427 1455 Yakalelo Nomads 1428 1457 Yalanci Sahidim Rafet el Roman 1429 * Dichter bij ow Rowwen Hèze 1430 1001 You Got It Roy Orbison 1431 * Aeroplane Tal Bachman 1432 1922 Hard Times The Scabs 1433 1047 New Slang The Shins 1434 * Lazy Eye The Silversun Pickups 1435 * Inaction We Are Scientists 1436 2019 Tim Wim De Craene 1437 2179 Fuck forever Babyshambles 1438 * Llorando Rebekah Del Rio 1439 1640 Parabol/Parabola Tool 1440 * Ever Present Admiral Freebee 1441 1468 Why tell me why Anita Meyer 1442 1469 Ruska Apocalyptica 1443 2511 For no one Beatles 1444 * First Date Blink 182 1445 1470 Shake ya tailfeather Blues Brothers 1446 * Mode D / Mode E / Mode F Charles Mingus 1447 1782 Hardcore Feelings Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo 1448 * Hits from the bong Cypress Hill 1449 * Accidental Babies Damien Rice 1450 * Escape the nest Editors 1451 * Cold as ice Foreigner 1452 2343 Believe me Fort Minor 1453 1479 Hands of a stranger Hard Knocks 1454 * Take you on a cruise Interpol 1455 * Lies JJ Cale 1456 * Dreaming with a broken heart John Mayer 1457 * Cry Cry Cry Johnny Cash 1458 * Burning Up Jonas Brothers 1459 * Alles Over Jou Klein Orkest 1460 1481 Lying Lasgo 1461 1522 New Paths to Helicon, Part 1 Mogwai 1462 865 NY State of Mind Nas 1463 1656 Tijd Leert Opgezwolle 1464 * The End has no End The Strokes 1465 1291 I Can See For Miles The Who 1466 * Turn Travis 1467 * Moondance Van Morrisson 1468 * The Winner Takes it All ABBA 1469 * Eerste Helmersstraat Acda & De Munnik 1470 1762 I used to love H.E.R. Common 1471 * Elements of Life DJ Tiësto 1472 * I need a thrill/Something good Four Horsemen 1473 1651 Think about the way Ice MC 1474 * The Chosen Pessimist In Flames 1475 2794 La Valse a Mille Temps Jacques Brel 1476 * The Frog Prince Keane 1477 1414 Tangerine Led Zeppelin 1478 * Married With Children Oasis 1479 1238 Sheep Pink Floyd 1480 1200 Bulls on parade Rage Against The Machine 1481 * Come pick me up Ryan Adams 1482 * Cross the breeze Sonic Youth 1483 1315 Let's go dancing Teitur 1484 1508 Any other name Thomas Newman 1485 * Guten Tag Wir Sind Helden 1486 1510 Kernkraft 400 Zombie nation 1487 * Gimme all your lovin ZZ Top 1488 1212 The times they are a-changing Bob Dylan 1489 2061 So beautiful Pete Murray 1490 949 Without you I'm nothing Placebo 1491 * Wacht Acda & De Munnik 1492 2078 I want you Bob Dylan 1493 * Microcastle Deerhunter 1494 858 King's Crossing Elliott Smith 1495 * Another lesson in violence Exodus 1496 1515 Rockafella Skank Fatboy Slim 1497 2531 Zwart/wit Frank Boeijen 1498 * Can't knock the hustle Jay-Z 1499 * Dead Souls Joy Division 1500 1519 Dusted Leftfield 1501 2092 Dashboard Modest Mouse 1502 2695 World on a plate Racoon 1503 659 Ich will Rammstein 1504 * Desed Red Hot Chili Peppers 1505 * Disturbia Rihanna 1506 1530 Maria Magdalena Sandra 1507 * Magnificent Seven The Clash 1508 1538 Golden Brown The Stranglers 1509 449 Monsoon Tokio Hotel 1510 * Ice Cream Man Tom Waits 1511 418 My Love Westlife 1512 425 Holiday in Spain Counting Crows & Blof 1513 * Suzie Q. Creedence Clearwater Revival 1514 639 When the sun goes down Arctic Monkeys 1515 1827 New York State of Mind Billy Joel 1516 * Sleeping Village Black Sabbath 1517 1972 Born in the USA Bruce Springsteen 1518 * See See Rider Elvis Presley 1519 * Hoochie Coochie Man Eric Clapton 1520 1543 S.O.S. Filterfunk 1521 * Johnny Come Home Fine Young Cannibals 1522 1546 Erasmus Gregor Salto 1523 1516 Sao Paolo Guillemots 1524 * The Real Thing Gwen Stefani 1525 * Goodbye my lover James Blunt 1526 1163 Motorcycle Emptyness Manic Street Preachers 1527 * Lost Coastlines Okkervil River 1528 * Make Me Smile (Come Up And See) Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel 1529 1553 Josephine Teitur 1530 326 Desperado The Eagles 1531 * Bones The Killers 1532 1080 America Tracy Chapman 1533 1872 Saturday Night Herman Brood 1534 1561 Cold Water Music Aim 1535 1134 Dance dance Christa Paffgen Anberlin 1536 * Pioneers Bloc Party 1537 * Wake Up Coheed and Cambria 1538 * Voor Jou De Jeugd Van Tegenwoordig 1539 1571 A view to a kill Duran Duran 1540 * Trouble Elvis Presley 1541 * Se Bastassa Una Canzone Eros Ramazotti 1542 * In Italia Fabri Fibra ft. Gianna Nannini 1543 461 Jesus he knows me Genesis 1544 * Longview Green Day 1545 1577 Nuuj Helde Jansse Bagge Band 1546 * Have a little faith in me John Hiatt 1547 1009 Cambodia Kim Wilde 1548 1579 Hush Kula Shaker 1549 * Got Money Lil Wayne 1550 2111 Postcard of a painting Maximo Park 1551 * Beds are burning Midnight Oil 1552 * Passievrucht/Bosmuis Opgezwolle 1553 1241 Angel Saybia 1554 177 The Boxer Simon & Garfunkel 1555 2358 Vuur/Water Sticks & Delic 1556 1585 Sleeping with the lights on Teitur 1557 * Slow Show The National 1558 * Bone Machine The Pixies 1559 * Your English is good Tokyo Police Club 1560 1588 Walk on U2 1561 * I'll believe in anything Woilf Parade 1562 * White Unicorn Wolfmother 1563 1589 Wonderfull Days Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo 1564 282 After The Gold Rush Neil Young 1565 1248 Bro Hym Tribute Pennywise 1566 520 Go with the flow Queens of the Stone Age 1567 408 Ik wil alleen maar zwemmen Spinvis 1568 1778 Down to the river to pray Alison Krauss & Union Station 1569 * Flying over bus-stops Athlete 1570 1590 All my loving Beatles 1571 946 She's always a woman to me Billy Joel 1572 1233 Sing Blur 1573 1595 Far Away C-Quence 1574 * Grapevine Fires Death Cab For Cutie 1575 2342 Metropolis Dream Theater 1576 * I sold my hands for food so please feed me Get Well Soon 1577 1599 All I wanna do is make love to you Heart 1578 1600 Trampled Underfoot Led Zeppelin 1579 1452 What it is Mark Knopfler 1580 * Verdammt Ich Lieb Dich Mathias Reim 1581 * Twenty Years Placebo 1582 * Way Out of Here Porcupine Tree 1583 2648 My Friends Red Hot Chili Peppers 1584 1694 The End of the World Skeeter Davis 1585 * Till the end of the day The Kinks 1586 * Your Guardian Angel The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus 1587 1289 Paint a vulgar picture The Smiths 1588 1078 Dry Your Eyes The Streets 1589 1611 Tricky Kid Tricky 1590 * Electrical Storm U2 1591 1204 Verdronken Vlinder Boudewijn de Groot 1592 1615 Whisper Evanescence 1593 1324 Close Friends Adema 1594 1619 Lost Cause Beck 1595 1621 Good Cop/Bad Cop Blahzay Blahzay 1596 1053 First day of my life Bright Eyes 1597 1622 The Truth Cosmic Gate 1598 1624 Flyswatter Eels 1599 * As if I hadn't slept Idlewild 1600 * Deeper Underground Jamiroquai 1601 2037 Aqualung Jethro Tull 1602 2609 Orchard Road Leo Sayer 1603 * The Funny Bird Mercury Rev 1604 1547 Mother's Day Nada Surf 1605 2558 Ambulance Blues Neil Young 1606 * I'm outta time Oasis 1607 2859 ?????? Sodagreen 1608 513 Dreaming of you The Coral 1609 * SOS The Police 1610 * Pull harder on the strings of your martyr Trivium 1611 * Sur le fil Yann Tiersen 1612 427 You ain't seen nothing yet Bachman Turner Overdrive 1613 * I Will Possess Your Heart Death Cab For Cutie 1614 1357 No quarter Led Zeppelin 1615 * Picture Me Rollin 2PAC 1616 1644 Postcards from Italy Beirut 1617 947 Nobelprijs Clouseau 1618 793 Suffragette City David Bowie 1619 1648 Duality DJ Shadow 1620 1650 Fosforlu Cevriyem Ibrahim Tatlises 1621 * Foxy Lady Jimi Hendrix 1622 2347 Gravity John Mayer 1623 2416 Kashmir Led Zeppelin 1624 1653 Wherever I may roam Metallica 1625 * Ironside Nine Black Alps 1626 1658 Hava naquila Party Animals 1627 * Young Folks Peter, Bjorn & John 1628 * Just like a pill Pink 1629 1224 How do you keep love alive Ryan Adams 1630 * Við Spilum Endelaust Sigur Rós 1631 1643 Les Jours Tristes Yann Tiersen 1632 2843 Aerodynamic Daft Punk 1633 2893 Save a Prayer Duran Duran 1634 145 Last chance Moke 1635 2453 The man who would be king The Libertines 1636 2207 The Sweetest Thing U2 1637 * Runes of my memory Amon Amarth 1638 * Uniform Bloc Party 1639 * Hier Blof 1640 * Smoke it Dandy Warhols 1641 * Niet als Jou De Jeugd Van Tegenwoordig 1642 1678 Play it hard DJ Dean 1643 * Forsaken Dream Theater 1644 1882 Star Eden 1645 1680 This is Hell Elvis Costello 1646 * Orly Jacques Brel 1647 1682 Crockett's Theme Jan Hammer 1648 578 Ring of Fire Johnny Cash 1649 * Carry on my wayward son Kansas 1650 * All Summer Long Kid Rock 1651 276 Freak on a leash Korn 1652 * The Man With The Red Face Laurent Garnier 1653 1518 Over the hills and far away Led Zeppelin 1654 1686 Take a walk on the wild side Lou Reed 1655 * U can't touch this MC Hammer 1656 1841 Represent Nas 1657 * Slow Wind R. Kelly 1658 1692 Tier Rammstein 1659 1693 Cruisin' Sioen 1660 632 Limonadeglazen vodka Spinvis 1661 * Mr. November The National 1662 * Let's dance to Joy Division The Wombats 1663 1756 Whispering at the top of my lungs Tim Christensen 1664 2386 If you see her, say hello Bob Dylan 1665 861 I put a spell on you Creedence Clearwater Revival 1666 1192 Like a prayer Madonna 1667 1703 Judith A Perfect Circle 1668 * Together in Wonderland Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo 1669 * Dao sam ti dusu Crvena Jubaka 1670 1706 Do you really wanna hurt me Culture Club 1671 1708 California uber alles Dead Kennedys 1672 * Not ready to make nice Dixie Chicks 1673 * Ta det lungt Dungen 1674 * Mishto! Gogol Bordello 1675 1712 Vuelvo al Sur Gotan Project 1676 1713 Ik wil dat ons land juicht Guus Meeuwis 1677 1714 The First Rebirth Jones & Stephenson 1678 * I talk to the wind King Crimson 1679 * Ayo Technology Milow 1680 * More Than This Roxy Music 1681 * Love me two times The Doors 1682 357 Het is een nacht Guus Meeuwis 1683 2690 Hero of the day Metallica 1684 * TNT AC/DC 1685 1729 Rubber & Soul Ane Brun 1686 2269 Eleanor Rigby Beatles 1687 * Hyper Ballad Björk 1688 * Yagmur Cem Adrian 1689 1735 Stars Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo 1690 2005 Lunar queen Cousteau 1691 2389 Suite judy blue eyes Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young 1692 2677 Southern Cross Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young 1693 * Der tod is ein dandy Einsturzende Neubauten 1694 * Drugs or me Jimmy Eat World 1695 * To Run Josiah Leming 1696 * Decades Joy Division 1697 * All falls down Kanye West 1698 * The Future Leonard Cohen 1699 * Blood Shot Adult Commitment Madrugada 1700 * Creeping Death Metallica 1701 1333 Take me somewhere nice Mogwai 1702 * She doesn't belong to me Pete & The Pirates 1703 1795 You can't hurry love Phil Collins 1704 * Walk Away Racoon 1705 1346 Teenage Riot Sonic Youth 1706 * Always on my mind Elvis Presley 1707 * Wise Up Aimee Mann 1708 1780 Ambulance Blur 1709 1273 Have you ever seen the rain Creedence Clearwater Revival 1710 * Drifter Daniel Broder 1711 1572 Lights Editors 1712 * Live and let die Guns n' Roses 1713 1768 Violet Hole 1714 * Milk and honey Jackson C. Frank 1715 * Panic Button L.E.O. 1716 * I'll be waiting Lenny Kravitz 1717 * Whiplash Metallica 1718 1281 Heroes never die Mostly Autumn 1719 * Feeling Good Nina Simone 1720 * True Love Waits Radiohead 1721 1988 The Purple Bottle The Animal Collective 1722 1773 Me and jesus the pimp in a '79 Granada last night The Coup 1723 * Great DJ The Ting Tings 1724 124 Helicopter Bloc Party 1725 * The animals were gone Damien Rice 1726 1723 Eye of the tiger Survivor 1727 * Black Soul Choir 16 HP 1728 1779 Yellow Submarine Beatles 1729 * Gamma Ray Beck 1730 * Hound Dog Big Mama Thornton 1731 * Blind Willie McTell Bob Dylan 1732 764 Ode to my family Cranberries 1733 * Lekker Gewoon De Lama's 1734 * The Killing Moon Echo & The Bunnyman 1735 478 May it Be Enya 1736 * Skin & Bones Foo Fighters 1737 * Demon Days Gorillaz 1738 1786 Heavenly Grant-Lee Philips 1739 * Big Legs Tight Skirt John Lee Hooker 1740 * Make A Move Lost Prophets 1741 1787 Heart of steel Manowar 1742 551 Wereld zonder jou Marco Borsato & Trijntje Oosterhuis 1743 1789 Chelsea Monday Marillion 1744 2247 City of delusion Muse 1745 1794 The Sorrowful Wife Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds 1746 * Bycicle Race Queen 1747 * Wérme regen Rowwen Hèze 1748 * Krakzo de mattebom Samson & Gert 1749 2116 Bodies Sex Pistols 1750 * Untitled (track 1) Sigur Rós 1751 1802 Nothing's gonna stop us now Starship 1752 * I'm Yours The Script 1753 * Singapore Tom Waits 1754 1808 Regulate Warren G & Nate Dogg 1755 * Travelling at my own place Y Society 1756 1809 Voyage Yahel 1757 * Come Voglio Zero Assoluto 1758 466 Jeremy Pearl Jam 1759 337 Brass monkey Beastie Boys 1760 * Fallen Leaves Billy Talent 1761 * The Chinatown Bus Bishop Allen 1762 481 Politik Coldplay 1763 1811 Nightshift Commodores 1764 502 Rebel Rebel David Bowie 1765 1813 Theme from Norefjell DJ Tiësto 1766 * Souljacker, Part I Eels 1767 * Let it die Foo Fighters 1768 * Sweet Baby James James Taylor 1769 345 Starless King Crimson 1770 * Blind Lemon 1771 * Rematch in Patterson Lord Finesse vs Percee P 1772 1096 Killing all the flies Mogwai 1773 1523 How could anybody possibly know how I feel Morrissey 1774 2114 Something in the way Nirvana 1775 667 Women who love men who love drugs Oceansize 1776 * The Great Gig in the Sky Pink Floyd 1777 2316 Conversation Intercom Soulwax 1778 * Stuck in the middle with you Stealers Wheel 1779 * How You Gonna See Me Now Alice Cooper 1780 * Astrakan Cafe, Part 2 Anouar Brahem 1781 * Mo Money, Mo Murder AZ 1782 * Ball 'n Chain Big Mama Thornton 1783 * Chan Chan Buena Vista Social Club 1784 2626 The Back of Love Echo & The Bunnyman 1785 1833 Hurts to be in love Gino Vannelli 1786 * The Wind Cries Mary Jamie Cullum 1787 * Our House Madness 1788 923 Zij Marco Borsato 1789 * Da Rockwilder Method Man & Redman 1790 1840 Blonde on Blonde Nada Surf 1791 * Henkie Cola Piter Wilkins 1792 1842 Fading like a flower Roxette 1793 1843 Calabria Rune 1794 * Sweetly undone Sam Baker 1795 1844 Zero Smashing Pumpkins 1796 * Lost in Hollywood System of a down 1797 1372 Film-Maker The Cooper Temple Clause 1798 424 Hate to say I told you so The Hives 1799 * Refuge Tom Petty 1800 * Roundabout Yes 1801 1088 Do me a favor Arctic Monkeys 1802 1947 Lack of colour Death Cab For Cutie 1803 * Candle in the Wind Elton John 1804 1728 Dance with the devil Immortal Technique 1805 442 Tribute Tenacious D 1806 1851 Away from the sun 3 doors down 1807 * I Ran A Flock of Seagulls 1808 561 Ergens zingt een zanger Acda & De Munnik 1809 * De helft van mij Bastiaan Ragas 1810 * Like eating glass Bloc Party 1811 843 Colorblind Counting Crows 1812 387 Rabbit Run Eminem 1813 * Orinoco Flow (Sail Away) Enya 1814 * Ordinary People John Legend 1815 1070 Solid air John Martyn 1816 227 Natural Blues Moby 1817 * Killed by Death Motorhead 1818 1868 Paradise Lost Red Zebra 1819 * Anyone else but you The Moldy Peaches 1820 * Charly The Prodigy 1821 340 PDA Interpol 1822 2696 Anybody seen my baby? Rolling Stones 1823 2064 Olsen Olsen Sigur Rós 1824 2731 There will be no next time The Kids 1825 * Luno Bloc Party 1826 * Sprawl Calexico 1827 * Oci boje snre Crvena Jubaka 1828 * Onderuit De Dijk 1829 1881 Foolish Beat Debbie Gibson 1830 1883 Freed from desire Gala 1831 2320 I Can't Dance Genesis 1832 1137 Call me Ishmael Get Cape Wear Cape Fly 1833 1832 The World is Outside Ghosts 1834 * Cuckoo I Am Kloot 1835 1084 I'm Not So Tough Ilse De Lange 1836 707 Numb Jay-Z & Linkin Park 1837 2397 Oceans Johan 1838 * Everybody Knows John Legend 1839 * Homecoming Kanye West 1840 * I am the sun, I am the air Morrissey 1841 1364 Voodoo people Prodigy 1842 * Knives Out Radiohead 1843 305 Ruby Tuesday Rolling Stones 1844 * Can You Hear Me Knocking Rolling Stones 1845 1896 Poor Leno Royksopp 1846 1897 Move your ass Scooter 1847 * White Riot The Clash 1848 1919 Who needs enemies? The Cooper Temple Clause 1849 * Way down in the hole Tom Waits 1850 * Original of the species U2 1851 1898 Kite U2 1852 * Hajnal Venetain Snares 1853 1702 Afscheid Volumia 1854 1854 The Bad Touch Bloodhound Gang 1855 * Furr Blitzen Trapper 1856 * Whirlwind Daniel Broder 1857 * Hero Enrique Iglesias 1858 * Fu Gee La Fugees 1859 * Take a rest Gang Starr 1860 1905 I didn't ask to come Goodie Mob 1861 * Paranoid Gus Black 1862 * Stand Jewel 1863 * Na Na Na Na Naa Kaiser Chiefs 1864 2744 Spirits in the night Manfred Mann's Earth Band 1865 1913 I like it loud Marshall Masters 1866 1164 Looking at you MC5 1867 891 Cowgirl in the sand Neil Young 1868 1918 Can't stop Red Hot Chili Peppers 1869 * Summerholidays vs punkroutine Refused 1870 * The Lioness Songs: Ohia 1871 1940 Death on the stairs The Libertines 1872 500 District sleeps alone tonight The Postal Service 1873 * Zelfs je naam is mooi Henk Westbroek 1874 * Make you feel my love Adele 1875 * You Know I'm No Good Amy Winehouse 1876 * Blue Light Bloc Party 1877 * Harlem Shuffle Bob & Earl 1878 * I don't want to see you Camera Obscure 1879 * Halleluhwah Can 1880 1928 Is Vic there Department S 1881 1930 Jacob's Ladder Dreadlock Pussy 1882 * I just can't help believin' Elvis Presley 1883 2050 Cose della vita Eros Ramazotti 1884 2301 This ain't a scene, it's an arms race Fall Out Boy 1885 1765 Drunken lullabies Flogging Molly 1886 * Girls Girls Girls Jay-Z 1887 * Shadowplay Joy Division 1888 * We Are Your Friends Justice & Simian 1889 1933 Cherish (the love) Kool & The Gang 1890 2011 You can't keep a bad man down Oceansize 1891 280 But it's better if you do Panic! At The Disco 1892 * Hands open Snow Patrol 1893 * The Weight The Band 1894 594 Back when you were good The Hours 1895 1396 Green Grass and High Tides The Outlaws 1896 * Death of a disco dancer The Smiths 1897 1942 Gimme danger The Stooges 1898 * Instinct Blues The White Stripes 1899 * Anthem (we are the fire) Trivium 1900 * We're not gonna take it Twister Sisters 1901 * Sunshine of your love Cream 1902 * She's only 18 Red Hot Chili Peppers 1903 * Footballer's Wife Amy McDonald 1904 * There She Goes Babyshambles 1905 * Get Back Beatles 1906 * Red Flag Billy Talent 1907 * We used to be friends Dandy Warhols 1908 * Circle of Life Elton John 1909 1948 Ella, Ella L'a France Gall 1910 * Faith George Michael 1911 1949 Blief biej de mam Jansse Bagge Band 1912 * Get Rhytm Johnny Cash 1913 * The Weight of My Words Kings of Convenience 1914 1951 Outta here KRS-One 1915 389 The Dolphin's Cry Live 1916 1790 Live with me Massive Attack 1917 * Damage Inc. Metallica 1918 509 156 Mew 1919 * We are all made of stars Moby 1920 * See these bones Nada Surf 1921 * Turn up the sun Oasis 1922 * Autumn Paolo Nutini 1923 * This Corrosion Sisters of Mercy 1924 * All Star Smash Mouth 1925 * No Cities Left The Dears 1926 1961 Music when the lights go out The Libertines 1927 2382 Zo niet mij Typhoon 1928 * Rock me Amadeus Falco 1929 * Hit the road Jack Ray Charles 1930 1560 Krazy 2PAC 1931 * I wanna fuck you Akon & Snoop Dogg 1932 * Afscheid van een vriend Andre Hazes 1933 1967 Kleine jongen André Hazes 1934 * Colpo di fulmine Anna Tatangelo 1935 * Cripple and Starfish Anthony & The Johnsons 1936 1466 Lovely Day Bill Withers 1937 1969 Army of me Björk 1938 * Archangel Burial 1939 * I will be absorbed Egg 1940 1976 Salva Mea Faithless 1941 * Auf Asche Franz Ferdinand 1942 * Number of the Beast Iron Maiden 1943 * Beautiful Mess Jason Mraz 1944 272 Numb Linkin Park 1945 1788 Welcome to Tijuana Manu Chao 1946 527 To Live is To Die Metallica 1947 * You have killed me Morrissey 1948 * Leo, are you still jumping out of windows in expensive clothes My Little Airport 1949 539 99 luftballons Nena 1950 837 Bulletproof Cupid Placebo 1951 1982 Breaking the girl Red Hot Chili Peppers 1952 * Unfaithfull Rihanna 1953 1984 Ladytron Roxy Music 1954 * Robin Hood Samson & Gert 1955 600 Europa Santana 1956 1986 Pressure Staind 1957 * Blackened Blue Eyes The Charlatans 1958 * What became of the likely lads The Libertines 1959 1989 L'Via L'Viaquez The Mars Volta 1960 1991 The Whole of the Moon The Waterboys 1961 * Murder UGK 1962 460 Charlotte Air Traffic 1963 1060 Bloed, zweet en tranen André Hazes 1964 * 8 dead boys Babyshambles 1965 2001 Take my breath away Berlin 1966 * I'm not gonna teach your boyfriend how to dance with you Black Kids 1967 * Lily, rosemary and the jack of hearts Bob Dylan 1968 * The Architect dEUS 1969 2082 Where'd U go Fort Minor 1970 * Hallelujah Leonard Cohen 1971 * Dromen zijn bedrog Marco Borsato 1972 2853 Our velocity Maximo Park 1973 * Come back to Camden Morrissey 1974 2248 Hypermusic Muse 1975 2249 Jet Boy New York Dolls 1976 2958 Arnold Layne Pink Floyd 1977 * Strings of life Rhythim is Rhythim 1978 1314 Crazy Seal 1979 2016 Underwater Love Smoke City 1980 1938 Black Hole Sun Soundgarden 1981 486 Over my head The Fray 1982 2150 Don't mug yourself The Streets 1983 2729 Running down a dream Tom Petty 1984 * Zombie Zoo Tom Petty 1985 * Hou me vast Volumia 1986 * Daydream Wallace Collection 1987 * Major Tom Peter Schilling 1988 952 Winterschläfer A Balladeer 1989 2024 Ce matin la Air 1990 2026 Sacrifice Anouk 1991 * Cherry Lips Archie Bronson Outfit 1992 * Run to you Bryan Adams 1993 * Pull Out Death from Above 1979 1994 * Brava Fabrizio Moro 1995 2034 Dance on a Volcano Genesis 1996 2035 Soldiers Gone Psycho Heltah Skeltah 1997 2829 Everybody's Changing Keane 1998 2039 The Partisan Leonard Cohen 1999 1687 Embarrassment Madness 2000 * It's all coming back to me Meatloaf 2001 * Ayo Technology Millow 2002 878 Ice Box Nada Surf 2003 * Pappie loop toch niet zo snel One Two Trio 2004 * De Steen Paul De Leeuw 2005 * Fasten your seatbelts Pendulum 2006 2374 Plasticine Placebo 2007 2042 Sour times Portishead 2008 * Freedom/Township Rebellion Rage Against The Machine 2009 * Monty got a raw deal REM 2010 * Mr Blue Rene Kleijn 2011 * Crossroads Blues Robert Johnson 2012 * It's Like That Run DMC 2013 * The Airplane Song Scouting For Girls 2014 * All Star Smashmouth 2015 * Hotwax Spinvis 2016 * Secret Meeting The National 2017 * Stap voor Stap Van Dik Hout 2018 2052 Ebonics (Premo Mix) D.I.T.C. 2019 * So much to say Dave Matthews Band 2020 * I get a kick out of you Frank Sinatra 2021 * Life in a day I Am Kloot 2022 * Details in the fabric Jason Mraz & James Morrison 2023 2138 21st century schizoid man King Crimson 2024 2059 Hijo de la luna Mecano 2025 * Spitting Venom Modest Mouse 2026 2062 Mysterons Portishead 2027 * Never Change Puddle of Mudd 2028 * Streets of London Ralph McTell 2029 2065 Love and sleep Syd Matters 2030 * Caught by a river The Doves 2031 1317 Worried about Ray The Hoosiers 2032 2067 Together The Raconteurs 2033 * No More Heroes The Stranglers 2034 * SOS ABBA 2035 * Rocker Alter Ego 2036 2075 Beautiful Athlete 2037 1825 Rendez Vous Basement Jaxx 2038 * Satisfaction Benny Benassi 2039 * Dammit Blink 182 2040 1232 Caramel Blur 2041 * Swallowed in the sea Coldplay 2042 * Flava in ya ear Craig Mack 2043 2368 Love is an unfamiliar name Duke Spirit 2044 1111 Needle in the hay Elliott Smith 2045 * Love Me Tender Elvis Presley 2046 * Every dog has it's day Flogging Molly 2047 1767 Punk is dood Gorki 2048 2084 World War III Gunshot 2049 * Halt Mich Herbert Grönemeyer 2050 * Transmission Substance Joy Division 2051 * In het donker Kadanz 2052 2056 Spider's Web Katie Melua 2053 2088 Strani Amori Laura Pausini 2054 2091 Motown Blood Mando Diao 2055 * De Waarheid Marco Borsato 2056 2278 What's going on Marvin Gaye 2057 * Dilemma Nelly & Kelly Rowland 2058 * Underneath it all No Doubt 2059 * Death Whispered in a Lullaby Opeth 2060 2256 Little sister Queens of the Stone Age 2061 2098 Papa chico Tony Esposito 2062 1147 Jump Van Halen 2063 * Turn the page The Streets 2064 1437 Thirteen ¡Forward Russia! 2065 2101 16 Ard und Jorn 2066 2003 Naast Jou Boudewijn de Groot 2067 * Monica Cricus Custers 2068 2103 Hart van mijn gevoel De Kast 2069 * De Bom Doe Maar 2070 * Repentance Dream Theater 2071 2919 Sacrifice Elton John 2072 2107 The Power of Love Jennifer Rush 2073 2108 In The Sun Joseph Arthur 2074 * Better in time Leona Lewis 2075 1358 They stood up for love Live 2076 * Limassol Maximo Park 2077 2975 Ohio Neil Young 2078 2119 When logics die Soulwax 2079 1342 Sharing Unbelievable Truth 2080 * You shook me all night AC/DC 2081 2303 Run to the hills Iron Maiden 2082 1965 Vandaag ben ik gaan lopen Acda & De Munnik 2083 2127 Beatles en de buren Acda & De Munnik 2084 1900 Kelly watch the stars Air 2085 2128 You don't know me Armand Van Helden 2086 1676 Tangled up in blue Bob Dylan 2087 2459 Lady in Red Chris De Burgh 2088 * Binnen zonder kloppen De Dijk 2089 * Bertje vs Yayo De Jeugd Van Tegenwoordig 2090 * Let me clear my throat DJ Kool 2091 * Cocaine Eric Clapton 2092 * One Nation Under a Groove Funkadelic 2093 * Dead End In Flames 2094 * Different World Iron Maiden 2095 * Never miss a beat Kaiser Chiefs 2096 2139 Immigrant Song Led Zeppelin 2097 1934 Autumnsong Manic Street Preachers 2098 2520 Future breed machine Meshuggah 2099 2557 Teeth Like God's Shoeshine Modest Mouse 2100 2141 Lady Mojo 2101 1654 Irish blood, English heart Morrissey 2102 44 Starlight Muse 2103 2142 Stay Together N*E*R*D 2104 2637 Do you feel like we do Peter Frampton 2105 2143 Fiesta Pogues 2106 * Bad Day REM 2107 * Vlinder Rowwen Hèze 2108 1584 Listen To Your Heart Roxette 2109 2144 Stop Sam Brown 2110 * You didn't really do that Sharon van Etten 2111 * In our bedroom after the war Stars 2112 * Made of Stone The Stone Roses 2113 995 12:51 The Strokes 2114 * Death Letter The White Stripes 2115 2837 She goes nana The Radios 2116 * Waterloo ABBA 2117 * I get around Beach Boys 2118 * Morning Has Broken Cat Stevens 2119 2158 Do It Dizzee Rascal 2120 2159 Freeloader Driftwood 2121 * Who wants to live forever Dune 2122 343 Not a job Elbow 2123 * Mexican Standoff Elbow 2124 2518 Dreams Grace Slick 2125 2604 Autumn Green Lizard 2126 2163 Axel F Harold Faltermeyer 2127 * Both Sides Now Joni Mitchell 2128 * The Real Sugar Kaiser Chiefs 2129 * Du ar anga Kent 2130 * Slapeloze nachten Lichter Laaie 2131 * One Mary J. Blidge & U2 2132 * Can't break her fall Matt Kearley 2133 2166 Tubular Bells Mike Oldfield 2134 * Teen Hearts Beating Faster Panic! At The Disco 2135 2266 My Generation The Who 2136 2175 On my knees Triggerfinger 2137 432 Forever Young Alphaville 2138 * Twilight of the Number God Amon Amarth 2139 * When I'm sixty-four Beatles 2140 2180 The Rose Bette Midler 2141 * Hemingway Blof 2142 * He Names Cat Power 2143 * Galvanize Chemical Brothers 2144 1404 Ziggy stardust David Bowie 2145 2184 Here's Johnny Deepack 2146 365 Roses dEUS 2147 * Mercy Duffy 2148 * Cancer for the cure Eels 2149 * Jungle Drum Emiliana Torrini 2150 459 When I'm Gone Eminem 2151 2606 Lust For Life Iggy Pop 2152 * Gold Watch Lupe Fiasco 2153 * The Unshockable Maximo Park 2154 2926 Relax, take it easy Mika 2155 1793 I Don't Love You My Chemical Romance 2156 1360 Lyla Oasis 2157 * I hope, I think, I know Oasis 2158 * Tunnelvisie Opgezwolle 2159 2196 E.T. The Extra Terrestrial Outkast 2160 * Liar Queen 2161 * Rock DJ Robbie Williams 2162 2200 You've got me rocking Rolling Stones 2163 2202 Hit me with a kiss Solo 2164 * Over my head Sum 41 2165 2727 Nitro The Offspring 2166 2205 Just Travelling Through The Thrills 2167 * Romeo is Bleeding Tom Waits 2168 2565 And it stoned me Van Morrisson 2169 * Lady Grey Werle & Stankowski 2170 1489 Grounds for divorce Wolf Parade 2171 2112 I'd Do Anything For Love Meatloaf 2172 * The Age of The Understatement The Last Shadow Puppets 2173 * Lala Ashlee Simpson 2174 * Dit is mijn stad Bastiaan Ragas 2175 * Shelter from the storm Bob Dylan 2176 * Jersey Girl Bruce Springsteen 2177 2734 Anytime, anyplace, anywhere Carter The Unstoppable Sex Machine 2178 1015 Superstring Cygnus X 2179 * Ondergronds Verzet Def P, Sores, Seda & Daan 2180 2215 Looking as you are Embrace 2181 * The Heart is Life John Mayer 2182 * The Importance of being idle Oasis 2183 * Unless it's kicks Okkervil River 2184 1964 Us and them Pink Floyd 2185 * Thousands are sailing Pogues 2186 1184 Stargazer Rainbow 2187 830 Apache Rose Peacock Red Hot Chili Peppers 2188 2225 Hello Shakespeare's Sister 2189 * Whenever Wherever Shakira 2190 2226 5 Dolla Nigga Slaughter Nico 2191 * Jenny was a friend of mine The Killers 2192 690 Celluloid Heroes The Kinks 2193 2317 Daydream Believer The Monkees 2194 2229 I wanna be sedated The Ramones 2195 * The Irony of it All The Streets 2196 * Stuck in a moment you can't get out of U2 2197 2230 Zotte morgen Zjef Vanuytsel 2198 926 Debaser The Pixies 2199 2233 La Femme D'Argent Air 2200 2234 Luna Alessandro Safina 2201 2000 Back to black Amy Winehouse 2202 1325 Moon River Audrey Hepburn 2203 2208 Mooie dag Blof 2204 * Kar Cem Adrian 2205 * We beginnen pas De Dijk 2206 * Watskeburt De Jeugd Van Tegenwoordig 2207 1476 Intro DMX 2208 1401 I'm shipping up to Boston Dropkick Murphys 2209 * Rookie of the Year Funeral for a Friend 2210 2681 Firth of fifth Genesis 2211 2242 When I come around Green Day 2212 1576 Vrienden voor het leven Jan Smit 2213 * Nothing lasts forever Jape 2214 * In Our Nature Jose Gonzalez 2215 * Buikpijn Klein Orkest 2216 1601 With You Linkin Park 2217 710 Binnen Marco Borsato 2218 2246 Godd Marco V 2219 959 I heard it through the grapevine Marvin Gaye 2220 2352 Breakfast at tiffanys Matchbox Twenty 2221 * Gas Panic Oasis 2222 * A Change is Gonna Come Otis Redding 2223 * Bullet in the Head Rage Against The Machine 2224 * Blank Generation Richard Hell 2225 * Advertising Space Robbie Williams 2226 * De Neus Omhoeg Rowwen Hèze 2227 358 Drivers seat Sniff 'n Tears 2228 2260 Dogg Pound Gangstaz Tha Dogg Pound 2229 * Rock the Casbah The Clash 2230 2262 Love is a game The Magic Numbers 2231 * Our Daily Reminders Zita Swoon 2232 * Closer Ne-Yo 2233 1617 Slaap zacht Elisabeth Acda & De Munnik 2234 * Stad Amsterdam Acda & De Munnik 2235 * Time Goes By Air Traffic 2236 2156 Atlantic City Bruce Springsteen 2237 2270 Je loog tegen mij Drukwerk 2238 1400 Breathe Fabulous 2239 * Tiger mountain peasant song Fleet Foxes 2240 * Op Straat Guus Meeuwis 2241 * Vrouw zoals jij Hans De Booij 2242 2276 Kommer en Kwel Jansse Bagge Band 2243 * Night Crawler Judas Priest 2244 * The only happy boy in Kopenhagen Moi Caprice 2245 2928 Music for a nurse Oceansize 2246 1183 Sweet Instigator Ozark Henry 2247 * Fear of a blank planet Porcupine Tree 2248 * Behind closed doors Rise Against 2249 * Tell me what it takes Soulsister 2250 577 Jacksonville Sufjan Stevens 2251 * Sweet Jane The Velvet Underground 2252 1398 Third Eye Tool 2253 1435 I want you Elvis Costello 2254 2288 Loser 3 Doors down 2255 * When it rains it pours 50 Cent 2256 2290 Electric Relexation A Tribe Called Quest 2257 2291 The Boy Who Destroyed The World AFI 2258 2292 Rooster Alice in Chains 2259 2293 Airport Armani & Ghost 2260 * Top Billin' Audio Two 2261 * Declare independence Björk 2262 2296 Night Falls Booka Shade 2263 791 Diary of Jane Breaking Benjamin 2264 1155 Born to run Bruce Springsteen 2265 * Mr Jones Counting Crows 2266 * Say Hello Wave Goodbye David Gray 2267 * Lose Dinosaur Jr. 2268 * Geef mie een glas Filip Kowlier 2269 * Mijn Vlakke Land Jacques Brel 2270 * Oro Jelena Tomasevic 2271 2305 Should have known better Jim Diamond 2272 * The Middle Jimmy Eat World 2273 * You can leave your hat on Joe Cocker 2274 2306 Untitled #3 John Frusciante 2275 1910 Your body is wonderland John Mayer 2276 1863 Believe in me Lenny Kravitz 2277 * Rollin Limp Bizkit 2278 * Just hold me Maria Mena 2279 1143 Monkey man Rolling Stones 2280 * Where does the good go Tegan and Sara 2281 * Junk of the hearts The Cardigans 2282 * Truckin' The Grateful Dead 2283 781 Bohemian like you Dandy Warhols 2284 * I saw her standing there Beatles 2285 2792 Fourth time around Bob Dylan 2286 * Land van Koning Jan Boudewijn De Groot 2287 * My Life Common & The Game 2288 * Nekako Sproljeca Crvena Jubaka 2289 * Zonder Jou Erik Mesie 2290 2322 By My Side INXS 2291 2323 Cranes of Prey Jimmy Chamberlin Complex 2292 2325 Man in Black Johnny Cash 2293 * What comes around goes around Justin Timberlake 2294 * De Bestemming Marco Borsato 2295 484 Casser la voix Patrick Bruel 2296 1456 Myxomatosis Radiohead 2297 * Don't You (Forget About Me) Simple Minds 2298 2045 Het voordeel van video Spinvis 2299 2204 Luka Suzanne Vega 2300 2331 Out of the blue System F 2301 1055 Ooh La The Kooks 2302 * Don't Look Back into the Sun The Libertines 2303 * Springtime in Vienna The Tragically Hip 2304 * Killer Van der Graaf Generator 2305 339 Once Upon A Time In The West Ennio Morricone 2306 * Albion Babyshambles 2307 2339 Sweet sixteen Billy Idol 2308 * Oxford Town Bob Dylan 2309 1700 Little Arithmetics dEUS 2310 * Charmer Kings of Leon 2311 * Don't say you love me M2M 2312 2350 The Band Mando Diao 2313 * Plateau Nirvana 2314 1182 Don't know why Norah Jones 2315 * 1953 Olafur Arnalds 2316 1631 Rewind Paolo Nutini 2317 2537 Passive agressive Placebo 2318 2355 Radioactive Toy Porcupine Tree 2319 * 3's and 7's Queens of the Stone Age 2320 2356 Awakenings Rank 1 2321 2593 I am sailing Rod Stewart 2322 * Keep on walking Scouting For Girls 2323 991 Life on Mars? Seu Jorge 2324 * Have a nice day Stereophonics 2325 * Lying in the Sun Stereophonics 2326 1393 Beautiful Ones Suede 2327 * The Hanging Garden The Cure 2328 * Silent Air The Sound 2329 493 Fallin' Alicia Keys 2330 * Stuck inside of mobile with the Memphis Blues again Bob Dylan 2331 * Amie Damien Rice 2332 * Do It! Death from Above 1979 2333 * Expresso Love Dire Straits 2334 2367 Deep Cover Dr. Dre 2335 * Is there something I should know Duran Duran 2336 * Kentucky Rain Elvis Presley 2337 * If I didn't have a dime Gene Pitney 2338 * Fiets Herman Van Veen 2339 2086 Toccata und Fuge in d-Moll (BWV 565) Johann Sebastian Bach 2340 1386 Das Model Kraftwerk 2341 * Do the evolution Pearl Jam 2342 * Mystery Repeats Pete Philly & Perquisite 2343 1345 Arriving Somewhere, But Not Here Porcupine Tree 2344 1434 Barcelona Queen & Montserrat Cabaret 2345 * It's not about you Scouting For Girls 2346 487 Here comes your man The Pixies 2347 2383 Carte Blanche Veracoccha 2348 1509 I lie and I cheat Won Ton Ton 2349 * Two princes Spin Doctors 2350 * Same old song and dance Aerosmith 2351 2025 Don't matter Akon 2352 * This is the Life Amy McDonald 2353 * Valkyrie Missile Angels & Airwaves 2354 * Into the death Atari Teenage Riot 2355 * Kara Degil Mi Badem 2356 394 The funeral Band of Horses 2357 * Behind the wall of sleep Black Sabbath 2358 679 Welterusten Mijnheer de President Boudewijn de Groot 2359 * Wonderchild Christian Walz 2360 814 The Hardest Part Coldplay 2361 * Kerk De Jeugd Van Tegenwoordig 2362 * Let the four winds blow Fats Domino 2363 2392 Don't you want me Felix 2364 * The Message Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five 2365 147 Boulevard of Broken Dreams Green Day 2366 * Love Like Semtex Infadels 2367 2396 All the things (your man won't do) Joe 2368 * Your eyes open Keane 2369 2398 Good Times, Bad Times Led Zeppelin 2370 * Like Herod Mogwai 2371 * I am I Said Neil Diamond 2372 2402 Aquarius Party Animals 2373 1506 Lodi Dodi Snoop Dogg 2374 1463 Blind Pilots The Cooper Temple Clause 2375 * Chelsea Dagger The Fratellis 2376 * Are you there Margaret? It's me, God The Lawrence Arms 2377 2148 Gouge Away The Pixies 2378 1559 Lavinia The Veils 2379 * Conquest The White Stripes 2380 * I hope I don't fall in love with you Tom Waits 2381 315 My Heroics, Part I Absynthe Minded 2382 1493 Let's stay together Al Green 2383 * If you're not the one Daniel Beddingfield 2384 1082 Carnaval de Paris Dario G 2385 2187 Hayling FC Kahuna 2386 * A Love Supreme, Pt. 1: Acknowledgement John Coltrane 2387 * This Time Jonathan Rhys Meyers 2388 2465 Lust in the movies Long Blondes 2389 2417 The City Sleeps Mark Griffin 2390 * Ocean breathes salty Modest Mouse 2391 2420 The Box Orbital 2392 * Infra-red Placebo 2393 * San Francisco Scott McKenzie 2394 * What's the reason Silkstone 2395 2406 La Breeze Simian 2396 871 Astronaut Spinvis 2397 * What a waster The Libertines 2398 * California Dreaming The Mamas & The Papas 2399 * Starship Trooper Yes 2400 * The frigid, frigid, frigid body of Dr. TJ Eckleberg Yume Bitsu 2401 * Pictures of matchstick men Status Quo 2402 2431 Missin, Sade Angie Stone 2403 * If you were there, beware Arctic Monkeys 2404 821 Zalig zijn de armen van geest At the close of every day 2405 2411 Twist and shout Beatles 2406 421 Something Beatles 2407 * 8th symphony Beethoven 2408 474 I Still Remember Bloc Party 2409 789 One Love Blue 2410 * Red River Shore Bob Dylan 2411 * First Date Danko Jones 2412 1737 Niets kan mij nog stoppen De Poema's 2413 2439 Hocus Pocus Focus 2414 * La Passion Gigi D'Agostino 2415 1446 Homecoming Green Day 2416 2440 The Point of No Return Immortal Technique 2417 2441 Suicide Blonde INXS 2418 695 Heartbeats Jose Gonzalez 2419 * Rooftops Lost Prophets 2420 * Hangar 18 Megadeath 2421 2448 Bang bang (my baby shot me down) Nancy Sinatra 2422 1771 Scared of girls Placebo 2423 * Fight the power Public Enemy 2424 630 Love of my life Queen 2425 * It's beginning to get to me Snow Patrol 2426 * Tears on fresh fruit Sparklehorse 2427 * The Owls Go Architecture in Helsinki 2428 * Baby One More Time Britney Spears 2429 2458 She Charles Aznavour 2430 * Everything's not lost Coldplay 2431 * Don't let the sun go down on me Elton John & George Michael 2432 2462 Roll Model Eminem 2433 * You're the only one Maria Mena 2434 * Southern Man Neil Young 2435 2328 Rearviewmirror Pearl Jam 2436 1895 Heavyweight champion of the world Reverend and the Makers 2437 * Millenium Robbie Williams 2438 * You are a wolf Sea Wolf 2439 2614 Amber The Cooper Temple Clause 2440 * Wonderfull Woman The Smiths 2441 2477 Lot mi mor lopen Willem Vermandere 2442 * Sorry, blame it on me Akon 2443 * Another Sunny Day Belle and Sebastien 2444 2460 Don't dream it's over Crowded House 2445 * Volcano Damien Rice 2446 2487 Ordinary Sunset Das Pop 2447 * Gimme the heat dEUS 2448 2897 Praise you Fatboy Slim 2449 * The lady is a tramp Frank Sinatra 2450 * Come Fly with Me Frank Sinatra 2451 488 Broad Daylight Gabriel Rios 2452 2491 Diary of a mad man Gravediggaz 2453 1995 Don't Cry Guns n' Roses 2454 * Frontin' Jamie Cullum 2455 * Roc Boys Jay-Z 2456 2494 In Rime John Frusciante 2457 2089 Good Golly Miss Molly Little Richard 2458 2466 Achilles, Agony & Ecstacy Manowar 2459 2496 Devil's dance Metallica 2460 * Bodyrock Moby 2461 * Butterflies and hurricanes Muse 2462 * OPP Naughty by nature 2463 2661 You Wish Oceansize 2464 1955 Als die mic aanstaat Opgezwolle ft. Typhoon 2465 * The happiest days of our lives Pink Floyd 2466 2329 Couple of guys Racoon 2467 395 Man on the Moon REM 2468 2384 Unchained Melody Righteous Brothers 2469 * Pretty Woman Roy Orbison 2470 * Tongue Seether 2471 230 Chocolate Snow Patrol 2472 2615 A Feast of Friends The Doors 2473 * It won't be long The Hives 2474 * Meglio Cosi Zero Assoluto 2475 2509 Daylight Aesop Rock 2476 * Oh Yeah Ash 2477 1062 Man or animal Audioslave 2478 * Gingham Smalls Baxter Drury 2479 * Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien Edith Piaf 2480 2515 Dancing in the moonlight Elvis Costello 2481 * She Elvis Costello 2482 * I am free Erik Vee 2483 * Hit the Floor Linkin Park 2484 1581 Tuesday's Gone Lynyrd Skynyrd 2485 * Jij hebt mij niet nodig Marco Borsato 2486 * Sultans of Swing Mark Knopfler 2487 * The Black Parade My Chemical Romance 2488 508 All good things (come to an end) Nelly Furtado 2489 * Dirty Old Town Pogues 2490 * The Prophet's Song Queen 2491 2524 The Blast Talib Kweli & Hi Tek 2492 * Haiti The Arcade Fire 2493 * Why won't you talk about it The Radio Dept. 2494 2505 Capture with a magnet The Thermals 2495 1726 The nowhere man The Veils 2496 720 I'm waiting for the man The Velvet Underground 2497 * Pale Blue Eyes The Velvet Underground 2498 * Sun in her Eyes Tom Helsen 2499 * Ik wil deze nacht in de straten verdwalen Wannes van de Velde 2500 1247 Je Range Zita Swoon 2501 2336 Giving in Adema 2502 * What's my age again Blink 182 2503 * Omdat Bloem 2504 1594 Dancing in the dark Bruce Springsteen 2505 * Vivaldi: Sposa son Disprezzata Cecilia Bartoli 2506 * Ako, ako Crvena Jubaka 2507 * Seasons Grace Slick 2508 402 Mad about you Hooverphonic 2509 2533 Keine Melodien Jeans Team 2510 * Pocketful of money Jens Lekman 2511 * Whispering Tide Joseph Childress 2512 * If you were a sailboat Katie Melua 2513 * Born in the eighties Millow 2514 2521 La pour ca Nada Surf 2515 * Jack The Ripper Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds 2516 588 Suicidal Thoughts Notorious BIG 2517 * Eigen Wereld Opgezwolle 2518 2539 Mosquito Song Queens of the Stone Age 2519 * The National Anthem Radiohead 2520 * When I get you alone Robin Thicke 2521 * Take me to the riot Stars 2522 1294 Maybe tomorrow Stereophonics 2523 * Strange ones Supergrass 2524 * Higher The Game 2525 2544 Bigmouth strikes again The Smiths 2526 2728 And it Rained All Night Thom Yorke 2527 * Make it rain Tom Waits 2528 1431 Pride (In the name of love) U2 2529 243 First breath after coma Explosions in the Sky 2530 2595 Staralfur Sigur Rós 2531 * Ghetto gospel 2PAC 2532 * Old Yellow Bricks Arctic Monkeys 2533 * Astronomy Blue Öyster Cult 2534 * Gates of Eden Bob Dylan 2535 * Dreams Cranberries 2536 2548 Too drunk to fuck Dead Kennedys 2537 2603 I've got you under my skin Frank Sinatra 2538 533 Still got the blues Gary Moore 2539 * Beautiful Live Gui Boratto 2540 1330 The tower Ice T 2541 * Tears and rain James Blunt 2542 1837 Day is Done Johan 2543 * Mala Vida Mano Negra 2544 2556 Walk on water Milk. Inc 2545 637 Here comes the summer Moke 2546 1167 Say it right Nelly Furtado 2547 2559 Radio-friendly unit shifter Nirvana 2548 2561 Chin Check NWA 2549 1467 Morning Glory Oasis 2550 * Enola Gay OMD 2551 2536 I am mine Pearl Jam 2552 2126 Us Regina Spektor 2553 2376 Stay Saybia 2554 * Majesty Snowbird Sufjan Stevens 2555 444 Brown eyed girl Van Morrisson 2556 * I Will Always Love You Whitney Houston 2557 1019 War Pigs Black Sabbath 2558 * Shoot to thrill AC/DC 2559 2429 Het geeft niet Acda & De Munnik 2560 1512 Tears dry on their own Amy Winehouse 2561 * The First, The Last, My Everything Barry White 2562 2319 White wedding Billy Idol 2563 * Old time rock & roll Bob Segar 2564 * Voor de overlevenden Boudewijn de Groot 2565 2412 Expecting to fly Buffalo Springfield 2566 512 Dias de Luta, Dias de Gloria Charlie Brown Jr. 2567 * Hospital Beds Cold War Kids 2568 * Yes Coldplay 2569 1903 Everything counts Depeche Mode 2570 * Rollercoaster Di-Rect 2571 * Nachtzuster Doe Maar 2572 2577 Tarantula Faithless 2573 2582 Lola Jansse Bagge Band 2574 * Crazy Jasper Erkenss 2575 * Solitary Man Johnny Cash 2576 2584 Feel what you want Kristine W 2577 * This is us Mark Knopfler & Emmylou Harris 2578 * The Brews NOFX 2579 735 Welcome to the machine Pink Floyd 2580 * Machine Gun Portishead 2581 * Rebel without a pause Public Enemy 2582 1484 Good-old fashioned lover boy Queen 2583 2877 What I'd say Ray Charles 2584 2450 I Got A Woman Ray Charles 2585 * Suck my kiss Red Hot Chili Peppers 2586 2778 Sweetness Follows REM 2587 * Midnight Coward Stars 2588 819 The Second Part The Dears 2589 2455 Sewn The Feeling 2590 655 Smile like you meant it The Killers 2591 1056 Like a Criminal The Sheila Divine 2592 * La Grange ZZ Top 2593 * What's Up 4 Non Blondes 2594 * Head over feet Alanis Morissette 2595 * Guardians of Asgaard Amon Amarth 2596 1665 Lost Anouk 2597 * Perhaps vampires is a bit strong.. Arctic Monkeys 2598 * I would hurt a fly Built to Spill 2599 * Rain King Counting Crows 2600 * Weather With You Crowded House 2601 2573 Mien toentje Ede Staal 2602 * Are you lonesome tonight Elvis Presley 2603 * Come back around Feeder 2604 * 100 Years Five For Fighting 2605 * When your minds made up Glen Hansard & Marketa Irglova 2606 * 22 Acacia Avenue Iron Maiden 2607 * I didn't mean to hurt you John Lennon 2608 * Lovers are losing Keane 2609 * Teachers Leonard Cohen 2610 288 Pink Moon Nick Drake 2611 2611 Return of the G Outkast 2612 1141 Ik wil niet dat je liegt Paul De Leeuw 2613 * The Irish Rover Pogues 2614 2959 Born of a broken man Rage Against The Machine 2615 2640 Ut roeie Klied Rowwen Hèze 2616 * Jimmy Olsen's Blues Spin Doctors 2617 * Once in a lifetime Texas 2618 * Pressure Drop Toots & The Maytals 2619 * The Angel and the One Weezer 2620 * Zeg me wereld Zanna 2621 * When did your heart go missing Rooney 2622 2456 Thank U Alanis Morissette 2623 * 4 Aphex Twin 2624 1495 Fluorescent Adolescent Arctic Monkeys 2625 * Guyamas Sonora Beirut 2626 * Nantes Beirut 2627 2652 All I gave to you Blackwood 2628 * Flux Bloc Party 2629 * Omarm Blof 2630 1107 Mr. Robinson's Quango Blur 2631 1645 Carrion British Sea Power 2632 2388 Big Yellow Taxi Counting Crows 2633 * Shenkie De Jeugd Van Tegenwoordig 2634 * Oh Well Fleetwood Mac 2635 * De man in de wolken Harrie Jekkers 2636 2632 The Streets Kool G Rap 2637 * Bongo Bongo Manu Chao 2638 1119 Grace Kelly Mika 2639 * Stalemate Nada Surf 2640 338 Old Man Neil Young 2641 1181 Holland, 1945 Neutral Milk Hotel 2642 * Hero Nickleback 2643 * Spiritual Home Nomak 2644 2636 Vlieg met me mee naar de regenboog Paul De Leeuw 2645 * When The Tigers Broke Free Pink Floyd 2646 * Radio Robbie Williams 2647 * Do For Love Sabrina Starke 2648 1552 Hold on, I'm coming Sam & Dave 2649 2613 Glosoli Sigur Rós 2650 * Anna's Song Silverchair 2651 2644 Flint Sufjan Stevens 2652 * The preditory wasp of the palisades is out to get us! Sufjan Stevens 2653 * Never alone/Always together The Black Box Revelation 2654 2860 Tick Tick Boom The Hives 2655 * I'm a Believer The Monkees 2656 2961 Mistaken for strangers The National 2657 * Ocean Avenue Yellowcard 2658 * Ja Kunem Se U Ljubav Zeljko Samardzic 2659 2599 You oughta know Alanis Morissette 2660 2715 Knocking on heaven's door Guns n' Roses 2661 * My Cool Adam Tensta 2662 * Diep in mijn hart André Hazes 2663 968 A Certain Romance Arctic Monkeys 2664 2481 Everybody's stalking Badly Drawn Boy 2665 1924 No Rain Blind Melon 2666 * Right turn clyde Bloodhound Gang 2667 * Bring it on Goose 2668 * First of the last calls Husker Du 2669 * De Zin van het Leven II Zwaard 2670 2656 Eve of the War Jeff Wayne 2671 * Summertime Jessica Hoop 2672 1864 Break Stuff Limp Bizkit 2673 1010 Voorbij Marco Borsato & Do 2674 2658 Ti Sento Matia Bazar 2675 1667 Graffiti Maximo Park 2676 * Spanish Stroll Mink Deville 2677 2265 Fire it up Modest Mouse 2678 2660 Black Helicopters Non Phixion 2679 1551 Katy Song Red House Painters 2680 1397 In the music The Roots 2681 * Poke Salad Annie Tony Joe White 2682 2381 TNT Tortoise 2683 * Like light to the flies Trivium 2684 2707 Zookey Yves Larock 2685 * Balkanska Zana 2686 * No Diggity Blackstreet 2687 * One Love Bob Marley 2688 * Nomadic Revery Bonnie Prince Billy 2689 * C'è Cristi Bugo 2690 * James Brown Cage The Elephant 2691 * History of Lovers Calexico/Iron and Wine 2692 * The Road Ahead City to City 2693 2678 Locotes Cypress Hill 2694 * Pjanoo Eric Prydz 2695 2680 This fire Franz Ferdinand 2696 * Higher and higher Jackie Wilson 2697 2683 Twentysomething Jamie Cullum 2698 2687 Time Tonight John Frusciante 2699 491 Ruby Kaiser Chiefs 2700 * On the nature of daylight Max Richter 2701 * Disco Lies Moby 2702 * You know what you are? Nine Inch Nails 2703 * Don't go away Oasis 2704 * A Bird in Hand Owen 2705 2693 Max Paolo Conte 2706 1527 Victory Puff Daddy 2707 2115 Around the world Red Hot Chili Peppers 2708 528 Check the meaning Richard Ashcroft 2709 2375 Ride of the Valkyries Richard Wagner 2710 941 Love in Vain Rolling Stones 2711 2564 Memory Motel Rolling Stones 2712 * Xanadu Rush 2713 * Disaster Button Snow Patrol 2714 * Voor ik vergeet Spinvis 2715 * Blanke Rapper Steen 2716 2700 Desert Rose Sting 2717 * I think I like you The Black Box Revelation 2718 2173 Talking to a brick wall The Cooper Temple Clause 2719 * Abra Cadaver The Hives 2720 2705 Sonnet The Verve 2721 2783 Dead leaves and the dirty ground The White Stripes 2722 * Behind blue eyes The Who 2723 2286 Troubadour Tim Buckley 2724 245 Freestyler Bomfunk MC's 2725 2622 Lunar sea Camel 2726 * Mmm mmm mmm mmm Crash Test Dummies 2727 * Ze Zijn Terug De Jazzpolitie 2728 * Disco Inforno Earth, Wind & Fire 2729 * Yasmin the light Explosions in the Sky 2730 * History's not made by great men Gang of Four 2731 * No Pussy Blues Grinderman 2732 * Aujourd'hui, je dit bonjour a la vie Harmonium 2733 2716 Raegejas Jansse Bagge Band 2734 2684 It must be love Jasper Steverlinck 2735 2719 Bar tropical Johan Verminnen 2736 * Big River Johnny Cash 2737 2554 Modern Way Kaiser Chiefs 2738 * Rain down on me Kane 2739 999 Afrika Shox Leftfield 2740 * Pennyroyal Tea Nirvana 2741 * Is this the world we created Queen 2742 2723 By your side Sade 2743 463 The second you sleep Saybia 2744 * The Way To Your Heart Soulsister 2745 2726 Such a shame Talk Talk 2746 874 Frankly, Mr Shankly The Smiths 2747 2814 Commotion Triggerfinger 2748 * Running with the devil Van Halen 2749 2730 7 Seconds Youssou N'Dour & Neneh Cherry 2750 * The year of the cat Al Stewart 2751 1970 Lately British Sea Power 2752 1148 Ohio Dandy Warhols 2753 * So Sorry Feist 2754 2125 Short song for a short mind Girls in Hawaii 2755 * Het Leven is nog nooit zo mooi geweest Hautekiet & De Leeuw 2756 2741 Back to the middle India Arie 2757 2742 You Played Yourself Jeru The Damaja 2758 2827 One of Us Joan Osbourne 2759 2346 Surfing with the alien Joe Satriani 2760 * Hello Dolly Louis Armstrong 2761 * Breathe in Lucie Silvas 2762 * Won't go home without you Maroon 5 2763 * Happy Ending Mika 2764 2875 Burn Neurosis 2765 * The Way it is Nicole Atkins 2766 * Bob NOFX 2767 2232 Two dope boyz (In a Cadillac) Outkast 2768 * Meisjes van 13 Paul Van Vliet 2769 * Another love song Queens of the Stone Age 2770 * I can't stop this feeling I got Razorlight 2771 2227 Monster The Automatic 2772 2756 Dreams The Game 2773 * Did i Tell you The Spinto Band 2774 2670 Mermaid Blues Tom McRae 2775 * Elevation U2 2776 * Land of 1000 dances Wilson Pickett 2777 * You are a runner and I am a father's son Wolf Parade 2778 2788 Zwerver met een wekker Acda & De Munnik 2779 2769 Famous and Dandy Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy 2780 * Pokusaj Elvir Lakovic Laka 2781 1277 Forever Lost God is an astronaut 2782 2773 Knoakehel Jansse Bagge Band 2783 2774 Reincarnation Kenji Kawai 2784 * Rock 'n roll tonight Kiss 2785 2775 Move closer Marylin Martin 2786 1865 Travel is dangerous Mogwai 2787 * Voormalig Rebel Neuk! 2788 1524 Kijk omhoog Nick & Simon 2789 * Suffer for fashion Of Montreal 2790 2855 Against all odds Phil Collins 2791 * A song for the dead Queens of the Stone Age 2792 2562 You and whose army? Radiohead 2793 * Gobbledigook Sigur Rós 2794 391 Scarborough fair Simon & Garfunkel 2795 * Unlucky Charm The Crayons 2796 2781 Blitzkrieg Bop The Ramones 2797 * Let Me Be Xavier Rudd 2798 2863 Black hope shot down Zornik 2799 * Try Again Aaliyah 2800 2510 Come Home Julie Come Home American Analog Set 2801 2763 Rusted Guns of Milan Art Brut 2802 2790 Obsésion Aventura 2803 * Aanzoek zonder ringen Blof 2804 * Masters of War Bob Dylan 2805 2817 Three little birds Bob Marley 2806 * Winter Wine Caravan 2807 * Lugar Ao Sol Charlie Brown Jr. 2808 * Proud Mary Creedence Clearwater Revival 2809 1272 September '99 Earth, Wind & Fire 2810 * Grounds for Divorce Elbow 2811 * Kim Eminem 2812 * Wodan Heerst Heidevolk 2813 * The Clairvoyant Iron Maiden 2814 2795 Turn the lights on John Cale 2815 2796 Super Duper Love Joss Stone 2816 * Spiralling Keane 2817 2901 Nothing in my way Keane 2818 * Work Kelly Rowland 2819 * Laat mij maar alleen Klein Orkest 2820 * Mijn Feyenoord Lee Towers 2821 * Lopen op het water Marco Borsato & Sita 2822 2799 Splash Masta Ace 2823 * Bad Michael Jackson 2824 * Modern Mafia Modern Athlete 2825 * The Riverboat Song Ocean Color Scene 2826 * Time Flies Pete Philly & Perquisite 2827 2041 The mess we're in PJ Harvey 2828 * Give it all Rise Against 2829 * Supreme Robbie Williams 2830 * It's only us Robbie Williams 2831 * Midnight Rambler Rolling Stones 2832 * Back for good Take That 2833 * My mistakes were made for you The Last Shadow Puppets 2834 * Making up numbers The Pigeon Detectives 2835 2816 U-Way Youngbloodz 2836 * I've got a message for you Bee Gees 2837 * Stayin Alive Bee Gees 2838 1675 Come Together Blur 2839 * Amore Bello Claudio Baglioni 2840 * Sex verandert alles De Mens 2841 2214 Waltz #2 Elliott Smith 2842 * Percy's Song Fairport Convention 2843 * The Pretender Foo Fighters 2844 2824 Vriendschap Het Goede Doel 2845 * Dream Reality Josiah Leming 2846 * Through the wire Kanye West 2847 2830 Last Night Montell Jordan 2848 2805 Pigeon Song Patrick Wolf 2849 * Gratefull Pete Philly & Perquisite 2850 2832 Make it hardcore Public Enemy & Paris 2851 * Sammy Ramses Shaffy 2852 1701 Heilige Anthonius Rowwen Hèze 2853 * Into the night Santana & Chad Kroeger 2854 * Silverfuck Smashing Pumpkins 2855 2833 E-talking Soulwax 2856 2979 Put it on The Big L 2857 2835 Reptile The Church 2858 * Why Don't You Get A Job The Offspring 2859 * Barely Legal The Strokes 2860 * Sometimes you can't make it on your own U2 2861 * Suzanne VOF De Kunst 2862 446 Bedankt mijn vriend André Hazes 2863 2965 Een beetje verliefd André Hazes 2864 2480 The Adventure Angels & Airwaves 2865 * Iron Lion Zion Bob Marley 2866 * I called you back Bonnie Prince Billy 2867 * Smalltown Boy Bronski Beat 2868 1736 Be Common 2869 * Am I Evil? Diamond Head 2870 * Folk i Farta Diskjokke 2871 * Fly Me To The Moon Frank Sinatra 2872 * Infinity Guru Josh Project 2873 * King of the Bongo Manu Chao 2874 314 Rood Marco Borsato 2875 * Mechanix Megadeath 2876 * Paper Planes MIA 2877 2635 Spiral Static Muse 2878 * Popular Nada Surf 2879 * Beautiful Beat Nada Surf 2880 * Birth of the tree Orphaned Land 2881 * World Leader Pretend R.E.M. 2882 * The first time ever I saw your face Roberta Flack 2883 * How Could This Happen To Me Simple Plan 2884 * Kool Thing Sonic Youth 2885 * Wherever you will go The Calling 2886 1962 I'm gonna be (500 miles) The Proclaimers 2887 * You and me & Bourgeoisie The Submarines 2888 * The Rock The Who 2889 * Despite what you've been told Two Gallants 2890 * 12xu Wire 2891 1613 Steady as she goes The Raconteurs 2892 2757 The Best Tina Turner 2893 * Fell in love Alain Clark 2894 * Ticket to ride Beatles 2895 * Joey Bob Dylan 2896 * Achter de hemelpoort Boudewijn De Groot 2897 * The Voice Within Christina Aguilera 2898 * Eén nacht alleen Doe Maar 2899 2871 Tell me Ginuwine 2900 2872 Gouryella Gouryella 2901 * Regular Day in Bosnia Heideroosjes 2902 * In the Waves Matt the Electrician 2903 * Spanish Key Miles Davis 2904 * Cambiara Pagina Paolo e Chiara 2905 * Voorbij Paul De Leeuw 2906 1633 Yellow Hedgegrow Dreamscape Porcupine Tree 2907 * Show Me Love Robin S 2908 2856 Eple Royksopp 2909 * Anarchy in the UK Sex Pistols 2910 2881 Sugar Kane Sonic Youth 2911 2882 Poor misguided fool Starsailor 2912 139 The Logical Song Supertramp 2913 2228 Music Box The Cooper Temple Clause 2914 2885 Hooker with a penis Tool 2915 * After Hours We Are Scientists 2916 * Leave the light on Beth Hart 2917 * Turn the page Bob Seeger 2918 * Erie Canal Bruce Springsteen 2919 2891 This strange effect Dave Berry 2920 * Black Night Deep Purple 2921 2894 Black hawk down Eddy Woo 2922 * While you were sleeping Elvis Perkins 2923 2896 Return to Sender Elvis Presley 2924 2898 The Race Ferry Corsten 2925 2717 Are you gonna be my girl Jet 2926 2900 Locomotive Breath Jethro Tull 2927 * Ramble On Led Zeppelin 2928 265 What a wonderfull world Louis Armstrong 2929 * How do I breath Mario 2930 * Mercy Mercy Me Marvin Gaye 2931 2906 Always Love Nada Surf 2932 417 De volle Opgezwolle 2933 * Start me up Rolling Stones 2934 2315 Vaka Sigur Rós 2935 2911 Kom in de cockpit Spinvis 2936 * Marmelade System of a down 2937 * Skyscrapers The Arrogants 2938 * Our Bovine Public The Cribs 2939 2780 Pick up the phone The Notwist 2940 * New York City Cops The Strokes 2941 2507 The Good Kind The Wreckers 2942 * Reggae Ambassador Third World 2943 * Ready, Set, Go Tokio Hotel 2944 * Zoals Zij Vivian Kraaijeveld 2945 * (Don't fear) The Reaper Blue Öyster Cult 2946 2675 Wanted dead or alive Bon Jovi 2947 523 I don't like mondays Boomtown Rats 2948 * Violet Hill Coldplay 2949 2104 Passenger Deftones 2950 2545 Heaven Do 2951 * Metal Gear Solid Theme Eminence Orchestra 2952 2943 All Right Now Free 2953 * Damclub Hooligan Heideroosjes 2954 * Toen ik je zag Hero 2955 2304 All at sea Jamie Cullum 2956 * If heartaches were nickles Joe Bonamassa 2957 2745 She will be loved Maroon 5 2958 * Silly Lily, Funny Bunny Maximilian Hecker 2959 * Black Cadillacs Modest Mouse 2960 * I've only just begun to fight Natalia 2961 2927 5 o'clock Nonchalant 2962 * Made in Orleans OMD 2963 1370 Anthem for the year 2000 Silverchair 2964 2834 Marquee Moon Television 2965 * That's not my name The Ting Tings 2966 2838 Black Swan Thom Yorke 2967 * Fuck the world Turbonegro 2968 696 Het Dorp Wim Sonneveld 2969 656 Hammerhead A Brand 2970 2935 Cochise Audioslave 2971 2936 Summer Girl Beck 2972 2917 Coffee & TV Blur 2973 2939 Levitibus Canibus 2974 * Include me out dEUS 2975 * Signatune DJ Mehdi 2976 * It don't mean a thing (if it ain't got no swing) Duke Ellington 2977 2390 Switching off Elbow 2978 * Glorious Day Embrace 2979 2944 Ready or not Fugees 2980 * Group Four Massive Attack 2981 2953 Human being lawnmower MC5 2982 * Kick out the jams MC5 2983 1791 Rainy Green Grass Mondialito 2984 2954 Children of the night Nakatomi 2985 * I Can Nas 2986 * Last Kiss Pearl Jam 2987 507 Snow Red Hot Chili Peppers 2988 * Let's get this paper Rich Boy 2989 * Don't cry for me Argentina Sinead O'Connor 2990 * L'Amora Sonohra 2991 * Antwaarpe Stafki Fabri 2992 * Scars Stan Van Samang 2993 * Carry me Ohio Sun Kil Moon 2994 * Long time coming The Zutons 2995 * Het Apenkot Vuile Mong & Zijn Vieze Gasten 2996 * King of my castle Wamdue Project 2997 * Heart of the sunrise Yes 2998 * Neem me mee Abel 2999 * Bad Company Bad Company 3000 * Nijmegen Bjorn van der Doelen 3001 * Aantwaarpe De Strangers 3002 * Nosebleed Deftones 3003 * The Wild Rover Dropkick Murphys 3004 * I'm still standing Elton John 3005 2971 De Verzoening Frank Boeijen 3006 * Let it snow Frank Sinatra 3007 * Bloasmuziek Gé Reinders 3008 607 You've got a friend James Taylor 3009 * Pocketful of sunshine Natasha Bedingfield 3010 2354 The king of carrot flowers Neutral Milk Hotel 3011 * See Emily Play Pink Floyd 3012 2976 Verlangen Quincy 3013 1086 Close Your Eyes Racoon 3014 1822 She's the one Robbie Williams 3015 2883 People get ready The Frames 3016 * Fascist Cops The Kids This topic was brought to you by: Simon & Gino, organisators Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Richarð. Gepost November 2, 2009 Share Gepost November 2, 2009 Ik doe zeker mee, alleen even kijken hoeveel nummers ik doe.:) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stefan_helmond Gepost November 2, 2009 Share Gepost November 2, 2009 Waarvoor staan die getallen in de 2de rij? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ginola Gepost November 2, 2009 Share Gepost November 2, 2009 Positie van het jaar ervoor (dus in dit geval 2007). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arno Gepost November 2, 2009 Share Gepost November 2, 2009 Ik doe mee, zal wel even bezig zijn met het maken van een mooi lijstje Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Gepost November 2, 2009 Share Gepost November 2, 2009 I'm in, zal er eens een mooi lijstje uit gooien. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
#7926 Gepost November 2, 2009 Share Gepost November 2, 2009 Wat een saaie lijst trouwens. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bono Gepost November 2, 2009 Share Gepost November 2, 2009 Mooi dat dit weer opstart. Ga dit jaar denk ik voor een top 200 oid :) Waarom mag je niet onbeperkd nomineren van artiesten? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vreven Gepost November 2, 2009 Share Gepost November 2, 2009 Omdat je dan van die groupies krijgt die 20 keer dezelfde artiest gaan nomineren. Nu moet je er nog een beetje bij nadenken. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Le Saux Gepost November 2, 2009 Share Gepost November 2, 2009 Leuk, was al een paar dagen aan het kijken wanneer jullie weer zouden starten. Hopelijk kan ik dit jaar wel eens voor de radio-uitzending gaan zitten (als jullie die weer doen), afgelopen jaren altijd moeten missen. Komende weken maar eens beetje bij beetje aan de lijst gaan werken. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ginola Gepost November 2, 2009 Share Gepost November 2, 2009 Waarom mag je niet onbeperkt nomineren van artiesten? Omdat we geen top 10 willen hebben met alleen maar rukmuziek van de Beatles ;) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arsène Gepost November 2, 2009 Share Gepost November 2, 2009 1. Aerosmith - I dont wanna miss a thing 2. Marco Borsato en Trijntje Oosterhuis – Een wereld zonder jou 3. Gordon – Kon ik nog maar even bij je zijn 4. Andre Hazes – Mag ik dan voor altijd bij je blijven 5. Gordon – Hou me nog een keer vast 6. Acda en de Munnik – Vandaag ben ik gaan lopen 7. Andre Hazes – Bedankt mijn vriend 8. Michael Jackson – The lady in my life 9. Wolter Kroes – Mag ik met je mee 10. Koos Alberts - Ik verscheurde je foto Was erg moeilijk om te kiezen bij Andre, al stond Mag ik dan voor altijd bij je blijven wel vast, maar dit is het uiteindelijk geworden. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pieter Gepost November 2, 2009 Share Gepost November 2, 2009 _O_ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vreven Gepost November 2, 2009 Share Gepost November 2, 2009 Als die van Wouter de definitieve lijst wordt, ben ik meer dan tevreden. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bono Gepost November 2, 2009 Share Gepost November 2, 2009 Omdat we geen top 10 willen hebben met alleen maar rukmuziek van de Beatles ;) Stel nou he, dat juist ik vind, dat er in mijn top100 meer dan 10 nummers van bijvoorbeeld The Band in moeten staan, dan is dat toch mijn goed recht of heb ik dat nou? Vreven's punt begrijp ik dan nog wel, maar dan is 10 imo wel erg weinig. Dit is trouwens de meest tegenstrijdige post die ik ooit heb gemaakt. Mijn punt is eigenlijk: Prima dat er een limiet op zit, maar imo zou die wel wat hoger mogen liggen dan 10. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ginola Gepost November 2, 2009 Share Gepost November 2, 2009 10 op 100 nummers is gewoon veel hoor, als je d'r meer nodig hebt tekent dat je eenzijdige muzieksmaak/tunnelvisie ;) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bono Gepost November 2, 2009 Share Gepost November 2, 2009 Tunnelvisie zou ik niet willen zeggen, ik sta open voor alles. Maar het is een feit dat ik voornamelijk klassieke rock luister ja. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ginola Gepost November 2, 2009 Share Gepost November 2, 2009 Ja, en van klassieke rock heb je allerlei soorten en allerlei artiesten, niet alleen The Band ;) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bono Gepost November 2, 2009 Share Gepost November 2, 2009 I know, daarom gaat het me waarschijnlijk ook lukken om een Top 150/200 samen te stellen met ±10 nummers van The Band en The Beatles. :) Er zal trouwens ook wat meer moderne rock tussen zitten in vergelijking met vorig jaar. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sick Blik Gepost November 3, 2009 Share Gepost November 3, 2009 Ik ga dus een volledige Hip-Hop lijst samenstellen. Kijken hoe ver ik kom. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hakai Gepost November 3, 2009 Share Gepost November 3, 2009 Ik doe volgend jaar pas mee, heb niet t idee dat ik nu echt genoeg kennis heb om een beetje een redelijke lijst te maken. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Simonsav Gepost November 3, 2009 Author Share Gepost November 3, 2009 Ik doe volgend jaar pas mee, heb niet t idee dat ik nu echt genoeg kennis heb om een beetje een redelijke lijst te maken. Gewoon doen.. het is geen tentamen ofzo he ;) Ik neem aan dat je nu toch een reeks favoriete nummers hebt? Duss maak dr een lijstje van en post het maar :thumb: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MetalMichael Gepost November 3, 2009 Share Gepost November 3, 2009 Ik ga dus een volledige Hip-Hop lijst samenstellen. Kijken hoe ver ik kom. Buiten Hip-hop geen nummers of artiesten die je goed vindt? :o Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dost Gepost November 3, 2009 Share Gepost November 3, 2009 Ik probeer het ieder jaar, maar er zijn gewoon heel veel liedjes ook die ik wel leuk vind, maar dat ik niet weet hoe ze heten en dus er niet in heb. Maarja ik zal kijken of het lukt. @ Wouter: :mrgy: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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